File image: Danny Pizarro knows how to party
Call Danny Pizarro the bon vivant of the Ganim administration. The housing code official has a potential violation of his own to deal with after police were called to his weekend 48th birthday soiree at his Trumbull home. (Damn, Danny; no invite?)
Nothing like a party in swanky Nichols, especially if Danny’s throwing it. Billed as “another epic party” Danny’s Instagram site is loaded with pictures and video. The genial host did not disappoint in the jubilation.
Good grief, where did everyone park in the residential area? That could get police attention. The price for a rockin’ party.

The Bridgeport property baron says he’s not concerned about a potential superspreader from the mask-less crowd.
“I’m not worrying about it,” Pizarro said. “Those that came, everybody knows COVID exists. (That) there’s a pandemic. … But they chose to come and not worry about that. Me, myself, frankly I’m not worried.”
But City Hall is.
Rowena White, Ganim’s communications director, in an email said: “It has come to the attention of city officials that a couple of employees were involved in a private gathering that took place in a neighboring town over the weekend. Any employee at this event must quarantine for (an) appropriate time and test negative for COVID-19 prior to returning to work in order to protect the welfare of other staff members.”
Full story from Brian Lockhart, CT Post here
Hey Lennie a couple of us beat you to it on this topic. You should copy and paste our comments at the end of the last part of the Jorge Cruz comments to here!!!
Instead of commenting on it here, you could have copied and pasted those comments yourself. Lennie is too busy for that and Ray doesn’t have time to correct our spelling errors anymore.
Thanks! I Haven’t learned how to cut and paste on the iPhone. I don’t bring my P C to the beach!!
I barely know Danny, met him during JoeyG’s ’15 campaign, but this is disgusting! He may have a lot of money, but he should take adult education classes to learn to speak like the business man he claims to be instead of a thug. Joe should take action against his egregious actions and give that City job he holds to someone with a family to support. I’m so furious that I feel like kicking his ass, and that goes for JoeyG also.
Lisa- he is nothing more than a thug.
Copied from Jorge’s sidewalk thread..
Rich, not sure what’s worse,Danny having the party with 300 guest in the house despite the pandemic,or his interview afterwards stating he could give a shit about what anybody says.I always knew he was a piece of shit.From the video that was posted,the people were packed in that house. If just one person was a carrier, I hate to think of how many were infected that night,not to mention all through this week with the guests going home and to other places.Danny’s “I don’t give a shit attitude is sickening.”. What an asshole.
Let’s put aside, if possible, that he held a Super Spreader event when Covid-19 is spreading at levels we’ve never witnessed and ICU’S across the state are full. He had the temerity, the unmitigated gaul to flippantly say give me a ticket, I’ll pay it because I’m rich. If this isn’t a prime example of White Privilege all the while taking tax dollars of the residents of Bridgeport. Mayor Ganim needs to fire this arrogant fool and hire someone that will serve the city with honor and dignity. But that’s the Mayor some of you wanted sooo…
Super Spreader is a term preferred by those of the BOOGEYMAN mentality. Sounds so scary I’m going to refuse to go to work. Super heard immunity advancer perhaps? Danny is rich because of the assessment of his properties? I’ve had few opportunities to chat with Danny for a short time. I’m familiar with some of his rental properties and his tenants. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the state issued a moratorium prohibiting evictions of tenants. You think all his tenants are up to date on their rent? You think the Ctpost is interested in publishing an interview with Danny Pizzaro on this? You think Joe Ganim gives a shit about Danny having to go through this? Sure he works for the city, how much he pays in taxes? If he doesn’t pay his taxes on time, Joe Ganim is capable of letting him go, irrespective of his explanation.
“Mayor Ganim needs to fire this arrogant fool and hire someone that will serve the city with honor and dignity.”
In other words, fire Danny Pizzaro and hire Joel Gonzalez. Is this what you’re finding difficult to say?
How often must come here and suggest that poster should consider the flip side of their views and opinions? Let’s look at the flipside of this situation. Herd Immunity. Ever heard of this? Like it or not, heard immunity will continue to naturally take place. The vaccination itself is a form of heard immunity, just more complex and expensive to implement, it’s not natural.
