This question is so unscientific we decided to let everyone participate, thus it’s framed as “support” rather than vote.
If the choices for Bridgeport mayor were Bill Finch or Joe Ganim, whom do you support?
- Joe Ganim (46%, 195 Votes)
- Bill Finch (29%, 122 Votes)
- Someone else (25%, 103 Votes)
Total Voters: 420

This must be read as a resounding vote of confidence in the inability of the Bridgeport Democratic party.
43% support a convicted felon who stole millions from the city and
32% support anybody else.
25% support the two-term incumbent .
Sad. Very, very sad.
Here’s the kicker, Bob Walsh. If the “someone else” is you, JOE GANIM will do much better.
And Joel, if someone else is you, then …
There is no hope.
Let the exodus begin.
Bridgeport refugees are lining up at the Stratford town line seeking relief from the Gonzalez State.
The Democratic Party has a real problem, Mayor Finch in this poll, 72% are saying they don’t want him and the name Mary-Jane Foster is not even on this vote.
I can say with confidence I will not be voting for Bill Finch, I’ve had enough, and most people I talk to feel the same.
Bob Walsh honestly and succinctly stated the obvious. This is an anti-Finch blog. Almost to the point of just finding another venue. Last election cycle when I first discovered the blog it was pro-Foster. The folks on this blog definitely do not reflect the voting public but I think I need to stop being sensitive. Joe Ganim is a smart man. If Joe Ganim runs for office he deserves the months of humiliation and ridicule. His family deserves the disgrace the second time around. Joe Ganim fucked the City up the ass and I do not think they appreciated it as much as he may have hoped. His followers are clearly not too bright which pretty much represents a large portion of the City. I think the absolute loathing of Mayor Finch is reprehensible to think a convicted felon would be an acceptable alternative. Yes I do believe anyone supporting his candidacy is an idiot. This is not even close to how I really feel. On the other hand I could easily support Joseph Ganim and sing his praises but that would come at a high price. 🙂 Oh who am I kidding, every nice thing I could say about Mr. Ganim, and there are many, would always be eclipsed by the hours and years of commentary both in video and print media. The best consultant couldn’t change the narrative. Now I would be willing to keep my commentary to myself if Mr. Ganim would share his family’s recipe for Lebanese meatballs, kibbeh, tabouli, baba ganoush, lebneh and lentil soup. I’ve already perfected the Syrian and Turkish versions. It’s all about the food for me. 🙂
No Stevie, keep it up! Finch could use all the help you can give!
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”–Mark Twain
Jim Fox, your sticking your head up Joe’s ass may be a cute visual, but honestly, are you brain dead? One would have to believe so.
Stevie, you have your head up Pothole Bill’s ass, you can give him a tonsillectomy!
Steve, could you help me find a PRO-FINCH blog out there somewhere? I would enjoy reading the posts of people who believe he is best for Bridgeport’s future, fiction has always intrigued me.
Sorry Hector, I wouldn’t know of such a blog nor would I visit one. You see Hector, I do not enjoy being a follower and hate talking to the choir when discussing politics. I am an honest staunch Democrat. Not a sycophantic slug hoping to put a dishonest man with a silver spoon in his mouth in a powerful decision-making position who has crippled the City. Although I appreciate your mocking post, taking into consideration the number of votes you received in the last election with such star power as Joseph Ganim I cannot imagine you delivering any more votes for him. Just saying. On this blog I happily stand alone. I love this city and the candidate who gets my support is the one who serves the entire city and puts our best foot forward. When I drive around the City with a smile on my face, the only benefit I have received serving in 32 schools is daily being in a new neighborhood and observing improvements everywhere like I haven’t seen since my family moved here from Brooklyn, New York in 1967. Today, Mayor Finch has earned my support. To date I am not the beneficiary of any patronage whether a job or a commission. I have no family members who would ever care to work for Bridgeport. Until the day comes when I leave this city I will love it and always support the leadership. I am one of the best cheerleaders this city has and it is so humorous to me all of these years later Joseph Ganim’s first achievement as Mayor was separating me from my bliss. I think that was just the beginning of 10 years of questionable decisions. I never criticized Ganim while he was in office. That sir, is called class!
Steven Auerbach, if OIB is such an anti-Finch blog then tell us where are the pro-Mayor Bill Finch blogs? We all know the Connecticut Post is pro-Finch.
Take it from the ghost of St. Patrick: let the ultimate Irish buddy song act as an alternative to these political shenanigans. Besides, neither has announced their intentions yet.
bonus: cameo appearance by Bobby Orr, former Bruins superstar.
