If you live in the South End or are trying to get there during severe weather you might hitch a ride from a Long Island Sound bluefish to navigate the rain-swollen, low-lying neighborhood. Two state agencies are charged with rectifying the flood plague.
The Connecticut Department of Housing and the Connecticut Department of Transportation invite the public to join the Resilient Bridgeport Team for a virtual Public Information Meeting on Wednesday, July 14 at 6 PM. The Resilient Bridgeport Team will present an update on the Rebuild By Design Project‘s progress, including the Johnson Street Extension, Stormwater Park and Pump Station.
Following the presentation, the team will be available to answer questions during a live Q&A session.
Zoom Webinar link: Please click this URL to join
Webinar ID: 899 2455 9439
Join by phone: 1-929-205-6099
Enter Webinar ID: 899 2455 9439
If you are unable to join the meeting, a copy of the presentation and recording of the meeting will be posted on the project website, www.resilientbridgeport.com/archive/, following the meeting.
Resilient Bridgeport is a prototype for the region’s coastal cities. Led by the State of Connecticut, it consists of a resilience strategy and pilot projects focused on protecting homes, businesses and infrastructure in the South End of Bridgeport from chronic and acute flooding in order to foster long-term prosperity in the neighborhood. Resilient Bridgeport is part of the Connecticut Department of Housing Sandy Recovery and National Disaster Resilience programs funded by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program under Public Law 113-2.
For additional background on the project see here.