From the Bridgeport Arts + Cultural Council:
Governor Dannel Malloy hosted Mayor Bill Finch and mayors from some of Connecticut’s largest cities at the Governor’s Residence Monday night January 23, 2012 to participate in the launch of a new $1 million arts initiative, “City Canvases.”
This new program, which is a project of the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is designed to revitalize Connecticut’s public spaces through large-scale art installations and spur economic development and growth.
Along with remarks from Governor Malloy, Monday night’s program included a presentation from Deputy DECD Commissioner Christopher “Kip” Bergstrom who asked the mayors in attendance to “look at the ugly walls in your city as canvases.”
A total of $1 million in arts grant funding will be provided by the state with an additional $1 million sought from private and local matches.
“I commend Governor Malloy and Commissioner Bergstrom for creating this program and recognizing the impact art and the creative class has on our cities,” said Mayor Finch following Monday night’s event. “This is a great opportunity to showcase Bridgeport’s creative class and provide residents with interesting and vibrant art in our downtown.”
Along with Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, New London, Stamford, Norwalk, Torrington, Waterbury and Middletown were also invited to submit proposals.
To learn more about City Canvasses:
www.cultureandtourism.org/cct/cwp/view.asp?a=3933&q=494902The Bridgeport Arts + Cultural Council is At the Arcade, 1001-12 Main Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut. The Welcome Center is open Tuesday – Thursday, 11am – 3pm. For further information, visit the website, www.bridgeportarts.org, or call 203-522-4154.
*** Great Idea! ***
Get going Bridgeport … We truly have the talent here to turn “ugly walls” into canvases.