UPDATE: Governor Dan Malloy on Monday announced funding for affordable housing projects around the state including the first phase of the Windward Commons, a $25 million redevelopment of the troubled Marina Village public housing complex in the South End.
According to a news release issued by the governor, this phase of the project covers 60 units: 48 units of housing for households with incomes up to 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), including 15 project-based Section 8 rental subsidies, 12 supportive units and 12 market rate units.
Financing was approved by the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority. The Bridgeport Housing Authority, now called Park City Communities, has announced a multi-phase redevelopment of Marina Village which has been plagued by crime and flooding issues.
Windward Development Associates is a Stamford-based private company whose principals include Todd D. McClutchy, developer of the Crescent Crossings mixed-use housing initiative on the East Side.
The new Windward apartments will be developed on the demolished portion of the Marina site where it borders Park Avenue, according to McClutchey. The project is a collaboration between McClutchey and the housing authority which owns the land. The block is at the nexus of Railroad, Park, Johnson and Columbia.
“Leveraging federal tax credits with other public and private funding will not only provide much-needed affordable housing for Connecticut residents, the construction and other work involved in bringing these new units online will generate jobs and economic activity in the state,” Malloy stated in the release.
Both Crescent Crossings and Windward Commons are privately developed, mixed-income housing. They include market-rate units, affordable units, and a percentage of public housing replacements units for residents displaced from Marina Village, according to McClutchey.
Estimated completion date for Windward Commons is spring 2019.
Now look! We have Bridgeports own “Dresden South” to join Sal DiNardo’s Dresden East!
The Council,in its wisdom, allocated millions from the City budget under Finch to destroy perfectly sound buildings in the South End. Another bad project I voted against
Now, this release does not state where this pork barrel project is going to be built. Where, I have the temerity to ask?
Windward Commons. Nice name.
Twent-five million for 60 units is about $417,000 per unit. Nice.
Will the residents be sending thank-you notes to taxpayers?
I like the ‘Bronx Tenement’ architectural motif. But wouldn’t it just be cheaper to buy those people houses in Easton?
Tom that’s not including the land value, Demo costs or environmental cleanup or tenant relocation
Finch has been adequately compensated by the dem machine for doing the dirty work
Everybody eats
Taxpayer A paying for Non-Taxpayer B