Following her ballot qualification to challenge Democratic incumbent Anthony Musto in an August State Senate primary, Marilyn Moore issued this news release. The district covers Trumbull and portions of Bridgeport and Monroe.
Marilyn Moore who six years ago came within a whisker of defeating Anthony Musto for Connecticut’s 22nd State Senate seat representing Bridgeport, Trumbull and Monroe on Monday qualified for a Democratic primary rematch obtaining the 15 percent delegate support required under party rules.
Ms. Moore is the Founder and CEO of the Breast Cancer Program for Women, Witness Project that provides education and screening services to detect breast cancer.She has already garnered sufficient contributions to qualify for a grant under Connecticut’s Citizens Election Program of publicly financed races, an early feat validating strong and committed support excited about a fresh perspective and weary of politics as usual.
“It is time for new energy, new vitality and real leadership” says Ms. Moore who vowed to take the fight to every part of the district in anticipation of the primary election August 12. “I’m running for State Senate because the people of the district deserve a state senator who’s in touch with their concerns. We need an independent-minded reformer who knows how to work with people to get things done.”
“You’re not in touch when you violate the Bridgeport City Charter to promote political patronage, you’re not in touch when you’re one of two senators voting to release the tragic images of the Sandy Hook children, you’re not in touch when you support the illegal takeover of city schools, you’re not in touch when classroom teachers are blamed for systemic failures, you’re not in touch when you water down campaign finance laws in support of dark money interests, you’re not in touch when you know incorrect information is being disseminated to your constituents regarding the location and time of the 22nd State Senate District convention and you stand by and watch it.”
Last September Ms. Moore managed the campaigns of three Bridgeport school board challengers who defeated the party endorsed candidates, a message from Democratic primary voters unhappy about intrusive policies that included taking away voters rights to elect board of education members.
“As a healthcare advocate I see up close the struggles, journeys and triumphs of courageous women. I pledge to be there–whether jobs, education, government reform, health care, or a voice for the voiceless–to help constituents transform struggles and journeys into triumphs. I will be a bridge builder for the people of Trumbull, Monroe and Bridgeport.
You go, girl!!!
In the interests of full disclosure I did not write that but damn! I wish I had.
Delegates are in and the gloves are off.
I’m supporting Musto, but I’d be interested in hearing Marilyn Moore’s platform. I’d rather support a candidate than vote against one.
I am not supporting Moore. I want a candidate who will support the goals of our mayor in Hartford, not be a thorn in his side. I want a candidate who supports Bridgeport development.
I will listen to all candidates. I will wait to hear Moore’s platform. So far, I have heard nothing impressive.
It is clear Marilyn Moore’s platform is for change of the current political culture. She will actually listen to the Steve Auerbachs and anyone else who cares about the City. She also has integrity and common sense. She is way ahead in my book. She has my vote and support.
Steve, with all due respect, are you aware of Musto’s voting record? Do you even care he is on the wrong side of more than one issue? Non-Bridgeport elected officials have taken him aside and questioned his ability to understand what his voters support. Geeez, just what do you support that Musto supports? Letting Bridgeport ignore home rule and the city charter? Public access and display of Sandy Hook photos? His original position on no minimum-wage hike? Taking credit for money brought to Bridgeport that was not his idea or request? So what is Musto’s platform that you support–because I have never heard his platform, and his voting record sure is not a platform I can support. Sure he’s pretty, but Marilyn is truly beautiful if one is going on looks alone.