Steve Auerbach has observed not for the first time, OIB is an anti-Finch blog. We know Steve is a lover of “all things Bridgeport” including the incumbent Mayor. Steve was also a lover of his former State Senator from Trumbull, who is now a former State Senator from Trumbull because too many folks he did not attend to that which too many Bridgeport voters felt was important to them … the low level of appreciation for how conflicted our City Council and overall municipal governance has become.
Steve, the pro-Finch messaging service is provided, courtesy of our property taxes by Brett B. and Bill K. Because they receive a paycheck for their professional work they are not as concerned as many of us, “the governed,” with the truth of their messages. However, were they to start a pro-Finch blog, would it allow messages from anyone? Questions from the curious? Would they put time or word limits for editing purpose? Time will tell.
Brett Boaster!
Steve was also a lover of Mary-Jane FOSTER. He loves Barak Obama and apparently most of America feels they made a huge mistake. He is weak. They want a Putin-like President with hubris. Happily I am not a follower. On this blog, JML, I do not take issue with people critiquing the Mayor, I resent the lack of respect and non-acknowledgement of all of the positives. I was more than entitled to support Musto. I did not work on his campaign, I only voted for him in the primary. I did not suggest to any family or friends they vote for him nor did anyone from the DTC ask me to. On this blog I was attacked by nearly everyone for supporting Musto. Well he is gone, Mary-Jane FOSTER is gone and now the blog is hopelessly looking to support a convicted felon who stole thousands and blindly supporting him over FINCH. Well JML, not sure where you stand on the Ganim issue. I don’t really care to be honest. I do love this city and will only support someone who I believe loves the City or support an individual who will help support issues important to the City. Will Joe Ganim’s children attend a Bridgeport school? Does Ganim live in Bridgeport? Bridgeport missed out on 10 years of development. Bill Finch crossed the finish line with projects that may have been on the table during Fabrizi, Ganim or Paoletta’s administrations. However, Mayor Finch crossed the finish line. That is my take. However, good luck to anyone who wants to run against him. There are so many wealthy people who have nothing better to do with their money than contribute to Joe Ganim. I just can’t wait to see the list of contributors. That list alone could make a Joe Ganim run fascinating.
On a side note. A pure white cat I adopted last summer just delivered a litter of three very cute healthy kittens. A pure white, a calico and an orange tabby. Putting it out there, though I have interested people to adopt. MOM will be fixed in eight weeks and she is an extremely affectionate cat. I will be keeping her.
If the orange tabby kitten is female you may want to consider keeping her as well. Roughly two in ten orange tabby cats are female. About an 80/20 ratio, which makes them fairly rare. Just saying. 🙂
The father is a gorgeous orange tabby. I’d consider giving you the tabby providing you didn’t feed it to your cute little terrorizing pit bull. 🙂
People of Bridgeport, zip up your pockets!!! If the unrepentant thief and violator of his oath of office is elected once again shame on you. P.T. Barnum must be rolling over in his grave in laughter.
“There’s a sucker born every minute.”
MJF really, really, REALLY needs to get in the race. If it’s only Finch and Ganim, I’ll hold my nose and vote for Finch because Ganim’s only sorry he got caught.
I told someone the other day if it is Finch and Ganim I will NOT vote.
Now I gotcha, Bubba! I understand that.
Jim Fox, you’re getting funnier than Andy Fardy. The tonsillectomy post was priceless!
Lisa, that is definitely true.
🙂 Do you guys ever get tired of kissing each other’s asses?
Steven Auerbach, if OIB is such an anti-Finch blog then tell us where are the pro-Mayor Bill Finch blogs? We all know the Connecticut Post is pro-Finch.
We know and like each other! Is that a crime???
Shouldn’t this poll be ‘Joe Ganim or Adam Wood?’ Birdbrain couldn’t make an independent decision if his life depended on it.
Hahahahahaaaa. Joe Ganim wins with 46% of the vote. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Ol’ Joe “French wine by the case” Ganim may have been a crook but no one can tell me politics ain’t a dirty game from the get-go, be it state, local or federal. There’s always going to be quid pro quo. Any student of Greek and Roman history can tell you that. So Ganim was sent to prison for nine years? Big fucking deal. Has he rehabilitated hisself? He went to church and asked to be forgiven. If that’s good enough for God and the congregation it’s good enough for me. Bring it on, Joe, bring it on. I will gladly work for his campaign. He’ll probably pay, unlike the self-important yobbos at WFP.