Stafstrom Appointed To Key Legislative Committees

News release from State Rep. Steve Stafstrom:

State Representative Steven Stafstrom (D-Bridgeport), who recently took the oath of office in the 129th Assembly District, has been appointed to serve on three key General Assembly committees by Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey (D-Hamden).

Rep. Stafstrom will be a member of the Judiciary, Environment, and Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committees.

“I want to thank Speaker Sharkey for the opportunity to serve on these legislative committees,” Rep. Stafstrom said. “I understand the oversight of these committees is critically important to the operations of state government and to my pledge to serve the needs of all the people in my district.”

“I’m confident Rep. Stafstrom will be an important asset as he undertakes serving in the legislature,” Speaker Sharkey said. “I know the committees will be well served by his leadership.”

The Judiciary Committee has cognizance of all matters relating to courts, judicial procedures, criminal law, probate courts, probation, parole, wills, estates, adoption, divorce, bankruptcy, escheat, law libraries, deeds, mortgages, conveyancing, preservation of land records and other public documents.

The Environment Committee has oversight over matters relating to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection that include conservation, recreation, pollution control, fisheries and game, state parks and forests, water resources and flood and erosion control; and all matters relating to the Department of Agriculture, including farming, dairy products and domestic animals.

The Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee has jurisdiction over all matters relating to finance, revenue, capital bonding, fees and taxation. The committee also has cognizance over employer contributions for unemployment compensation and all matters relating to the Department of Revenue Services and the revenue aspects of the Division of Special.



  1. Finance, Revenue and BONDING. I am shocked at how lucky Steve Stafstrom can get. And Steve says he could not think of a possible conflict of interest with serving in the legislature, being employed by Pullman and Comley AND having an uncle who serves as Bond Counsel. And I am willing to bet he can still not think of a conflict.

  2. Steve’s fans all along have said having Uncle John would give him a leg up. Fair or not, it’s time to move forward and use this field position to our advantage.

  3. The Steve Stafstrom Apology

    “I take full responsibility for the mistakes that led to my suspension from the City Council and for the 2014 season. I regret that my actions raising taxes on the poor people of the 129th district made the situation worse than it needed to be. To Mario, DTC and the dumb ass taxpayers of Bridgeport, the Finch family, the members of the City Council and you, the Finchettes, I can only say I’m sorry,” I got caught.
    Only me, with the help from my running mate, Sue (I’ll tax your asses off) Brannelly.
    “Only a dope like me would do that stuff and have the two worst statistical seasons of my political career.” Flucking Torres!
    “You had pocket aces!” “Pocket. Aces. And somehow you blew the hand. You could’ve walked away two years ago. You could’ve grown a beard, gotten fat, and you’d have had a career to be proud of, I did get fat! And you’d be a lock for the Mayor’s job in 2016 said my uncle. But no. You had to … had to.”
    “It was gracious of Mario to offer me the use of Testo’s Hash House for this apology but I decided the next time I’m in Testo’s, I’ll try the Pappardelle with Garlic.
    I served the longest suspension in the history of City Council except for Paoletto of the 138th. Oh wait, he wasn’t suspended, he was given a three-month paid vacation thanks to Finch, McCarthy and Hamilton Burger!
    Tom McCarthy has said the matter is over. Finch has said the same. Mmy uncle has threatened every member on the DTC with a property tax increase if they voted for Hector Diaz over me. My company Pullman and Comley LLC. has said the next step is to “play baseball,” when I get to Hartford. “I’m ready to put this chapter behind me and play some ball, wink*. This game has been my single biggest passion since I moved from Fairfield two years ago. When I go to Hartford, I will do everything I can to be the best sellout Speaker Sharkey will have, and I hope I earn a spot on the State Bond Commission.
    So please vote for me and stop all this talk about conflict of interest.


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