House Speaker Matt Ritter has appointed State Rep. Antonio Felipe chair of the Housing Committee. Felipe joins State Senator Marilyn Moore as Bridgeport legislators leading the key committee in both legislative chambers during the current session of the General Assembly.
Felipe represents the 130th State House District that covers Downtown, South End, West End and a piece of the East Side including the Steelpointe Harbor redevelopment area where hundreds of market rate and affordable units are planned.
So Bridgeport will have a huge voice moving forward in housing matters with Felipe and Moore helming respective leadership roles in the House and Senate.
News release from Ritter:
House Speaker Matt Ritter (D-Hartford) and House Majority Leader Jason Rojas (D-East Hartford, Manchester) today appointed Rep. Antonio Felipe (D-Bridgeport) House Chair of the Housing Committee. Rep. Maryam Khan (D-Hartford, Windsor, South Windsor) will remain as House Vice Chair of the Committee and will be appointed a Deputy Majority Leader.
“Connecticut has a housing problem and Rep. Felipe and Rep. Khan are two leaders who can take the reins and help us turn the corner,” Speaker Ritter said. “Antonio is an incredibly dedicated and talented legislator. He is ready to steer our state’s housing policies this year and make a difference for Connecticut families. I also want to thank Rep. Khan, who in her first full term in the House, stepped up to serve as acting chair at the beginning of the session. Her steady leadership is so important to the committee.”
Majority Leader Rojas said, “Connecticut and the country are experiencing a housing access and affordability crisis and we have an opportunity to take decisive action to address it. Leadership on the Housing Committee is critical to our achieving our goals. I am grateful for Rep. Felipe’s and Rep. Khan’s willingness to take on this significant responsibility. Housing is a key issue in their districts, and both have an acute understanding of the urgency of the moment. I look forward to their leadership in the weeks ahead.”
The Housing Committee has legislative oversight of all matters relating to housing and housing programs.
Rep. Felipe said, “It is a great honor to have been appointed House Chair of the Housing Committee that will oversee one of the major priorities this legislative session. I look forward to spirited discussions that highlight the needs of our state and hope for solutions that serve our residents equitably. I thank Speaker Ritter and Majority Leader Rojas for the confidence placed in me to lead this important Committee.”
“It has been an honor serving as the acting House Chair of the Housing Committee these past few months,” Rep. Khan said. “Hearing directly from hundreds of constituents has given me a much deeper understanding of the housing crisis facing our state. I look forward to working with Rep. Felipe on pushing forward our committee’s priorities and crafting legislation that is just, equitable, and fair for all residents of Connecticut.”
Rep. Antonio Felipe is serving his third term representing the 130th Assembly District (Bridgeport). He is vice chair of the legislative Black and Puerto Rican Caucus.
Maryam Khan was first elected in 2022 to represent the 5th Assembly District (Hartford, Windsor, and South Windsor). Along with serving as vice chair of the Housing Committee, Maryam is a member of the of the Aging, Education, and Judiciary Committees.
Steel-Pointe 420 market rate and affordable housing units will be plan, 10% or 42 units will be affordable by state mandate.
This is good news for the East End!
Why will most houses and apartments fail no matter where they are built?
Answer/Short explanation/Question: They are buildings or structures. When a house or housing structure isn’t or stops being a HOME, all you have left is a house or structure. Senator Moore, at her age is clueless to this reality. What results should we expect by promoting the youngest State Representative to such leadership position?
Congratulations to State Rep. Antonio Felipe to Chair the Housing Committee. For the well titled ONLY IN BRIDGEPORT site, THE CASE OF PANSY WRIGHT should be presented side by side with Felipe’s appontment as Housing Chairman in the State legislature.
The story of the predicaments of a long term family beset by credit card debt, transfer of ownership, but reliable payment of mortgage debt and taxes raises many questions. They are not new and still do not have completed answers with a City response in the form of two groups, with Mayoral appointments approved by City Council, and meetings listed on City website, with agendas and minutes that show the work of good citizens to help fellow residents. Why the delay? Too late to vote, but where are the appointments? Where is public embarassment? How does all of the Wright family apparent home equity dcades in building, get lost in the legal shuffle? And is there a conflict of interest in the State of CT legal process, where a “lowball” appraisal can set a value, which the market declares is not close to real when the property closes?
Just asking? Thank Dan Haar of the CT Post for the research for this years’ long struggle. Time does tell.
Thanks JML for this imput. I was about 10 years old when my dad had me assist him in repairing and remodeling out house (notice I didn’t write “home”). During the 5 years I lived in Puerto Rico and during the times I spent with Alejandro Gonzalez, he lectured me like few ever have. “Two things you MUST learn to do yourself is fix and build your own house and repair your own car. Those are two things you will always need.”
In 2015, I purchased 247 Colorado Avenue from the City of Bridgeport in a City Auction. My “American Dream”, turned into a Puert Rican Neightmare. The home repair permits, are hugely expensive; the CT Department of Consumer Protection SUCKS. I found this out when home repair contractor Michael Palma ripped me off while under investigation by DCP and Fairfield Police. The City Council SUCKED my matter; the Police Department SUUUUUKED: Detective Frank Podpolucha, the head of the B.P.D. Financial Crimes Division swept the investigation under t300 Congress Street, as Michael Palma had done home repair work on his house in Fairfield. Internal Affairs Covered up for Podpolucha; While I was out on a 12 week medical leave last year, Podpolucha
File a false complaint against me and the day I returned, I was prohibited from entering the PD without any prior notice to anyone; Chief Porter had recently been appointed Chief by Ganim. Chief Roderick Porter Sr. and Detective Frank Podpolucha graduated from the police academy on the same class. Six (6) months after filing a complaint with the FBI, Detective Frank Podpolucha is hired by the FBI’s Boston Office as Postal Inspector. Try finding a first time homeowner who has gone through a nightmare like this. Despite all this, I live in a “Home”.