Funny Jennifer, Musto is prettier but Marilyn has bigger balls, at least in her grandiose speeches. I have asked on numerous occasions for her platform and on this blog, total silence. I am glad this blog has given her a voice and glad you as a staunch Republican realize you have no candidate in your party to support. Maybe the pictures of Sandy Hook would have made the Republicans take their heads out of their asses on gun control. There are many patronage jobs that are part of the political scene. I know many getting fat with city jobs and elected positions as well as many who just do an excellent job. Michelle Lyons is just one who would be affected by this Chris Caruso, I mean Hennessy bill. I am not a paid spokesmen for Anthony Musto or the Mayor. Let their people get their word out. I only have one vote and a few thousand people I chat with. We all have our own agenda. Mine is the same as a taxpayer as it also would be if I were the Mayor. Economic development is number one tied with a superior school system, safety and affordable housing. So far, Moore is running on a Hennessy bill and anti-Finch, anti-Musto platform. I cannot see Bridgeport’s glorious future in her platform.
At least Moore is addressing her would-be constituents. Musto is the incumbent and has yet to state his intentions and give us reasons we should vote for him. The only mailing I have received was Musto taking credit for the efforts of OTHER Bridgeport legislators. It makes me sick to think Musto is banking on the premise we don’t know what the frack is going on. It’s insulting to an extreme degree. And for the last time, MUSTO IS NOT THAT HOT. I hate weak chins.
Actually Steve, I did not say anywhere I have no republican candidate to support. This is about a primary, not the general election. Most Democrats who know me well have never called me a staunch Republican. I am not a straight-line voter nor am I a one-issue voter.
It appears Steven has an issue with race. That is my perception. Hartford reps should’ve supported Hennessy’s bill. But they didn’t.
Steve … with all due respect … you were not paying attention. Lyons would not have been affected because she is a board of education employee.
invincible–it appears I have an issue with race? It is a good thing you have an alias name or I’d rip your ducking lungs out. Just thought I’d be as clear as possible. She will not win using race that is for sure as her own community doesn’t think she is anything to write home about.
Regarding Michelle Lyons not working for the City, but the board of ed, that’s fine, I was only using Michelle as one example maybe the wrong choice. My point is, I do not care about elected officials holding city jobs. I am more concerned about economic development directors making $150,000 and being elected to a Stamford council and dealing with development issues.
As far as Musto goes, tell me what he has done for Bridgeport development in all the years he has been in office. His one public attempt at development was a prison in a residential neighborhood. If memory serves me you were in front of the demonstration against this prison. You have a short memory.
Steve, please tell me the great things Musto has done for Bridgeport.
Yes Andy, I was very involved with the Nob Hill Academy with Chris Caruso and a handful of people. I had written an email to Sen. Musto and he responded. It was Rell, Fabrizi, Finch and Curwen who were silent on the issue until we discussed a prison with sweeping views of Beardsley Park in a residential neighborhood, conveniently located on a bus line and a stone’s throw from Bridgeport’s number-one touring attraction and a one-minute walk from Mayor Finch’s home on Crown Street. Musto did change his position as well as all the local politicians.
We move on and support the candidate who has a better vision for our future. I will wait for the candidates. If the North End is critical, all I can say is when Foster, now a Moore supporter, was running for Mayor I walked the entire North End in support. I was either one step ahead or one step behind Michelle Lyons, Tom Lyons and Dennis Scinto. Very hard-working campaigners. I am assuming they are supporting Musto. If not I’ll probably be getting an email after this post. Btw Andy, does Anthony represent your neighborhood anymore? Jennifer?
He is the elected Senator in my district, but few in this district would say he represents us.
And Black Rock thinks Moore will? Wake up Dorothy, you are not in Kansas anymore.
Steve, Musto’s fortunate to have your support. You’re a hard campaigner. Michelle and Tom Lyons are supporting Musto. Scinto supports Moore. On Oct. 20, 2009, Musto issued this news release in support of the prison for girls in the Upper East Side. News release says North End. Maybe by now Anthony knows the difference between neighborhoods. Once Musto realized the neighborhood opposition he changed his position. He no longer represents the Upper East Side as part of a redistricting plan that carved the Wilbur Cross precinct into his district. But the news release adds credibility to Moore’s argument Anthony lacks constituent touch.
