Public V. Parochial–Church Pushes Catholic Education In City

Anyone following the Diocese of Bridgeport campaign to build enrollment at city Catholic schools? Catholic school advertising recruitment isn’t new, but this one seems to be more pointed with a focus on better education, promoting safety, values and smaller classrooms. Is it a swipe at the public school system?

A heavy radio buy on WICC tries to makes the case, and not subtly, that a Catholic school education is better for your kid. The Diocese of Bridgeport is examining declining church attendance and a possible consolidation of parishes in the city. The city school system has been in the news grappling with a flatline budget, school closures and layoffs. There are many success stories in city schools drowned out by the budget challenges.

Many OIB readers are products of parochial school education. What impact will the current city budget crunch have on the public school system? Is there any confidence in the public school management? Is it time to seriously consider a voucher school system? What say you about this?



  1. I wonder if they still diagram sentences in Catholic schools. I know Bill Finch is a big fan of vouchers. He had an epiphany and it wasn’t on a Sunday when he realized he could make money off that system. The difference is the parochial system does not have to take every student. Another problem is we built these mega-schools and we need to fill them. In regard to the high dropout rate we should have two high schools. One for kids who want to learn and another for knuckleheads who don’t.

  2. I was the early product of parochial education. I was beaten up by some of the toughest nuns in Bridgeport. My father put me into the public school system before I could start dating the priests. But seriously, they offer a greater level of education than public schools do. We are producing idiots annually. When you go to Burger King they need to have the manager tell them how to make change, sad but true.

    1. I’ll never forget my first arrest. I just turned 16, the Bridgeport police booking cop called all his fellow officers over to look at my hands. He was totally amazed I was missing my fingerprints on both hands.
      They wanted to know if I was born that way? It was the first time they saw a 16-year-old without fingerprints. I told them I loss my prints in St. Peter’s Parochial School when I was around 10.

      Sister Mary Francis (my home room nun) had me stick out my hands so she would beat me with her Blackboard Pointer almost every day. I had a hard time turning the pages of my catechism, playing any string instrument or piano. I’m sure Sister Mary Francis never made it into heaven, she had too much fun on Earth. That bitch!

        1. I never dwelled on my development during my time in Catholic school. Perhaps it explains my attraction to women in uniforms and delight with abusive women abusing me.

        2. Lennie,
          Does anybody have a cost breakdown of public vs. parochial cost? We are spending massive monies to educate our kids with little return. At least the Nazi nuns & the boys of NAMBLA are producing results. It might be more cost efficient just to close the BOE & go Catholic!

      1. Damn, I would have loved to be in the same class with Sister Mary Francis. I didn’t have to go to Catholic school to get the stack or rulers to my hands.

  3. Catholic school systems used to be–and may still well be–criticized for teaching children by rote. Also at issue were larger class sizes, uncertified teachers and firm discipline (including corporal punishment) that was considered harmful to the development of creativity in the child. There was more attention paid to reading, writing and arithmetic than learning topics that would enrich your personal life.

    Tongue in cheek I can say we all can see the tragic results by the unfortunate experiences of JimFox.

    1. At least I can spell, punctuate and make change without a computer.

      Also, the diocesan model calls for site-based management of the school. The city of Bridgeport BOE gives out Assistant Supt. of School titles like the Diocese of Bridgeport gives out Monsignorships.

  4. *** The Catholic churches are downsizing due to lack of sinners with money, could the schools be next? Let’s all say a prayer tonight, no? *** Lord’s Prayer ***


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