In a chuckle effect letter to Mayor Bill Finch, former Mayor Joe Ganim seeks information from the delayed revaluation of city property, lecturing hizzoner “You see Mayor Finch, the Freedom of Information act is the law that allows citizens to see the information upon which their government officials make decisions, allowing them to gage [sic] the ability of the official to govern.”
Ganim is requesting data on values of all property in Bridgeport that was conducted by Vision Associates based on assessments for the October 1, 2013 grand list. The city paid Vision Associates roughly $300,000 for the reval effort.
Last year, at the request of the mayor, Governor Dan Malloy and the Connecticut General Assembly delayed for two years implementation of revaluation that sources say would have led to a tax increase in an election year. Ganim, as mayor, also requested reval delays.
Finch opponents maintain a major tax increase is a lock for next year.
Ganim writes in his letter to Finch, “While I suspect you may stonewall and not provide us this information in an effort to conceal the major tax increase looming, until after the election as you have when others have filed requests. Be advised that the fact that you used this information to make a prior decision to put off the reevaluation requires and compels that this be publicly available information.”
City Attorney Mark Anastasi, who blocked numerous FOI requests when Ganim was mayor, has ruled in the past that the information in question is not subject to public review because some of the information is incomplete and is now immaterial in light of an updated review underway. Former Mayor John Fabrizi had requested the information last year when he pondered a comeback. He did not pursue his request with the state Freedom of Information Commission when Anastasi blocked access. Fabrizi is supporting Finch’s reelection.
“them to gage [sic] the ability of the official to govern”
Ganim misspelled gauge and he was a lawyer before being disbarred in disgrace as a common thief.
Also, the re-evaluation would not lead to a tax increase. It would be a mil rate increase. As a former lawyer and not an accountant, Ganim may not know that. The amount each person paid would not change. 40 mills on $100K = 80 mils on $50K. A tax increase would be dictated by what the city plans on spending when compared to what it collects.
Petty, petty, it could have been a typo. Thank God you don’t gauge all our blogs, we’d all be in grammar prison.
It was a press release. You’d think with four HQs he would have one proofreader or notice the red line that appears under the word in MS Word. Like none of the anti-Finch stuff is petty? People in glass houses, Lisa.
BOE SPY, again again again, check the dictionary.
www .merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gauge
The verb “gage” is an accepted variant for the verb “gauge” in Merriam Webster’s.
I know, you like confusing things (e.g. equating ‘homicide’ with ‘murder’) to try to help your man Finch. I hope he’s paying you well.
For someone who moved out of town, as you claimed here last year, you certainly love to attack Bridgeport residents herein who are merely trying to understand the truth of city policy and budget matters affecting them.
Google homicide, right at the top: the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder.
synonyms: murder, killing, slaughter, butchery, massacre;
What I do not understand is, if you use the legal definition, why would anyone care about homicides in a crime stat? You can have a number of types of homicide that are not crimes. Like soldiers killing an enemy in time of war and self-defense. If you use the legal definition of homicide it would mean the homicide rate in a city is a meaningless stat. It could simply mean you live close to a prison where executions are carried out.
I know you love Ganim but what exactly is his plan regarding city policy and budget matters? I am not attacking anyone. It is just I had to respond when the nonsense people are posting against Finch got so exaggerated and untrue, it bordered on ludicrous. An example would be your post on the fight and Ganim’s entire article on the reval. If he does get elected he will have to do the same re-evaluation. It is irrelevant who is mayor. The effect will be the same.
Pete, I am sure you noticed BOE SPY’s lengthy dissertation does not address your post in the least. He wrote a novel to divert attention away from his embarrassing error.
A group of us were reading this and openly laughed at your calling out the worst “spy” in existence.
With respect, there is a difference between gage and gauge. The correct word in the press release should have been gauge.
www .differencebetween.com/difference-between-gage-and-vs-gauge/
Sorry, stuff like this really annoys me–like when people misuse there, their and they’re.
So noted, good for you!
Sorry, Michael Smith.
Merriam-Webster has a bit more authority in this context (gauge or accepted variant gage) than www .differencebetween.com, no?
“They’re” is not an accepted variant of “their” because they’re not the same word. “Haul” and “hall” are not the same word … and on and on.
See, yes, the dictionary.
BOE SPY is obviously no brain surgeon. You see, when the value falls in one area of the City and remains fairly stable in another, the stable area with an increased mil rate will see a tax increase. Black Rock and the North End, get ready!
Yes, I realize the valuations will not be proportional for all areas in the city. The ‘less desirable’ areas of town will have a larger loss of value. That was a lot of explaining and I do not think it will be horribly dramatic. I think it was a good idea to let things settle and let property values be indicated by their value and not fear. Doing the re-val directly after the crash would have not given an accurate value for the properties.
