Tuesday night the Democratic Town Committee will endorse a candidate for mayor. Who needs the endorsement more, Bill Finch or Joe Ganim?
- If incumbent Finch does not receive it, big blow. (54%, 110 Votes)
- Who cares, the primary will decide it. (32%, 64 Votes)
- Ganim needs it more for redemption credibility. (14%, 28 Votes)
Total Voters: 202

What DTC members need to do is bloc Finch as a group. So if people are scared of losing their job they will be less likely to get fired because if they do then they can show they systematically lost their jobs as a result of their ideology which is illegal. In other words if people oppose Finch as a bloc instead of individually they will be more protected and Finch will have to deal with them as a group, which makes them more of a force to be reckoned with.
Better choices would be:
1. If incumbent Finch loses, it would be a blow to the status quo.
2. If Ganim loses, does he go into that good night and not steal again from Bridgeport?
3. We need a competent and honest candidate other than Finch or Ganim.
And getting the endorsement can also backfire on Finch because this means Ganim will continue his grassroots working the streets and getting signatures and this continues to make him more visible and continues to call out more voters. You can hate Ganim all you want and say he is corrupt but people relate to him. Finch probably did some good things but he is socially awkward and can’t relate to lay people. And didn’t Finch once say Bridgeport people are ghetto early on when he was elected? Anyone remember that?
If Mayor Finch loses the endorsement of his own party as a two-term incumbent it will be an absolute embarrassment. He will be the laughing stock of CT.
That would give you joy? Hmmm. He would go on to win the election in a landslide. Ganim will fade to black and Mayor Finch will have the last laugh. The city would have the largest turnout in history. You and Carolanne Curry will laugh about all the fun and excitement you had working on Joe’s campaign. Joe will pack up his toothbrush and leave his apartment and enjoy the life in rural Easton and all will be well with the world and we will live to see another day!
Steve, you remember how Mary Moran got elected? She was a Republican a female who never held elected office running for mayor in a Democratic city and nobody knew who she was but she got elected mayor. Voters are tired of Bill Finch.
I have never heard of Mary Moran.
Steve, well I see you don’t know the history of Bridgeport but I can understand that.
Ron Mackey, I was Moran’s number-one supporter. I knew the game. I walked the entire city for Moran and the momentum was unstoppable. Our headquarters was party central except for the Republican party that did not support her. The youthful NRV New Republican Voice put her there. That was an exhilarating experience with George Estrada, Luca Cardoza and David Defelice. I walked the entire city, including Trumbull Gardens and PT Barnum, Marina Village etc. etc. etc. Moran did not win. Bucci lost. Finch has a very strong following, do not delude yourself, Ron Mackey. I’d be shocked and extremely disappointed if the town committee did not endorse Finch. However, he will go on to take the city in a landslide.
Steven Auerbach // Jul 17, 2015 at 1:41 am
To your post
Not to worry.
After you count the City-owned cars that leave the City every night and the $15,000/$20,000 election-time raises that have nothing to do with merit, you can sit back yourself, have a laugh yourself, and then call up the ethically challenged Lydia Martinez and have a pot of tea with her as your discuss her candidacy on the Finch campaign ticket.
Yes, laughter is great Steve. You’re making me laugh.
Carolanne, I am happy I made you laugh! Is that how it worked for you $15,000 to $20,000 non merit raises? Wow! To think that was my salary last year. I think the Mayor should definitely hire me as I expect to support him until he runs for Governor. Who will you support next in your quest to get back into city Hall? Marilyn Moore? Me? You know Carolanne, anytime someone has a laugh at my expense is a good thing. If I can bring you joy I am thrilled. I will not be giving you joy for this election however. Maybe I will have tea with Lydia. Why not? Meeting new people is a good thing. I never trust other people’s opinions. I only judge people on how they treat me.
I have known Lydia for 25 years but other than knowing what she does for her community and the school children, really do not know her.
Steve. They say ignorance is bliss, you however are not ignorant, just a fool. The mere fact it’s a toss-up for the DTC votes should be sending you, Andy Fardy, and Bob “year ’round Scrooge” Walsh, a clear message. You’re all too foolish to see it. At least those two are anti-Finch. You continue to have your lips firmly planted on his backside despite the warts all over it. Did he not hire a prominent bar owner to a $100,000 a year job as a way to pay the mayor’s office’s bar tab? How about hiring a Black Rock police commissioner to a similar paying job while laying off many low-paid typists and the like. You sir continue to wear rose-colored glasses that only see one development, “steal” point, which was actually started by the last best mayor of Bridgeport, Joe Ganim. I’m not pro-Ganim as much as I’m anti-Finch, as is most everyone on this blog. Hope you’re not staring at your mailbox awaiting that $600 tax refund.
Phantasia, you really are a jerk.
You are talking about 90 members of the Democratic party who are connected one way or another. City job holders or former city job holders or relatives of the same.
Office holders or former office holders trying to get an edge.