Bridgeport – State Senator Anthony Musto (D-Trumbull), Senate chair of the General Assembly’s Select Committee on Children, today issued the following statement on news that Governor M. Jodi Rell has placed $15 million in state bonds for the design and construction of a juvenile detention facility for girls in Bridgeport’s north end:
“Teenage girls are increasingly being housed in facilities that child-welfare advocates agree are unsafe for these vulnerable children. This facility will meet an increasing need and is in-line with our commitment to remove children from adult courts and facilities.
“As chair of the Children’s Committee, I think it’s critically important that we ensure that these at-risk youth have the opportunity to correct their mistakes and be protected from an adult criminal justice system that could have the opposite effect.
“I’m glad to hear that this project is moving forward in Bridgeport, and I thank the governor for this investment in our city. Fifteen million in construction work taking place in Bridgeport is welcome news in these difficult economic times.”
Steve, thank God he doesn’t represent us anymore and while he did he did nothing for us in the 138th.
No surprise Scinto is not supporting Musto as he is not supporting Finch. That’s the game of politics. Although Lennie, I appreciate the press release, I’d equate it to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama being anti-gay marriage. Well how horrible they flip-flopped and now running on that evolution. Maybe Musto is evolving also. Btw, isn’t it ironic Scinto supporting Moore since his family is the beneficiary of political jobs and scandals and that’s all I care to say on that. Let’s get Ernie Newton and former Senator Gomes’ endorsement and let’s see how many votes that brings in. Come on Lennie, Bridgeport voters are not concerned about the Hennessy Bill. As for the prison, you are right there was no way that was going to happen while I was fighting it.
Lennie, who is Fabrizi supporting? That could be very telling if he is supporting an anti-Finch/Musto candidate.
Yes Lennie, that was a pretty sad, pathetic press release from Musto. Let me throw up and move forward with my pro-Bridgeport agenda.
Where is Solar Change? Where did the $350,000 for the missing Solar Change project go? Where are the 31 jobs and green technology from the Solar Change project?
Your cheerleader Stevie doesn’t seem to have an answer either, despite giving us the impression he knows what your “platform” is or was.
By the way Steve, UI got control of the entire Seaside Landfill for free. If yon plan on going to the beach or parks, bring an extra $5.00. The park sticker price has doubled to $10.00.
Be happy you have a beach, Joel. The largest body of water I have seen since I have been in AZ is the swimming pool at the apt complex I live in. In all fairness, the beach stickers in B’port have been $5 for years though doubling it is a bit much.
Steven, the old one-hand-clapping koan, did you come up with it?
Wishing everyone a happy Memorial Day and taking the opportunity to remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedom.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But Mr. Steve, you are out of line. I am glad you are showing your true colors. A little aggressive I might say. And you sub in our school system! When you least expect it, I will tap on your shoulder, identify myself and see if you are going to “rip my ducking lungs.”
Have a great day, Mr. Steve Auerbach! Peace!
invincible, you made the comment I had a problem with race … my true colors? You will never find a more honest upfront individual like me. Tap my shoulder, I will call you an asshole to your face. My name is out there, yours is not. You could accuse me of many things like giving my time freely, caring about my neighbors on all corners of the City but you would never be able to accuse me of having a problem with race. When I say some of my best friends are black that is an understatement. So invincible, by all means tap me on my shoulder. I promise I will not rip your ducking LUNGs out as I am not a violent person. I will however question your audacity to say I have a problem with race. My true colors never change. I am about as sincere as you can get.
You said … rip … can’t take it back.
Have a nice day, Mr. Steve.
Okay lololol
For what it is worth, I think Marilyn would make a great State Senator and I would vote for her if I still lived in that district. I met her volunteering on several campaigns and she is honest, bright, hard-working and really cares about Bridgeport.
invincible, let me preference my remarks by saying I am a 63-year-old black man who is an outspoken critic of bigotry and discrimination. How astute you are. Steve does indeed have an issue with race, but only as it relates to people of color in general andblack people specifically. invincible, Steve has a tendency to vilify, disparage and denigrate blacks when he talks about our people.
