In the penultimate weekend before a historic mayoral election, everyone is welcome to cast a vote in this survey, albeit unscientific.
Whom do you support in the Nov. 3 race for mayor?
- Enrique Torres (36%, 276 Votes)
- Joe Ganim (29%, 225 Votes)
- Mary-Jane Foster (23%, 178 Votes)
- Christopher Taylor (6%, 48 Votes)
- Charlie Coviello (4%, 29 Votes)
- David Daniels (1%, 7 Votes)
- Tony Barr (1%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 769

Look at the videos and read the words, then vote for or against Torres as you like. He is the only candidate by far who will put people ahead of politics in Bridgeport.
This poll should be removed. I would say that if Foster were in the lower numbers as well. I do not think it is accurate.
Accuracy is determined on election day. Before that, it’s all window dressing and the art of blogging. MJF is underrepresented here and Ganim overly so. To know the poll is to know the blog.
So true. It is heavily Torres on here too. Not just Ganim. MJF is highly unrepresented on the blog and by its viewers. The polls tell the true story. And when they lose, they’ll have an issue with the poll. PROMISE THAT.
I would say by reading comments here, OIB is 90%+ very involved Democrat. For Torres to do this well (almost one third of the vote) in this poll indicates to me amongst the average Bridgeport voter Torres will be their choice.
This is far from a legitimate scientific poll, my God the crap that is spewed. This is a website of highly pro-Torres voters. I predict citywide when he loses by a landslide he will do between 15-19% of overall vote. Could be less but I expect it will be within that range. Are you going to clink your beer glasses when your “scientific” poll people who are mostly preaching to the choir comes up as a complete failure when there’s an actual unbiased poll that comes out? Like, not on or run by a pro-candidate site? Let’s see what the CT Post poll would say. Actually, let’s see a Quinnipiac poll. Or a Reuters. Nut no, wave your flags of a failed candidate madly, say he’s going to win, go do it! Where will you all be meeting to say the votes were stolen by absentee ballots, not possibly the actual voting public has spoken, it MUST be a fix! Where will you be meeting to whine about it? Let me know so I can go somewhere else. My prediction is after Ganim sweeps the city with a win, November 14-December 15, stay the heck out of Enrique’s market. Unless you like to see a grown man and a small group of miscreants sad and dejected and back to being furious. Oh wait, they are that now. I never want to see that. So I’ll go to TruNorth and we’ll have a laugh and a beer over the festivities and comedies of errors. Because a biased poll from a group of supporters means shit. Professor Donald Greenberg or Quinnipiac could possibly explain that to you. But they, like the majority of Bridgeport, do not come to this site.
Haha, this is a pro-Torres site. Haha! Have you not been to OIB before? Gimme a break. As you said, this is far from scientific, which I believe speaks to the point that they shouldn’t be done anymore. However, I reckon now that Torres is ahead of MJF, OIB will mysteriously cease to publish any more of these polls.
I heard the polls
Ganim is 55 percent
Torres is 35 percent
Foster is at 10 percent
I know, weird right? Hahahahahahahahahah not!!!
The poll only asked who has a more exciting Facebook page and more signs on Public property and who is most likely to keep Bridgeport from receiving State support. So the poll is pretty much on the money!!!
Ganim has people on Facebook telling them to vote. How absurd!!! Look at the number of bloggers who give a crap to respond. Seriously! 🙂
Foster also has please vote on her Facebook page. So we did, too.
Are you aware we went to Foster and said let’s do a real, scientific poll and if you are ahead we will drop out, and we ask the same of you. They declined. And we are the “spoilers?”
You need a new crystal.
And I think this site is a good time. But it’s in NO way based in reality. (Comments-wise, not story-wise.)
It is totally a good time! I come here for the insults and attacks. And occasionally a spokesperson for Maria Pereira. 🙂 Hahahahahaha.
Did I mention Maria Pereira is definitely not supporting Mary-Jane Foster?!
Who gives a damn?
Steven, where can I get my “MarIa for MarIa” signs? Sorry, just having fun with your comment.
I would also like that sign. Very good one, Life!
What would be telling and more factual Lennie, is if you post by date the results going back to the first poll. This would show who is gaining support and who is losing support. I believe that it would show Torres gaining and finishing strong.
I think you people need to clean your windshields, you think everyone inside your van represents the voting public. Which they do not. Nor does Facebook or Twitter or a sad little phone poll that went out to a small group of people and was such a bad poll it could only have been written by a Torres campaigner. Cheer now but what are you going to do on November 4th? I do, I do! You’re going to scream it was fixed, that absentee ballots stole a fair win from you and you will use this myopic and unrepresentative poll to back you up.
Screw you.
You are beyond tedious.
Steve, it looks like there might a market for the Maria signs. We can put them on that taxpayer-funded public property you always talk about. Maybe next to the ’50s Diner signs. 🙂
Now that poll looks good to me! And this is a pro-Torres blog? Give me a break! Yet people may finally be waking up to the reality Rick is the only choice to break through Bridgeport’s political machine. He’s the only candidate who’ll change everything.
This just in. I just received a call from A very scientific poll and I gave my choice and they told me a candidate named Stu Bacca is going to win by a 65% margin. Below that, L. Sky Walker and after that Ganim. Foster came fourth. I am almost more excited to see the fallen faces on this site after the election than anything. How can people be so righteous and so wrong? When has this happened before? Hmmm.