Still think Danny is a monster so far? It is a fact that the center for disease control is recommending the use of donated plasma from people who have been exposed/infected to Covid-19 virus. It doesn’t matter how or why they got the virus, it’s a good thing. I’m not sure what I had last March 2019 during the early stage of the pandemic. All I know is that 3 days after getting order to wipe down all areas possible in the Bridgeport PD, I had some symptoms except fever. I was pretty much told to call my doctor when I’m spitting blood. I have two daughters and a wife and I had to quarantine for 2 weeks at home. The more people are exposed voluntarily to the virus, the sooner we can return to as normal as possible. If you accept immunization for Covid-19 the virus will be introduced to your body as if you were in a stadium full of people with the virus mask or no mask. Is it wise to take precautions? Sure it is. Is it wise to take the vaccine at 94% effectiveness. Yes, I’m waiting for the city to call me. There wouldn’t have been such an outcry if Danny had no ties to Joe Ganim. Before anyone starts to bark at me, consider the flip side to your bark.
Danny Pizarro and his crew paid his way to his position and money is the mother’s milk in politics.
Ron do you own your home? If I was Danny Pizzaro, I’d sue you for all I can get. Unless you can prove what you posted…
Joel, this my reference.
“Ganim aide buys more downtown Bridgeport buildings”
“Ganim Aide Danny Pizarro Suspended For Owing Back Taxes, Promises To Pay Taxes This Week”
Joel, you’re one of the smartest guy I know. You’re also savvy. Between you and me, do you really think Danny was hired because of his qualifications? I know why he was hired and so do you. Now you know how I feel about you, because of that I say cut the crap.
I’m not aware or was aware of what position Danny held nor of his education or qualifications. Either way, qualified or not, I’d say that his and the hiring of others are due to patriotism and their support of Ganim. It has always been like that and will always be. Don’t hate the messenger, feel free to hate and attack the message. I love you and respect you regardless of what side of the issue or campaign we find ourselves.
Any city employee who was at Danny’s birthday party should be suspended without pay for two weeks.
Anything less than this should result in Ganim being docked two weeks for every employee who was there.
Nothing less.
There are some people who are holding their breath hoping I don’t start dropping quest names. I just can’t figure out why I get the calls from those in the know giving me the goods.
Lisa, this is a true health and safety issue that can spread just like what happen in the White House Rose Garden ceremony for new Supreme Court member.
Does Danny Pizzaro have an obligation to release the names of all who attended his Birthday Party? Yes, indeed.
Lisa, I dare you drop names. OIB is about prying open the Juicy stuff. Make sure those feeding the names are 100% sure. They too can join OIB and pry open… As a matter of fact Lisa, I TRIPLE DARE YOU.
LOL, Joel you think that you can bully Lisa Parziale, what a joke,.
Go back and read what Lisa wrote. Again, consider the flip-side. Cut the crap?
Late Breaking News:
The Names of City of Bridgeport City Employees and or their relatives are slowly being released. Among those is the daughter of Councilwoman Maria Pereira of the 138th. District. In our first OIB investigation of 2021. Speedy had been chasing Bridgeport mayor Joe Ganim all over the City. Speedy lost sight of the vehicle near State Street extension going south on I95. The driver of the vehicle is believed to be Detective Garcia. Speedy reports that he received a tip alerting him about Joe Ganim going to the airport towards Washington D.C. to attend the Biden inauguration. Speedy said, “It was very challenging to catch up to the mayor. The tipster didn’t say whether it was Sikorsky Airport or The New York airlines”.
Joel, I know where your coming from ,and I would never question your opinion of me. If I started dropping names, not only about this present issues but about situations that would make your jaw drop, I’d lose respected friends /associates who would have every reason not to trust me. I’ve been around long enough to know what to say and what to let play out. I talk straight with you because I trust you. I hate to say this, but I hope the ramifications of that reckless party doesn’t cause more sickness.
