Police Gear Up For New Ordinance Regulating Nightclubs/Hookah Lounges

The Bridgeport Police Department’s Facebook page is highlighting enforcement of a new ordinance regulating nightclub/hookah lounges where excessive partying, neighborhood disturbances, violence and underage drinking have taken place. The new rules include mandatory permits, insurance requirements, property deeds and lease agreements as well as fines for violations.

The new ordinance was shepherded by several City Council members who heard from constituents.

Excerpt form the ordinance follows.

See full ordinance here

May be an image of text that says 'Mandatory Permits and Compliance • Nightclubs, hookah lounges, and clubs must obtain city permit. Establishments must meet new operational and safety standards. Permit applications must include: Liability insurance •Security plans Compliance with fire code regulations'


May be a graphic of text that says 'Age Restrictions Strict entry rules for hookah lounges and clubs: Only Or individuals 21 and older may enter. This prevents underage access to alcohol, tobacco, and other restricted substances.'


One comment

  1. Here my Facebook comment on Chief Porter’s Corner post in regards to this Ordinance:

    The Ordinance is flawed as follows:

    1) It Legalizes the”Bring Your Own Beer/Alcohol” loop hole.

    2) It does not mandate/requires the hiring of Police Officer/s during events.

    3) The Ordinance DOES NOT mandate the Bridgeport Police Department report any liquor law violations to the State.

    4) Let the record State that this Ordinance was introduced by Councilwoman Eneida Martinez.

    During the pandemic 5 years ago, Enaida Martinez was illegally operating the Keystone Club on Barnum Avenue. A man was shot inside the Club, then he was thrown outside where he got ran over by a car and died. The most chilling part of all this is that The Chief of Police continues to give her accolades 👏 .

    NOTE: Before any Clown steps in to dispute this, read the Ordinance and notice it reads, “may” not ‘shall’ or ‘must’.


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