From Linda Conner Lambeck, CT Post:
General Electric officials say they are close to submitting a remediation plan for making 17 acres of its toxic Boston Avenue industrial property clean enough to support a new $78 million Harding High School.
Whether or not that will break the stalemate between the city and school board over putting the school on land once filled with lead and petroleum-based toxins remains to be seen.
Full story here.
Yes, let’s hope this will bring it one step closer.
Good to know there’s an extension process.
From the early versions of the alleged Chicken Little fallout from delay, I thought it might mean all would be lost! But oh, there’s an extension process.
Well Pete, you know what that is all about; Bill Finch’s reelection effort. Time is of the essence. Sign off on the plan. Then between now and next year we will have 20 groundbreaking ceremonies.
And not one new job …
While I’m delighted this new school has come to fruition, I’m not finding that facade esthetically pleasing to the eye. Perhaps it’s just me, but it reminds me of barbed wire fencing.