Thanks to all our OIB friends who attended the party at Bijou Theatre Saturday night. Great conversation and even a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Sounds like a City Council meeting!

Thanks to all our OIB friends who attended the party at Bijou Theatre Saturday night. Great conversation and even a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Sounds like a City Council meeting!
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Thank you for the wine tasting and movie presentation. Happy to see Joel, Local Eyes and a few others while we were there. Had a great time meeting a new friend, Deputy Police Chief Honis to discuss matters of mutual interest and knowledge. (Andy, couple things we should talk about, it seems.) Time will tell.
Come on JML, tell Andy what Honis said and wants to know. Honis wasn’t happy with Andy Fardy for basically calling him a lazy bum on one of his OIB comments. Honis maintains in 43 years he had missed three days and basically wanted to know how many working days Andy Fardy missed during his short career as a BFF.
As for the BlackRockGuy name tag, there was some concern from OIB bloggers present–one shouldn’t impersonate an OIB blogger. What blogs in Black Rock stays in Black Rock. He left to Arizona so the BlackRockGuy name stays here. I’m still in Black Rock–the one on the other side of the tracks.
Who the hell picked that film, Lennie? First, Lennie forgets this OIB party was supposed to have taken place in a Bridgeport strip club. I sit down to watch the film and next thing I know a bunch of men dressed as women are all over the screen. When this movie came out (and boy did they come out) it was 1975. I was like 10 years old and never heard of this film and didn’t know what to expect. On my way home, I prayed I didn’t get a flat tire. Once again, you folks missed a good event. I wish the OIB parties were much longer and announced way ahead of time. I didn’t see any elected pols and it is evident they aren’t fond of OIB parties. The only way Lennie can get these pols to show up to an OIB party is to hold the event in a Bridgeport strip joint. Only one rule for this event must be: No Prying Open of the Juicy Stuff in any way, shape, or form.
Joel, correct me if I am wrong, but last fall I was doing some canvassing and your house was on my list. And it was in the West End … and sorry but I lived in BR for 33 years, I am not giving up that handle. Sorry folks.
You lived in Bridgeport for 33 years and haven’t learned when you don’t give up something someone else wants, it gets taken? I’d be happy to give it back. While wearing the tag with the BlackRockGuy handle, I was confronted by a man whom I never met before. Here’s how the encounter played out: “Finally, I found you, you son of a bitch. I didn’t recognize you, but only an idiot like you would wear his blog handle on his neck.”
“Excuse me sir, but have we ever met?” I asked.
“Don’t act stupid with me, where is the fucking money you owe me?” “Sir, my name is Joel Gonzalez and the name on the tag is the one I borrowed to play a prank on my friend Dave Walker,” I said.
“You are luck there are cameras watching us right now. Next time we meet you better have my money or I’m gonna re-arrange your face and make you look like Joel Gonzalez permanently.”
What the hell was all that about? Never again!
LMAO … wish I was there to see it, Joel! 🙂
Joel, I was the only one with a camera I saw. I would have been happy to turn my back to accommodate you!
So who was the other guy, Joel?
Joel trying to stir up a little crap here. I am sure Honis could give a shit less how much time I missed in my 23 years on the job. Most of the time I missed was injury leave.
Andy, I didn’t stir this up. Maybe Honis doesn’t give a shit as to how many days you missed, but he is curious about it.
Joel, you make believe you are BRG to play Walker, you overhear Honis share the sense Andy’s “slug” comment is inappropriate for a public safety officer who misses only three days in 43 years, and you leave the BRG label on to uncover another guest who fails to appreciate BRG???
Where I come from it is called stirring things up. However, there is serious stirring and some less than serious stirring. Honis can listen to the fact some look at a two-year block of time not working but on full pay as a “vacation” but when he then reveals the rules that govern such a situation alternatively require the City to come up with data and a charge in less than two weeks, and they fail to do that, it is really out of his hands. He went on to explain years ago he could have retired as a Pension A public-safety officer (one of the few still working and contributing to Pension A) at 75% of base pay (overtime not included). The City would then have an expense from Pension A and the hiring of a replacement Deputy Chief of more than double what he costs them today. Such a deal for the City. Is the whole thing a continuing attempt to lose an experienced professional? Does not compute, does it? Time will tell.