In Response To Union Complaints, Police Alliances Back Chief Porter’s Leadership

A coalition of original and ex Bridgeport Guardians, a police fraternal organization that lobbies for the working rights of its minority membership, has issued a rebuttal letter to Mayor Joe Ganim taking issue with current leadership’s stance against Police Chief Roderick Porter.

The letter was signed by 20 past and affiliated Guardians including founding member and retired police officers Ted Meekins and Ron Bailey after some current Guardians and union members called for a no confidence vote against the chief in a letter to Ganim a few weeks ago.

In addition, leaders of the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers issued a simultaneous letter supporting Porter.





  1. Who remembers Jack Webb from black & white TV early days portraying Sergeant Joe Friday, showing his badge while he asked a question, saying:”Just the facts, sir, just the facts.”

    So, OIB, what are the facts, thus far disclosed in this story. A ‘meeting’ of police officers labeled a ‘private’ meeting in an earlier CT Post telling with fewer than 60 officers present of a more than 270 officers currently, discussed a range of matters undislosed to the public. Perhaps certain problems or issues were raised, likely some of which might appropriately be handled by City labor relation department personnel, but others that might generate grievances and filings that have potential for costing the City taxpayers funds received reference. A report that more than 80% of those present were feeling ‘no confidence’ in the Chief of Police that might lead to a fuller vote of the entire body was also reported.

    What are the facts of the situation(s) that may be the foundations for such divisiveness? Isn’t that a basic part of basic skill training to observe and report all the relevant facts and information regarding an incident or concern? Who among the leaders of and reporters about the story have received de-escalation training for use in the field and on the job? Will facts and data be offered?

    What say the Police Commissioners at this time as a body? What is the Mayor’s office observing and hearing? How many OIB readers have attended one of the Police Department Q&A sessions during the past 18 months at a variety of locations where a variety of officers comment? How many see the efforts of Chief Porter video reports and interviews for informing the public? Aren’t these efforts worthy of respect and acknowledgement of a positive and quality departmental change by the community at large? Time will tell.

    1. Speedy, Ron unfriended you, me too. 🤣

      Thought that was unfair, surely wasn’t godly and Christian like to unfriend someone you known for decades and once hooked you up and got you out with some legal issues, to say the lease, base on your political views. 🙂

      Though to John’s point, facts sometimes only matter in this racial identify politics if they align and agree with what your politics you are expressing selling. God for bid you present a view point of you own that counters and goes against their racial identity politics point of view. Only to find yourself you are no longer welcome to sit at the table of discussion and friends. I guess that’s the nature of the political beast, people.

      Generally, its a women or money that make men unfriend other men, Trump is the bitch of men of unfriending men.🤣

  2. I knew it wasn’t going to take long for the FUBU (For Us Black Us) faction of the OLD Guard of the Bridgeport Police Department to rear its ugly head.

    Of all the ugly headed cops, Ron Bailey (how’s your book sales going) finally sticks his head off the hole on the ground. The last time I heard from him was on Facebook, not long after he wrote his worst seller. I asked him on my post, why he left out the dark activities he participated in as a Police Officer? One Facebook friend of his (Eva Guisti) came to his defense in an exchange that lasted a few days. By that time, Ron Bailey had ran off like a little BITCH and unfriended me. Eva Guisti posted a comment recalling all the clubbing and parties she and friends had with Officer Ron Bailey back in the days. That’s when I moved in for the kill. I identified/re-introduced mysel in detail. I mentioned Clinton Avenue; the Number One Family; Names of my immediate family members; Her brothers names and positions they held as members of Number One Family.
    Then I mentioned the name ” KOJACK” one of the biggest Coke Dealers of all and her man/ partner. Then I asked her why was Officer Ron Bailey associating with known members of the biggest drug organizations in Bridgeport? Until this day, all those I grew up with and associated with back in those days are friends and still in talking terms, except for Ron Bailey. Hey Ron Bailey, write this on your next book.

  3. I also knew it wasn’t going to be long before the White Face of FUBU (For Us Black Us), to rear its new look–hair cut and trimmed beard.
    Police facts:
    Mayor Joe Ganim is a racist, anti-Puerto Rican Police Chief Cadidate. Former acting Chief Hector Torres, Police Chief applicant Luis Casanova, Acting Chief Rebbeca Garcia, where all top scoring and highly qualified law enforcement officers, all turned away by racist Mayor Joe Ganim whom always measures his actions in political terms. The dirtiest action he took to eliminate Hector Torres was by setting up the arrest of his son on drug dealing charges and use it against him.

    You really want to make a case out of 60 members of the force, showing up for their meeting? How many showed up in other similar meetings with similar matter on the agenda? You think Joe Ganim and Thief Porter will ever share with you, let alone allow you to be present during their meetings, communications, planning, and discussions?

    You really wacked! You expect me and all OIB readers to take de-escalation courses to satisfy you, so later you come back with some other wacked-out proposal or opinion? You think that the public in general are buying into Thief Porter’s corner of BULLSHIT? The last one I viewed, was an interview of Ted Meekins niece who gas been on the force for 23 years. Who helped her get on the force? How she fet on the force? ANSWER: FUBU (For Us Black Us). By the way, that interview ends with Thief Porter’s mention of the drinking establishment Ordinance resolution presented by none other than Councilwoman Eneida Martinez. Talk about a fucking hypocrite, here’s the Councilwoman who while operating an illegal drinking establishment, orders her employees to remove a shooting victim from the establishment and thrown outside, who then got ran over by a car getting kudos from the Thief of Police.
    To make matters worst, Enaida Martinez has been allowed by OIB to throw shade to herself with her Gen Now drama, while ignoring what happened 2 weeks ago during the trial of the man who shot and killed the Keystone Club victim. Lennie, I remind you that all this happened in Bridgeport. Biased?


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