UPDATE: Brian Lockhart, CT Post here.
Pauline Mize of Bellport, Long Island has been appointed acting manager at Sikorsky Memorial Airport replacing John Ricci who was terminated by the city following the fallout over a $400,000 payment involving developer Manny Moutinho’s Stratford mansion driveway as part of a municipally owned airport improvement plan that a state judge ruled city taxpayers had no obligation to pay. Ricci recently announced his retirement from the city.
Mize, 58, has airport experience including as manager of Gabreski Airport in Westhampton, Long Island. She is commuting to Bridgeport from Long Island via the Bridgeport & Port Jefferson ferry that runs multiple times per day from Port Jefferson to Bridgeport. Her salary is based on roughly $94,000 a year. She started work on Monday. Mize was unavailable when OIB placed a call to her at the airport Wednesday afternoon.
The city is apparently still moving forward with a national search for a permanent airport manager.
After more than 20 years of service as airport manager Ricci was let go, according to city officials, because he did not apprise officials of his friendship and past business dealings with Moutinho. Ricci disputes the city’s narrative of the events asserting he recused himself of any dealings involving Moutinho in the process and apprised officials of his relationship with the developer. Supporters of Ricci claim he was scapegoated for the city’s dubious handling of the Moutinho driveway deal.
More on that issue here.
News release from Mayor Bill Finch:
Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch today announced that Pauline A. Mize has been appointed as Acting Airport Manager at Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport, the city-owned airport located in Stratford.
From 1998 to 2005, she worked for Suffolk County as the Airport Manager at Francis S. Gabreski Airport in Westhampton Beach. As airport manager, she obtained $10 million in federal funding to revitalize airfield lighting systems. In addition, she also restructured the airport administrative procedures, formed the Gabreski Industrial Park, obtained funding for and supervised creation of the Airport Business Plan, and obtained designation as a Rebuild NY Now site for a brownfield site located on the facility among other projects.
“Pauline brings a wealth of experience in airport management, project management, grants administration, and development which will be of enormous help as we move forward with the safety zone improvements at Sikorsky Airport,” said Mayor Finch.
Ms. Mize has worked for more than 20 years identifying and procuring federal, state and local grants for varied projects including aviation, parks, wastewater treatment and marine and economic development projects while working in various capacities for Suffolk County government and the City of Glen Cove, Long Island. Most recently, she worked with the City of Glen Cove to secure $21 million in ARRA funding to build a new ferry terminal and waterside improvements. She also served as the Senior Grants Administrator for the City of Glen Cove, and has worked for FEMA as a project specialist and economic development targeted recovery team member.
“I look forward to the challenge, and am pleased to have been selected to take the helm as acting manager at the airport to direct the safety zone project. My goal will be to make the airport a safer facility for the flying public, our tenants and the surrounding neighbors,” said Mize.
Her appointment began Sept. 16 and she will be paid $94,161 as Acting Airport Manager.
The Bridgeport Intermodal Transport Center in action.
Do you mean … inaction?
Why don’t we hire Vallas for this job, too?
Has the Finch Administration disclosed her relationship with the ferry company?
Good luck to her. I hope she will be there every day. Commuting that distance could pose an issue. BTW does anyone know how many people report to her?
There was not a single Connecticut resident out of work and qualified for this job? Sikorsky and Pratt just had some pretty significant layoffs.
That’s a very good point! Where was the job posted? How many were interviewed? How many applied? Who interviewed and who offered the position?
She has a cozy relation with Finch’s Anchor Bankers!
Steve, two people at best in City hall and a small staff at the Port Authority.
*** In with the new and out with the “old loyal city political workers,” no? *** When The Going Gets Tough In City Hall, The Tough Find Someone To Throw Under The Bus! ***
Personally, I like safe airports, especially the ones I get to use regularly. Since there are no regularly scheduled commercial flights from there I have only a general interest in safety for those who fly in or out.
As a taxpayer I am forced by recent Airport management to contribute to the expense of Airport deficits in recent years. Previous to the Finch administration, the Airport broke even regularly. That is sensible, a balanced approach to keeping a facility that is a plus towards long-term economic development, many keep saying, but not burdening the property owners unduly.
Is the new manager a business person who can evaluate the operation of the Airport effectively and cut the fat so that we can return to balanced operations? Can we return to the place where Airport revenues met Airport expenses? Overhanging the Airport are plans to spend over $40,000,000 of mostly Federal money, but at the end of the line, what is the business plan? Will the Airport upgrade result in balance? It’s important when you’re in the air, of course, but very important on the ground, too. Time will tell.
Sorry I have the wrong office. It is the Port Authority that has a City Hall Office.
I’ll bet she abhors gossip.
Today’s CT Post reveals Ms. Mize is the long-time companion to Fred Hall who runs the PJ Ferry. Isn’t he the one fighting with the city to move the Ferry to Seaview Ave? He is the same guy who has given $4,000 in campaign contributions to the Finch campaign.
You just can’t make this shit up!!! Of course Mark Anastasi steps in and says there is no ethical violation here. Does he say this for every administration appointment? I forgot, Mark says what the administration tells him to say.
Anybody want to bet Ms. Mize will be the permanent appointment for this job?