It’s okay Lisa, I understand. It wasn’t easy for me to take the steps necessary to out people whom I was close with when I started filing SEEC complaints against them–All Puerto Ricans. I also made it clear to black and white folks that they weren’t clean either and if the practice continued, don’t get mad at me. I caused my fellow Ricans to clean up their acts or at least be aware that one can only hide such acts for temporary period. So, here I am today 13 years later and still at it. Now listen to this one. I reached out to Carmen Torres, the aunt of the late Representative Ezequiel Santiago. I asked her to help me get permission to lead the effort to name Wentfield Park in honor of Representative Ezequiel Santiago. Americo Santiago and I have settled our differences in pursuit of a common goal.
Lisa, because they don’t have balls. They’re like many of the people who signed both the petition allegedly circulated by Marilyn Moore. Some wouldn’t dare answer the key question while some did confirm that I was on target and requested to keep them anonymous.
*** Time will tell if anyone gets sick with the covid-19 virus.***
I saw the Vido and I saw people who work for the City,, and I see a Council persons daughter at the Party. Interesting you would think this person who many of you on OIB think is so anti and can do no wrong. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw Stones at Other!
Lennie, where’s the video? Ernie, you pick and choose which OIB post to address. No comment on any of my posts in regards to Chief Garcia shuffling of Captains at the PD. What’s this anti-Hispanic sentiment/tone I’m feeling on the blog coming from colored people and some whites? Garcia, Amado, Valle, Nieves, Pizarro, and even me!
Seeing that is Councilwoman Maria Pereira district I’m sure that she will have something to say. The City’s Health Director can’t say anything because the City doesn’t have a Health Director.
Wow, you sure know how to pay attention to details. Glad you are not a Bridgeport fire fighter looking for a fire at Danny Pizzaro’s home in Bridgeport instead of Trumbull.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Your quote is incomplete Ron.
Here’s the missing part:
[…The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige and even his life for the welfare of others.]
Joel, I misspoke, the main point about Maria is that she’ll speak out about his $81,000 annually as a non-union, politically appointed project coordinator with the city’s housing code office and living in Trumbull and if not Maria some other council member but I’m not sure because of who Danny-boy-Pizarro is. Mr. Pizarro own words tells everybody what he thinks about the health and safey of others with over 300 super spreaders, happy birthday Danny, it’s a date that I’m sure many won’t forget. Danny, maybe you should get tested before you pay that fine.
I’m sure Maria Pereira will have something to say. Let’s see how many other members of the council will say something. While Danny may share some responsiblity here, he makes a good point when he said that everyone knew about the Covid-19 plaque and all were willing participants. It was held at his home, he was straightforward with all his answers to the questions asked. Would y’all feel better if he said, ‘Pay a $500 fine, fuck no…’ Just days ago, my youngest brother in Stamford landed in the Hospital with Covid-19. He couldn’t recognize his daughter at first. His son work at a convalescent home where he contracted the virus and passed it to his dad. My brother has kidney problems which complicated the situation. He is doing much better and I was able to speak to him the second day of Hospitalization. It’s real, the national death count has surpassed 400,000.
Joel, my prayers are with you your family and I them a speedy recovery. As for Danny, I’m in total disagreement, he invited 300 people to his home, they didn’t show up on their own and he disregarded their health and safety when all he had to do was to tell the 300 guest to wear a face covering if they were not six feet apart.
I didn’t get your point. I said I saw the vido and saw some city employees and the daughter of a council person. Who many of you on OIB Praise as the savior of Bridgeport. Be careful how you judge others. People who live in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw Stones.
Ernie, any luck on finding how much Joe has charged the taxpayers for attorney’s fees so far in his bid to beat the impending Federal charges that await him?.. You never seem to answer this for me..
You didn’t get my point? It’s a fucking question dude. If you go back to the commentary regarding Chief Garcia’s transfer of Captains, you shall be able to read my “points” there. You wanted “answers” from Chief Garcia. I think you can get the answers to your questions in my comments. Perhaps the chief answered your questions.
Those who don’t have the balls to drop names shouldn’t bother to post their shitty comments. You said nothing on this post.
Fox 61 did a piece on the party.. now Pizzaro has an attorney, and it’s Dennis Bradley of all people. Haha, you can’t this shit up..