Owned or for sale.
How did the nomination work out for Anthony Musto?
How did the nomination work out for Richard DeJesus?
Bring it on, Phantom.
It’s just the beginning next week.
Definitely not the end as you would like it to be.
Phantom, I am not sure if the prominent bar owner in question got his job so the Mayor’s bar tab would be picked up or if it was a favor that Mario Testa should remember as he is his niece’s boyfriend. You believe it is a toss-up because Ganim propaganda tells you so and you are not as pro-Ganim as you are anti-Finch and yet Foster wasn’t a possibility for you. Your description of the Mayor’s ass is gross. But if you enjoy bending over then Joe Ganim is the man. He fucked the entire city and he didn’t discriminate while doing it and denying it. To all who are offended by my comments to Phantom, please forgive me and get over it. Almost everyone working for Ganim is doing it for financial gain and a very few I am most disappointed in. But the 134th will be reminded why Ganim will not win.
Steve, the guy got his job by loaning a member of Finch’s appointed staff $25K to pay off a gambling debt. Just figure out who likes high-stakes poker. The other thing about the bar tab for the inner circle is right.
The inner circle shared that with you! Nice!
No Steve, but the person who told me knew it for sure. Believe it or not Steve, I don’t give a shit.
Doesn’t matter what DTC does, the writing is on the wall. Bpt is done with Finch. The attitude around the city is “anyone but Finch.”
Harvey Weintraub, the writing on the wall you were referring to. Was that at the substation, Chaves Bakery on State Street or Ganim headquarters? With excitement happening all over the city, you would have to really hate the Mayor to be done with him. The progress in the last four years has been immense. Four years ago people were expecting a Walmart announcement for Steelpointe.
On a side note: Toni’s Tuscan Table across from Mayor Finch has the most delicious food and a very different menu and the new Bakery Sweet Treats across from the City Trust building is awesome. Just a reminder, Connecticut Free Shakespeare down at McLevy Green starts in early August. Mr. Weintraub there is writing on the wall. I love Bridgeport and I do not see or hear any anti-Finch rhetoric including the 20 police down at McLevy Green last night who did not vote to endorse Joseph Ganim!
It’s the Bistro B again. The same guy who owns BPH owns that one. It’s not new, its just a second attempt at making money in that space. Hoping the food and Service is better than at BPH.
Wicca, you are incorrect. Toni’s Tuscan Table was originally in Black Rock. Toni is a very sweet woman and the food is amazing! Seriously.
The sign outside the restaurant says it’s owned by the same person who owns BPH. But I will give it a try for sure.
Don Mario has been careful to avoid supporting Ganim over Finch and vice versa. But his support for Finch has been tepid, at best. Harvey is right, the words on many peoples’ lips are “Anyone but Finch.”
Mayor Finch is out of touch with the needs of the people of the city of Bridgeport. Endorsements from an attorney general and sitting congressmen don’t mean shit. They don’t live here. While Hizzoner is bragging about the parks beautified and reopened under his watch, while he crows about a $3,000,000.00 investment in public safety (an announcement made only after Cousin Joe stood up for the “little people” in Trumbull Gardens), Bridgeport is still a city in flux. From what I hear Finch never leaves the office, sending his chief minion out to do the grunt work. Now it’s crunch time and arms are being twisted. All DTC members on the city payroll are being threatened if they don’t vote for Finch.
Finch is considered the “alternative” to Joe Ganim. Cousin Joe’s criminal record is a sticking point for a few people. He did his time, served a probationary period, paid his debt to society. He took money, custom-tailored dress shirts, cases of expensive French wine, etc. Okay. In the eyes of the law he has paid his penance. Will I vote for him? I can’t say. Don’t know what the choices will be. His grassroots campaign strategy is paying off.
To be the Trumbull Gardens Mayor or P.T. Gardens Mayor. If only Joe still had the bags of Money and Paul Pinto he could drive those people to the polls. Joe paid his debt to society as did John Rowland and Ernie Newton. But the debt to the city for 10 years of non-development and 10 years of negative P.R., can that ever be repaid? No!
Ten years of negative P.R.? What has Finch done to change the perceptions of the city? Put up a few signs at taxpayers’ expense, tried to whiz a 35-year tax abatement with no strings attached through the City Council, signed off on a tax collection program (the notorious “boot and tow” regime) that brings very little money to the city’s coffers (but causes plenty of heartache for delinquent taxpayers). The Trumbull Gardens shooting still bothers me. The mayor is elected to represent ALL the people, not just the developers who make $4000 contributions to his re-election campaign. The people residing in P.T. Barnum, Greene Homes, Trumbull Gardens, Marina Village, hey! They don’t have a choice about living there. The mayor has been indifferent to the suffering in those places, doesn’t care about creating employment and educational opportunities for the people wishing to get off the public dole.
The people of the city of Bridgeport deserve a great deal more than they’ve been getting from Bill Finch and Adam “Pecker” Wood.