He doesn’t like Minister Ken Moales and calls his parishioners poor and ignorant because they worship at his church, but has never met or talked to any of his parishioners. He went on to call his members mindless followers. He has vilified Ernie Newton, Sauda Baraka and just about every other black he has written about. Let me say no one is above criticism, but to constantly vilify blacks is counterproductive, morally reprehensable and wrong. Vilify, a verb that means, “To speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner.”
You’ll notice invincible, the first thing out of his mouth to justify his bigotry is my best friends are black. Steve, as a person of the Jewish faith you are aware Adolph Hitler had a very good friend by the name of Josef Neumann who was of the Jewish faith. Neumann was a goodhearted man who liked Hitler very much and whom Hitler of course highly esteemed. That didn’t change who he was nor did it change the reprehensible actions Hitler took against millions of Jews in Auschwitz and other concentration camps.
Please understand I’m not trying to educate you on your illustrious history, nor am I comparing you in any shape, form or fashion to Hitler, just trying to get you to see one can have an animosity against a people and still have friends in that class of people, which doesn’t make you any less a bigot.
Mr. Donald Day and invincible, you are fucking morons … disgusting at best. I’d like to vomit in your face for your most disgusting, disparaging and unfounded remarks about me. Mr. Day, I am glad I know your name. You are repulsive to me to say the least. You sir may be a 63-year-old black man but ignorant to say the least. You repulse me. As for Ken Moales, he is a true leader of the Donald Days of the world.
Mr. Day, I know who you are and I have high regard and respect for you.
Thank you for reminding Mr. Steve about what his comments really mean. The man who wants to rip my ducking lungs and says he is not violent. A man who teaches in our school system.
Steve, I’ve said on this blog numerous times Ken Moales is not my leader in any shape, form or fashion and I don’t agree with most of his antics as they relate to BOE and his comments, which I find out of line. I have a problem with you and the vilification of this black man because you don’t agree with the opinions and with the way he runs his life, his church and his politics. There is nothing this man has done to you personally to deserve the maliciousness of your posts about this black man.
But it’s not only Reverend Moales, it’s any black you disagree with the choices they make in their lives, whether they are political, religious or personal. Your deprecating attitude with respect to blacks infuriates my very soul and I wonder what a black man must have done to you that would make a person despise my people so much. Did a brother take your lunch money when you were growing up?
As far as you vomiting in my face, we both know that isn’t going to happen, neither by accident or on purpose. The other vitriol, bitterness and viciousness you espoused, I can assure you I don’t give a DAMN about what you think about me. We aren’t buddies, boys or friends, you aren’t coming to my house and I ain’t going to yours so the hell with how you feel about me. I will continue to take your antediluvian ass to task every time you come out of your mouth sideways about my people. Count on it!!!
invincible, as you can see, Steve is just what you thought he is! There is absolutely nothing you said that should have solicited that kind of response to you, absolutely nothing! He is what you thought he was!
Donald Day, why don’t you tell us how you really feel about Steve. I’m in agreement with you but notice how he talks about Ms. Moore. It’s obvious Steve doesn’t know who you are because if he did he wouldn’t try to run with the big dogs. You’ve got him so mad he doesn’t know what to say.
