Read The Arrest Warrants Chronicling Wide-Ranging Election Fraud

Days after leveling numerous charges against five political operatives related to the 2023 mayoral race, state investigators made public the affidavits detailing a cluster of allegations including forging signatures, possessing absentee ballots, changing votes after being cast, pressuring electors how to vote, registering non-citizens, harvesting absentee ballots for dumping into designated drop boxes.

City Council members Maria Pereira, Alfredo Castillo and Jazmarie Melendez, Democratic Vice Chair Wanda-Geter Pataky and campaign staffer Margaret Joyce are now all lawyered up following last week’s arrests.

Castillo, Geter-Pataky and Margaret Joyce supported Mayor Joe Ganim while Pereira and  Melendez backed John Gomes for mayor.

Dozens of electors were pressured to change their absentee votes via a green form requesting another ballot. This was particularly extensive in Pereira’s 138th Upper East Side district with large senior citizen housing units. If Pereira learned that a constituent had voted a particular way, according to the affidavit, seniors were prevailed upon to claim an error on their absentee ballot, canceling the previous ballot so they could change their vote.

The flashpoint for all of this came in the aftermath of the Democratic mayoral primary with dozens of election complaints filed by both Gomes and Ganim campaign operatives. Geter-Pataky became the face of the allegations when she was captured on video surveillance leaked to the Gomes campaign placing ballots into the drop box fronting the Morton Government Center when she then helmed the front desk.

Castillo was also captured on film placing ballots into a drop box.

The Gomes campaign challenged Ganim’s close primary advantage in court. A state judge ordered a new primary. Four elections took place, that extended the campaign season into February 2024 when Ganim was finally declared the winner.

Links to the respective affidavits follow:

Pereira alleged forgery count here

Pereira affidavit here

Geter-Pataky affidavit here

Castillo affidavit here

Joyce affidavit here

Melendez affidavit here

The investigation resulted in the following charges:

  • Castillo was charged with five counts of Misrepresenting Eligibility Requirements for Voting by Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-135(b), five counts of being Present When an Absentee Ballot Applicant Executes an Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-140b(e) and eight counts of Possession of Ballots and Envelopes Restricted, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-140b(d).

  • Geter-Pataky was charged with 42 counts of Possession of Ballots and Envelopes Restricted, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-140b(d), two counts of Fraudulent Voting, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-360, 22 counts of Misrepresenting Eligibility Requirements for Voting by Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-135(b), 17 counts of being Present When an Absentee Ballot Applicant Executes an Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-140b(e) and nine counts of Conspiracy to Commit Possession of Ballots and Envelopes Restricted, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes §§ 53a-48/9-140b(d).

  • Pereira was charged with 20 counts of Misrepresenting Eligibility Requirements for Voting by Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-135(b), four counts of being Present When an Absentee Ballot Applicant Executes an Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-140b(e), five counts of Possession of Ballots and Envelopes Restricted, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-140b(d), Forgery in the Second Degree, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 53a-139 and Disorderly Conduct, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 53a-182.

  • Melendez was charged with six counts of Misrepresenting Eligibility Requirements for Voting by Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-135(b).

  • Joyce was charged with four counts of Misrepresenting Eligibility Requirements for Voting by Absentee Ballot, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-135(b), four counts of Possession of Ballots and Envelopes Restricted, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-140b(d) and Fraudulent Voting, in violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 9-360.



  1. Lennie, during the State Investigation, they discovered at least five (5) Absentee Ballots with finger prints of a left hand with four (4) fingers. State Investgators came to my house. I cooperated to a certain degree. I showed them, my left hand upon their request. I then introduced them to two of my Speedys. I instructed them to show their hands to the investigators. The have four (4) fingers on each hand. They asked for the third Speedy who resides with me. He is a registered Republican thus, he didn’t vote on the Democratic primary. Speedy 3, is in charge of the clandestine AB operations at Mountain Grove Cemetery. I called Speedy 3 and informed him that the State Investigators wanted to talk to him. “Send them over daddy.” I sent them over, but I warned them as to the fact that Speedy 3 is headless and buries people alive when he feels the Speedy Colony of 462 and counting is at risk. I’m not sure if they went there, but I haven’t heard of any missing State Investigators. DNA testing of saliva on the AB Ballots came back as those of mouses. All Speedys share the same exact DNA.

    Now I’m dealing with the Bridgeport Police Department Installment of Cameras at 344-346 Lenox Avenue. The brother of Bridgeport Detective Frank Podpolucha lives at 344 directly in from of my home. This morning, the Police Department place a no parking notice on a tree in front of the house wich covers the view towards my location. The 🌳 is scheduled to be trimmed or cut down just to get a better view of Speedy. I have photos and I will post them on my Facebook page in a few, Lenny. I’m under assault to the point that a hispanic female Detective called me this morning. Accused me of threatening my family and told me I’m getting arrested. Why? Just to protect the true victim in all of this, I’ll stop here.


    Joel Gonzalez says:
    November 9, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    “Despite all this, the Dems lost at the polls and the ABs saved just one of them. In doing this, the Democratic Party showed how weak, splintered, and vulnerable they are. The only way to deliver a political death blow to the machine as it currently stands is to beat them at their own game of Absentee Ballot Magic.”

  3. IDK Port, I think we are going to have come together to keep Port’s political pols players for going to jail from overzealous racist gender prosecution. 🤣

    I am personally going to stage a silent protest for Maria, Joyce, and Melendez. Sorry Lennie/OIB but desperate times calls for drastic measures times.

    Black people you have to rally and protest city hall for its racial and injustice prosecution. Not saying she should get here job back but she shouldn’t be going to jail, considering her Latino partner in crime, who pleaded the 5th at trial seem to be not part of this thread. Not to mention she was doing Mario’s bidding, who is perhaps the political Whitey Bulger of the Port. Who seems to always evade prosecution. 🤣

    Y’all black people of the Port got to put the pressure on G2 and P Lamont. They can afford to lose the black vote/support in the next Mayoral and Governor elections.

    P.S try to resolve this quickly people ,Lennie’s OIB comments section is going off the rail, pretty soon it will only have Speedy point of view. Bam!👉😂

    1. If or when most of the end up in jail, tharmt could be the period OIB shuts down. Lennie should start negotiations with the CTExaniner. I can picture the for sale sign:
      FOR SALE


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