State Senator Dennis Bradley, scheduled for trial late next month to face charges for alleged connivance of Connecticut’s public finance program, has filed paperwork with the state seeking reelection to Connecticut’s 23rd District.
His treasurer is Victoria Dancy from New Haven.
With Bradley in limbo, most Dem party regulars are backing Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Herron Gaston, a city minister, for the May convention endorsement ahead of a potential August primary.
Bradley’s campaign committee is “Dennis 4 the People.” In 2020 it was “USA for Bradley.” The bigger challenge is “USA versus Dennis A. Bradley Jr.”
Surreal times indeed for city politics, particularly Bradley up against the election timeline. It will be difficult for Bradley to raise money with this case hanging over his head. If he beats it, he’ll likely self fund, if there’s enough time to wage a competitive primary, or perhaps look to the general election as a petitioning or minor party candidate.
If he loses, game over. His political career will be on hold.
Political Anonymous Program
Up to this point in your recovery, steps one through nine have taught you to see the truth about your Political behavior and how the rest of the world responds to your actions. With this awareness you can now clearly see what is going on during every moment of your day. The purpose of PA’s tenth step is to demonstrate to yourself that you have the ability to control your actions. You are no longer functioning like a robot under the weight of old habits or while not thinking about what you are doing.
Working Step 10
Step 10 isn’t always easy to define or understand. Of course you are aware of your actions, but are you taking inventory and admitting when you’re wrong or when you’ve done wrong? This personal responsibility is critical to successful recovery from Political addiction. An example of working step 10 might be getting angry when someone cuts you off at their front door or at a traffic light. Just as you begin to form the profanities to hurl from your open window, you recognize that the other driver will not be improved by your anger and would benefit more from your demonstration of the right way to react to anger or stress. Instead of hurling abuse, you smile as you pass the driver, even if it’s not a real smile or when Grandma refuses to sign her Flucking name to the AB! By responding to a conflict or anger with grace, you have used step 10.
Another example might be that you didn’t win a recent election . When the voter tells you it is due to your poor State Senate performance, you disagree, and because you’re angry, you tell them to fluck off.
Or maybe when you told the Judge that your New Campaign Treasurer is much better then the last one. Working step 10 doesn’t mean that you don’t get angry ever again, or that you don’t make mistakes. It means that if you do, you admit when you’re wrong. So immediately after your outburst like the one you had at Ernie Newton’s fund raiser , you calm down and apologize for your inappropriate reaction. Step 10 doesn’t require you to go into a long explanation about why you’re wrong or to make excuses for it. It requires only that you admit you’re wrong and now hired a New Campaign Treasurer, one that knows what she is doing.
Political Anonymous meets every Sunday Morning At 6:am
Address: 1023 Brooklawn Ave, Fairfield, CT 06825-1812
Phone: +1 203 330 0333
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