Special elections are warming up a nasty cold winter. OIB surveys of this type are unscientific, so that should not prevent our entire audience pool from weighing in. Let us know your preference. No need to be a registered user to participate.
On February 24, a special election will take place for State Senate. Which candidate do you want to win?
- Working Families Party: Edwin Gomes (67%, 109 Votes)
- Democratic Party: Richard DeJesus (13%, 21 Votes)
- Republican Party: Quentin Dreher (12%, 20 Votes)
- Petitioning candidate Kenneth Moales (6%, 10 Votes)
- Petitioning candidate Charles Hare (2%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 163

The Last Writes!
Where’s the category “None of the Above?”
I knocked on doors for five hours today and when I informed voters about DeJesus’ tax debt and child support issues, every voter said they could not vote for him, including every Hispanic voter. I was really surprised because most voters already knew about his issues without my sharing them.
Then I informed voters about Kenneth Moales’ $8 million dollar foreclosure and how he fraudulently overbilled the BBOE $75,000 while he was on the BBOE. I explained his outrageous behavior on the BBOE and not one person said they would vote for him. Every black person I spoke with said they would vote for Ed Gomes over Kenneth Moales without even flinching.
What really surprised me is six different voters brought up Joe Ganim running for Mayor. I did not bring it up once. Every single one said if Ganim were to run, they would be voting for him. What surprised me even more was two of them were elderly white voters.
One man told me if Ganim runs, he is going to organize his entire neighborhood to get out the vote for him. We spoke for almost 30 minutes before I told him it was getting cold and I had to get moving, but we exchanged numbers. He literally told me “if Ganim is in, call me.”
Maria Pereira, no surprise to me in what you encounter. With the senate, voters know Ed Gomes will give it to them straight plus he has been there and there will be no learning curve. As for Joe Ganim, I hear that all the time. At this time there are two big things not known, will Ganim run and will Mary-Jane Foster run.
Ron, only one person mentioned MJF. It was an elderly white woman and she told me she wouldn’t vote for her because she felt MJF thought she was “better than the rest of us.” I found that interesting.
Maria, that one person is definitely wrong about Mary-Jane Foster, she is a really down to earth person.
Maria, like Mackey said there isn’t a more down to earth and nice person than Mary-Jane. I’ve never felt Mary-Jane was anything other than a genuine and nice lady.
I’m happy to see Ron and Don recognize the Heart and Soul of Mary-Jane Foster. Her work and outreach for women and children in our community is second to none. Her business acumen is sharp. She is one tough cookie.
I voted for Mary-Jane FOSTER!
Completely agree, Ron. Anyone who says that about MJF does NOT know her. They should check her out first.
Ditto, Ron.
But let’s not forget, I’m kind of suspect because I’m a white male from Black Rock who today canvassed in Maria’s neighborhood, with some nice pointers from Maria (thanks again, Maria), for Ed Gomes. 🙂
I heard many positive responses for Gomes; the few negative comments concerned what people had heard about the DTC tie-breaker charade and Gomes’ opponents, about whom no one had a good word.
Nice to finally meet the Fardys and the Barneys along the way today.
If anyone would like an Ed Gomes campaign donation form, just e-mail me. peterdspain@gmail.com
Ron, Bond Girl and Pete, I don’t know that I agree with your opinion, however I recognize you are certainly entitled to it.
Pete, I was impressed with the amount of signatures you obtained. I really know the neighborhood well and spent about 90 minutes longer on doors than you and only had 5 more signatures than you did. Maybe it is you who should be giving me pointers.
I absolutely love the Thomas Hooker neighborhood. 95% of the doors I knock on, and residents I speak with are so pleasant and polite. They will invite you in and offer you a beverage, dinner, a smile, a joke, etc. They really are very friendly and nice people.
Maria Pereira, I agree with you about Peter Spain. Hopefully Pete will come out of the shadow and make himself available to run for public office. He is truly a gifted person who is honest, a hard worker, very smart and truly cares about Bridgeport. I truly respect this white male from Black Rock.
Maria Pereira, I can’t express how much you amaze me; I really can’t wait to work with you again. Just a phone call and me and my other amazing female friends will be there for you.
Thanks, Lisa. I really appreciate that.