UPDATE: Brinsko images. On Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. an opening reception at McLevy Hall, 202 State Street Downtown, will feature the artistry of the late photographer Ed Brinsko. When I was a young scribe, Brinsko’s craftsmanship often fronted my work. Thanks to Ed, I had a chance of being read. There are amazing genes in his family including his nephew Jay Misencik, a gifted photographer who’s showcasing “An exhibit of Uncle Ed’s photos.” CT Post Editorial Page Editor Michael Daly will be on hand to share insight into the man and his work.
When I was a teenager working at the Bridgeport Post-Telegram, predecessor papers to the Connecticut Post, Ed invited me into the darkroom where the magic of his work emerged in those god-awful smelly chemical trays. I hadn’t a clue about his work. It just amazed me to see it come to life. Today you snap a picture and it’s presto bango, all done. Brinsko’s work brought a subject to life from positioning, snap, negative, chemicals, imagery to drying. Brinsko’s work had a way of captivating an audience. We all looked better because of him.

I remember Charlie the bum. He was always around Boston Ave green. Great picture of him.
The picture of downtown Bridgeport in 1957 reminded me of Thursday nights downtown when cars were cruising up and down Main Street and the cops doing traffic used to holler “one more time,” those were the days. We had a mayor who hated to waste money and people who really cared. Now look what we have.
I remember Charlie the bum from Washington Park when I was kid. He was walking around yelling “I kill you in the Morning!” He scared the shit out of me!
Sonny, that explains everything.
Like Lennie, I was fortunate to spend time in the Bpt Post darkroom, making notes of techniques Ed Brinsko used. It is a nearly lost art. He used a slow, high-resolution film that required carefully metered available light or flash. He was a master. He photographed my wedding. I’m glad to see his work being exhibited.
I had the pleasure of working with Ed for years at The Bridgeport Post; he was a gentleman and a true pro. He shot my wife’s engagement photos and we spent a lot of time together. He was a great photographer and a great storyteller. Looking forward to this exhibit.
Who could forget his photos! I got a kick out of it once when the Telegram was doing an article about the one dollar egg platters available throughout Bridgeport in the early ’80s, he took a photo of my breakfast at the Barnum Hotel and it made it into the article.