On Valentine’s Day, Equal-Time Love For Janene Hawkins

Martha White, presumably a friend of Janene Hawkins, is unhappy about OIB’s account of the city’s ex chief administrative officer banking two paychecks simultaneously at taxpayer expense.

In the spirit of equal time, we present this commentary, edited for clarity and a PG audience.

Your recent article about Janene is untruthful, disheartening and prejudiced! You neglected to verify her hours worked on a daily basis in both locations, hours worked from home and weekends at the office and at home.

The Mayor and Dan (Shamas, chief of staff) knew she was working in both offices, she was always there when they needed her. Your article makes the Mayor look stupid and unaware of what is going on in his own office! Why would the payroll department issue two paychecks to one person unless it was approved by the Mayor???? Joe asked Janene to stay in both roles for a short time because of the election.

The position of a CAO does not have 9-5 or a 5 day a week schedule. It’s an on-call 24 hour a day job!  She was in the office at 6:00 am, and worked until 8:00 pm, she also worked Saturday and Sunday. I would suggest you verify your information before publishing an untruthful and harmful article.

I ask that you please take this article off your website, you are discriminating against a black woman, who in truth was doing both jobs working very hard for the city, at the same time!

…Can you write a story about these TRUE fun facts? I’m certain you won’t, why? Because they are white mayoral cronies!!!! and your friends! Do you only write untruths about black people?

You published that article without verifying the facts! Actual hours and time worked, nor did you speak to Levy, the mayor, Dan or  her co-workers.  Where did you get your intel from? It’s a lie…..

Take the article off your site!!! I can write a truthful one about your friends!



  1. For anyone who reads Only In Bridgeport regularly or even irregularly over the years, no one will declare me as a crony of Mayor Joseph Ganim. And I have no relationship with Ms. Hawkins either. I am about OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT and HONEST values in governance activities.
    For a variety of reasons that I am not at liberty to discuss I have posted on this subject already. I am looking for more facts, and verification will be nice as well.
    Why remove the subject of two articles from OIB? It would not serve public factual learning about how the City handles money, contracts, or preserves reputations from harm or the City from further potential scandal or expense that can serve as a negative when it comes to the attractiveness of serving the citizens of Bridgeport as a potential public employee looking at City postings of jobs available.
    Janene’s background in Labor Relations, Mayoral CAO, and observer of BOE challenges could have found a way of service that would be publicly supported by the Mayor, avoided “double dealing” challenges, and needless reputation damage, in my opinion. Why is the Mayor not now providing support, publicly? Is it because there is controversy that he wishes to ignore? Or does he enjoy the status quo so much that he is willing to let the City of Bridgeport take a further reputational hit by the media? Time will tell.

    1. Martha White is a Black Asshole. It’s been a while since someone joined-in the OIB commentary using the Black Card in a lame argument. I hope Martha White isn’t in reality Donald Day. Lennie, what ever happened to Donald Day? Is he still the drivers for Marilyn Moore?

  2. John, I would have to say for the variety of reasons you are not able to discuss on the current subject would be for you, illogical,. For clarity, that kind of correlates with this commentary a long racial lines/ racial motivation Janene Hawkins is black and not white, If the person was white who was labeled as double dipping you would have much more to say on the matter.

    This is nothing new, and it would have to seem that not only City Hall, but the Board of Education worked in conjunction with Janene Hawkins. Since no action was taken regarding the 80 hour work week it is fair to say based on the current situation that Denise Hawkins job maybe in jeopardy, which would be a more fundamental point of the current situation. While this is old news and irrelevant though perhaps irrelevant to the 32 million budget deficit and state intervention.

    You would have to say a simple answer to rectify such a thing is to put Hawkins contract to a board vote if I understand the situation correctly.

    That being said back to physicisin I am a modified my theory to gravity to the existence of gravity waves plus force, though not a gravity particles, without gravity waves
    / fource we will never get/go Star Trekeee🙃


  3. The entire City of Bridgeport government as a whole is crumbling, from the Board of Ed. to the double dipping Police Chief. and a police academy with more than one instructor who’s a sexual predator of female recruits of the recent and prior classes. Corruption that is being allowed by the biggest criminal himself, the little man puppeteering OZ. Countless federal lawsuits on deck and they can’t get out of their own way and just do the right thing by the people and taxpayers of the city (myself included). Then again the City Attorney’s Office IS A LITERAL JOKE so what do we honestly expect?!? A city that’s hemorrhaging $$$ between crooked administration getting paid and lawsuits from their arrogance in believing that they are untouchable.
    The FBI should be coming in to due a full review of every department top to bottom within the Corrupt city start putting people back where they belong either Jobless Or better yet….behind bars!!!


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