The other point is Ganim will have the same issue. He will have to do a property value re-evaluation. If the city is in a budgetary deficient situation, Ganim will also have to raise taxes. He criticizes Finch for these issues but does not offer his solution. However, he does say he will give more money to the BOE and hire an army of cops. Does he think that is going to be free or will he print that money?
All that time in jail and Joe couldn’t read a few books … smh.
It is obvious to everyone who cares to notice, Bill Finch would like to have a third term as mayor of Bridgeport. It is equally obvious Joseph P. Ganim would like his old job back. There are three other candidates lobbying for the Democratic nomination; because of the animosity between Messrs. Finch and Ganim their voices are lost in the roar of the two most aggressive campaigners.
Bill Finch does not have much of a record to stand on. Joe Ganim does have a record to stand on. But this has been drowned out by the Finch campaign’s constant trumpeting “Joe Ganim is a convicted felon!” (Note to Maryli Secrest, Bill Finch’s campaign manager: Could you shout it a little louder? They couldn’t hear you in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.) Okay, we heard you. Joe Ganim is a convicted felon. He’s also been running an above-board campaign and has not stooped to the lowball tactics employed by Bill Finch and his handlers.
Mr. Ganim and the other contenders for the mayoral crown have been calling for ethical reform in local government. Bill Finch has been mute on the subject. His underlings tried to suppress police reports and prevent them from reaching the local news media, in clear violation of public-records laws. His chief of staff tried to put the kibosh on the Secretary of the State’s attendance of an event honoring a local civil rights figure. Mr. Finch has claimed ignorance of all these things, which reflects poorly on him. A chief executive ought to know exactly what his underlings are doing. (Mr. Finch cannot claim ignorance of the city’s “boot and tow” program to collect delinquent vehicle taxes: He signed the bill authorizing VioLert, a Georgia-based company, to take over from the judicial marshal’s service.)
Whoever assumes the throne in November has a few tasks ahead. Number one is restoring trust in City Hall. A public integrity office is a great idea but who will staff it, who will pay for it, and what sort of legal powers will the office have? Will the public integrity office have subpoena power? Will it be nonpartisan? What about all the City Council members who are employed by the city or have a spouse or child employed by the city? These conflicts of interest must be remedied. The municipal payroll must be pruned; it is the biggest waste of financial resources.
Redundancy is also a problem. For every department with a motor vehicle fleet there is a maintenance garage. Why not centralize vehicular maintenance into one central garage? Does the Democratic Town Committee really need to feed that many unemployable people?
Kid–I posted a number of articles on Ganim’s record as mayor. Higher crime, higher mil rates, he backed an asphalt plant in town, he sold the sailing ship ROSE (taking away a major BPT attraction), he gave the management of the police and fire pensions away for a kickback, he remove the property of CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORP. from the tax rolls by eminent domain and he had a press conference praising Donald Trump. What else on Ganim’s record as mayor would you like to know? You want to talk about Ganim’s record on ethics or have you heard enough about that? Maybe you like Ganim’s chief of police. He was on a disability pension from the City of NY for a heart problem caused by stress. Good thing Chief of police is not a stressful job in BPT.
BTW–does the Democratic Town Committee really need to feed that many unemployable people?
Mario backing Ganim means Ganim is going to be less beholden to the DTC? Or you think Finch would be less inclined to ‘help a brother out’ when Mario calls?
Maria–I do not have a law degree and, unfortunately, I am not that bright. This is just my opinion or stuff I researched. So be it.
I think Joe Ganim is a brilliant candidate. He knows how to get press and apparently, other than Finch, he is the only candidate who knows how to work the system. When I run for Mayor I will use the Ganim playbook. You have to give him credit, while some of his supporters on this blog talk crap, Joe’s out there looking like a serious Mayoral candidate.
Mary-Jane Foster was on the NPR Hartford station 90.5 today. There was very poor reception so I am hoping the website has the full interview.
Nice article in today’s paper about Roosevelt School and renewed interest in the South End for market-rate housing as well as the Remington shaver site. These two additions should be a most-welcome addition by the University of Bridgeport, our South End economic engine and homeowners in the area and business. 500-plus new families couldn’t hurt and strengthen the neighborhood as well as make UB more attractive to potential students.
There is no topic about the Trumbull Gardens shooting so I’ll post my concerns here. Today marks two months since the shooting of nine people and one who was killed at Trumbull Gardens. There are no suspects, there is no news or information from the police chief and Mayor Finch about this crime. Where is the outrage from George Mintz President of the Bridgeport Chapter of the NAACP and from State Rep. Rev. Charles Stallworth President of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Greater Bridgeport? Nothing, just silence.
I second your concerns. I have to wonder why the BPD is not keeping the public updated on the investigation.
Maybe the investigation is not being publicized so as to not tip off the suspects. You would not want them to learn the police are closing in and take off. I’m sure if these guys get caught we will hear about it.