Ron Mackey, I do know what to say. Here it goes! I am disappointed in you. Very! Donald Day I am glad you are a very proud black man. I am not interested in whether or not you agree with my opinion on Moales or Moore. You and Mackey may be proud black men but you gentlemen do not now and have never been the spokespeople for the black community. Maybe you imagine you do but you do not. Mr. Day I am most impressed you would know Hitler had a Jewish friend. That’s lovely Kumbaya. I must say I actually thought Adolph was a very talented artist as well as a charismatic personality. I might also add I am certain many Jews supported him. I am not certain what your point was to mention Hitler and myself was but maybe it was as ridiculous as the black man, I would say African American but he may not be African, who joined the white supremacy group in Milford a few years back. I do not speak for the Jews, gays, whites, Austrians or Germans. I do not like Moore’s anti-Steelepointe stance. I have given her more than a dozen opportunities to address my issues. She has not. To assume I am a racist because I do not support her is ludicrous. If you knew what some members of the Black Business Association thought of her you’d see life through my eyes. I didn’t say a word as I was there supporting Foster. They were not kind to Marilyn and that is not when I decided she was not my choice for a candidate. I’ve stated this ad nauseum. When she ran against Anthony Musto, I attended a meet and greet. When I asked about Steelepointe, she, Sen. Gomes and Caruso had no vision or desire to see Steelepointe succeed. That is what Bridgeport wants to see. I will not address Marilyn Moore or race on this blog again. It is embarrassing at best. It is not my fight, not my battle and I will not allow anyone to believe I have ever been a racist. This is where I sign off.
Steven Auerbach, why would you be disappointed in me? Donald Day and I are buddies, boys and friends, and we do go to each other’s house. Yes, I’m a proud black man but I have never said I spoke for the people of the black community. I notice when you get mad and someone challenges you, you go to name calling.
Only disappointed you allowed him to call me a racist. The fact the two of you are friends is of no interest to me.
Steven Auerbach, so you don’t like what Donald Day called you, well tell me what it is you don’t agree with. Sometimes whites get too comfortable talking about blacks then all of a sudden someone black calls them out on it and they don’t understand why things are being said about them like Mark Cuban.
Ron, thank you. You have opened my eyes. My entire life I have been fighting the wrong fight. Wasting my time, my breath my energy. I am no Mark Cuban and you and Day do not speak for the black community. You just think you do. Ron, you and Donald Day spend too much time talking about race. You have lost me.
Steven Auerbach, what have you been fighting for your whole life? Let’s try this again, “I’ve NEVER said I speak for the black community but I will up and speak out whether you or anyone else don’t like it. In the 1960s during the civil rights movement a lot of white liberals would tell black leadership they would do the talking for them and to let them handle things but the younger leaders said no. Those white liberals got upset because they wanted to do everything and have blacks owing them all the time. If you do something good for people God will bless you.
Steve, first of all I never called you a racist, never insinuated nor intimated you were a racist. I said you are a bigot. I never said I was a leader in the black community, but I am indeed a friend of the black community. What you know about the black community wouldn’t fill a thimble.
As a friend of the black community, I take to task individuals like you who foster a disdain for blacks. You seem to resort to name-calling when a difference of opinion is offered, which I believe is the mindset of the ignorant. Every time your niece, nephew or friends apply for a city job through civil service and they receive preference points, thank me. That’s what I’ve done for the community, what about you?
I have no friends who apply for civil service jobs who receive preference points. I treat people with dignity and respect, equality and compassion, friendship and empathy. I am colorblind and that is how I and my family have always been. My race and religion do not define me. My friends include Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and atheists. I have traveled around the world many times during better times and my best friends are Italian, Vietnamese, Mexican, Thai, Jamaican, Haitian, Japanese and African American. I am fortunate in that respect. Whether you called me a racist or a bigot doesn’t matter to me. Mr. Day, you as well as Ron Mackey see life as black and white. It comes through loud and clear. Our confrontations seem to always come when I am referring to the likes of Marilyn Moore, Ernie Newton or Reverend Moales. I can assure you none of my negative comments about them have to do with race. I do apologize for getting so irate. I could be accused of many things. Bigot or racist would be two qualities I would not accept from you or anyone else as it is totally against my nature and total essence. Your comments pierced my heart. Peace to you.
*** The city of Bpt has enough rubber stampers and personal gain-type politicians sitting on city and state representative-type seats and boards, to the “point of no return!” *** DUMP MUSTO! ***