How much did Danny boy Pizarro cost the taxpayers when he caused the motor vehicle accident in November 2018 while driving his “city” car for the mayor?? Maybe someone who knows how to “cut&paste” can do so!! As I recall that was another “quietly” worked out payment to the victim(s). How soon we forget!! Check out the case and see who got paid!!!!
How many police officers have gotten into car accidents. Should they be held by the same standard you’re holding Pizzaro? You guys really sound like an old, beat-up vinyl record. I can imagine how much drop in readership OIB has experienced in the past 5 months or so. Heck, even I stayed away.
Thank you Joel. For staying away.
Comin’ atcha….
Bob Walsh is over exposed on OIB.
He’s here too much.
Bob Walsh when I’m away from OIB, it doesn’t mean I’m doing nothing like you. While I may not post, I do read OIB. I still do research as time provides. I’m working on another complaint against your girl and Baracka as well as one other Male individual separate from your girls complaint.
Many city employees have issues. I’m just pointing out the obvious when it comes to “issues” that close relations to the ex con mayor have. Similarly- those that sit at the round table sipping espresso. A majority of those have been arrested and/or are under investigation. If you just want to give that a pass then that’s your prerogative but I say it just adds up to a tremendously corrupt political organization that cost taxpayers a whole lot of cash!!!!
Keep it up. You’ve got 1 year for the SEEC to rule. Otherwise it’s thrown out. So you had better be speedy.
Not necessarily you misinformed fool. The SEEC Commission can extend the investigation period. I know what I’m doing. For example I split the complaints in two when possible and to take it even further I split the allegations. In complaint 2019–136 there were 2 allegations. I intentionally marely stated the chapter violated at the very end. I wanted to see what actions Marilyn Moore and Sauda Baracka take to cover their tracks. Ask Baracka why is it that after 17 years of being a Registered Republican, she switched to Democrat about 2 months after I filed the two complaints? I titled the two complaints: I know what y’all did last summer. The next is titled: I know what y’all did last winter.
Joel, how much responsibility does Danny hold when he and those 300 damn fools get sick and go on to infect and kill those health care workers who have to take care of their reckless ass. More than 2,900 U.S. health care workers have died in the COVID-19 pandemic since March and most were infected by ignorant mofo’s like Danny and those 300 other ignorant mofo’s. He and those 300 others damn fools need to be ashamed of themselves, but I know they don’t because they don’t give a damn about those that have to put their lives on the line for their ignorance.
Danny has the responsibility of paying $500, and all others shall pay $250 fines.
Danny Pizarro, and those 300 others damn fools don’t give a damn about those that have to put their lives on the line for their ignorance. Joel is far up Pizarro” ass, Joel must be renting an apartment from Pizarro because Joel is acting like he’s lawyer. Danny Pizarro according to Joel has done nothing wrong and that he’s going to be his protecter because Danny can’t speak for his self.
Late Breaking News:
The Names of City of Bridgeport City Employees and or their relatives are slowly being released. Among those is the daughter of Councilwoman Maria Pereira of the 138th. District. In our first OIB investigation of 2021. Speedy had been chasing Bridgeport mayor Joe Ganim all over the City. Speedy lost sight of the vehicle near State Street extension going south on I95. The driver of the vehicle is believed to be Detective Garcia. Speedy reports that he received a tip alerting him about Joe Ganim going to the airport towards Washington D.C. to attend the Biden inauguration. Speedy said, “It was very challenging to catch up to the mayor. The tipster didn’t say whether it was Sikorsky Airport or The New York airlines”.
Joel, you can’t believe that bullshit that Danny Pizarro is only responsible for a $500 fine and bear no responsibility if and when his gotta have it Birthday party results in someone dying from Covid-19. You’re better than that Joel, Danny Pizarro might not be, but you are Joel! This is ethnic loyalty gone F,ing crazy!
As I understand, Danny Pizarro is working remotely from home. City Hall among many other city buildings have been and continue to have city employees testing positive for Covid-19. It’s nearly impossible for anyone to prove that they contacted the virus from a specific place, person or time.
Joel, 3:31 in the morning, go to bed, please.
Was doing my researching and reading. Working on: I know what y’all did last winter. When my daughter won’t go to bed, I’m forced to stay up and keep an eye on her.