Shut the Flock Up. That comment is outright stupid. Is Steve A your new editor? The citizens of Bridgeport deserve updates. Only cowardly leaders like Bill Finch and Chief Gaudett hide behind a wall of silence.
Actually, he spelt “gage” correctly for the way it was being used.
Wow, he did. Learn something new every day.
Ron, we haven’t heard anything about the second shooting there either, have we?
There has been nothing about any of the shootings from City officials and there has been no outrage and no marches from the community, nothing, there have been no demands made for anything from the community, nothing.
Go ahead, Ron. Go to Trumbull Gardens and organize a march. Why do you always need someone to do these things? You are someone. Get to stepping.
Ron, it’s like the people who are warehoused in the terrace at PT Barnum and Marina do not mean anything. It seems all the politicians just forget about them. The only time they don’t forget them is at voting time.
It’s a damned shame after two months nothing has been said about this investigation. It’s my bet they have no suspects. It’s my bet some one of the eight knows the shooters and these shooters are known acquaintances of one or more of these victims.
This freaking PD will come to your neighborhood to give a BS presentation but they won’t update you on a serious murder/shooting.
So what have we got, we have three shooters who are still in the community and are probably more brazen than ever.
Andy, it’s sad and true what you have stated. Did you read this bull$#!t, “Maybe the investigation is not being publicized so as to not tip off the suspects.” You have chief Barney Fife and counterfeit Bill doing nothing but he’ll be at Trumbull Gardens and PT asking the residents there to vote for him and telling the lie of 2,000 new jobs and crime is at a 40-year low and Bridgeport is getting better, what a liar.
Chief Fife! Lol.
Ron, on the weekend of August 28 about 10,000 pastors called “The Black Robed Regiment” are meeting in Birmingham, Al. to walk the same path as Dr. Martin Luther King. This was started by pastor James Lowe and Glenn Beck. These events on the 28th, 29th and 30th are to bring religious and non-religious people together and highlight the issues that are plaguing not only America but the world. It is the hope this event will spread across the country to local communities and unite us. I would love to join anyone on OIB and work to put this together for Bridgeport. Between the churches and community I feel we can come together, all races. Please check out “Never Again Is Now.”
Quentin Dreher, Malcolm X once said we as blacks must get ourselves together before we can ask others to do what we should be doing for ourselves.
Ron, I think our problems go a lot further than any one color. God did not intend for us to fight the fight alone.
Quentin, we won’t fight this battle alone but we must take the lead like we did in the 1950s and 1960s and others will join and support like they did in the civil rights movement. The white clergy nationwide saw the moral issues Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was talking about, the injustice. Today it’s different, we have a mayor and a police chief who are keeping everybody in the dark. We have a mayor who attempted to take over the Board Of Education and take the voters’ right to vote for whom they wanted to serve on the BOE away from them but where was the clergy on that moral issue, silence, nothing. Things have changed and that’s why Finch doesn’t have to answer to anyone because the community is not demanding answers.
So I went to the protest down at the Annex. The Rev. Mary McBride-Lee had the opportunity to tell me to my face what a horrible person I was. I will apologize publicly only if some of my less than kind comments hurt her. I certainly do respect her history. She did of course, as she was ripping my head off, I felt at least I gave her the opportunity to humiliate me in front of the entire Ganim headquarters. I do feel better that she vented. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.
Was it a Ganim lovefest or was it a civil rights protest? I guess in her mind it was a civil rights protest, but in reality it was a Ganim rally. Let’s see, the people there were all the candidates for the Board of Ed, his entire staff, and all Ganim supporters. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Just to be clear. Personally, I thought a woman of her stature and religious convictions would have taken the high road and canceled the protest. I was so hoping to track her down and commend her for being a strong woman of substance. I guess the forgiveness she had for Joe Ganim drained her so there wasn’t even an ounce of forgiveness for the Mayor. Politics and religion will never mix. You just can’t serve two masters.
I have apologized for hurting her feelings. I commended her for her courage back in 1964. The students in the 30 schools I have been to have all heard my passion when discussing the civil rights movement.
Thank you Rev. Mary McBride-Lee for ripping my head off and pulling out my lungs. I feel 10 lbs. lighter and I’m feeling good!
Looks to me like you took the high road, Steve.
As did you, Lisa. Thanks. John S.
Another good reason for the separation of church and state. It is unforgivable a person of the cloth treat another human being like that. Maybe she is not familiar with ‘turn the other cheek’ or ‘we are all God’s children’ and you are one of God’s chosen people.
Rev. Mary McBride Lee can spot a snake when she sees one!
This snake speaks with forked tongue, it’s always best to keep your distance, Rev. Lee.
He’s a true Finchette!
Jim Fox, did I mention your friend Ralph is also a Mayor Finch supporter?
Lisa, thank you.
But not in the primary!
Finch follows the FOI rules to a fault, yet treats the city charter like it doesn’t exist.
It is commendable that you apologized.