Chivalry is alive and well in city politics, especially in the household of Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster. Her husband long-time heavy Republican donor Jack McGregor, a Yale-educated Marine, retired CEO of Aquarion and co-founder of the Bridgeport Bluefish, shares this commentary about why you should vote for his wife. From McGregor:
What’s the price of corruption? Bridgeport taxpayers have received double dosages of corruption from the 20 years of Joe Ganim and Bill Finch.
Corruption comes in many forms, putting a negative cost to the public good at tens and tens of millions of dollars. There’s the Joe Ganim corruption, a mayor with his hand out, prompting many developers to leap over Bridgeport into not nearly as accessible towns like Shelton, cheating Bridgeport taxpayers for decades to come. And then there’s the Bill Finch betrayal of the public trust, corrupting the Bridgeport City Charter by virtually eliminating checks and balances in our government, cheating taxpayers through unending lies, secrecy and distortions. Both mayors aggressively operated a “pay-to-play” administration, both used taxpayer funds to self-promote their re-election candidacies, and both tolerated conflicts of interest in their administrations.
It’s past time to call it like it is, and has been, in Bridgeport–but enough. Fortunately, Democratic voters on September 16 have an honest choice for change … Mary-Jane Foster, a successful mother, wife, community leader, and businesswoman who has proven she knows how to work with diverse people to get things done.
Why Foster? Here are just some of the actions she’s committed to take in her first 50 days in office:
– Conduct a thorough, independent audit of the City’s budget
– Form a true City-State partnership with legislative delegation, City Council, Governor and Lt. Governor
– Recruit an experienced and visionary Director of Economic Development
– Review all current and pending development projects for their return on investment to the City and their commitment to hire Bridgeport residents at a living wage
– Eliminate “no show” and “ghost” jobs from City payroll
– Meet with every developer currently working in the City to discuss how we can best meet their needs and expand upon their opportunities
– Commence the planning for an innovation district in every section of the City, to reclaim and repurpose existing buildings and create entrepreneurial startup opportunities
– Aggressively work to recruit new businesses to Bridgeport
– Work with the new Director of Finance to better align the City’s needs with the budget—in particular the Board of Education budget and the public safety budget
– Will insist that financial reporting adhere to City Charter requirements
– Bring the business community together to support an ongoing marketing initiative for the City’s theaters, zoo, arena and our professional sports teams
– Eliminate unnecessary services in order to hold the line on property taxes
– Reorganize the City Attorney’s Office and reduce the amount of outsourced legal work
– Work in partnership with the superintendent of schools on a fully-funded Board of Education budget to maximize equal education opportunity for all of Bridgeport’s children
– Bring the University of Bridgeport fully into the fabric of the community and utilize the many resources it can provide the City
– Will not tolerate unethical behavior in the City administration including discriminatory practices such as hostile work environments and sexual harassment
– Will uphold the City Charter provision that prohibits municipal employees from serving on City Council
Mary-Jane Foster has not been fired from any, let alone six private-sector jobs. She has a job, and doesn’t need a job. She will grow the tax base, not let it continue its stagnation for over the past 20 years. She’s the only union member running for Mayor. And she’s the only candidate running for Mayor married to a Marine.
Jack McGregor
Former CEO, Aquarion Company
Former state senator, Pennsylvania
Founder, Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL
Co-founder, Bridgeport Bluefish
Spouse of Mary-Jane Foster
GO, J.E.M.!
Please don’t diminish Jack McGregor’s commentary by terming it “chivalrous.” It is a thoughtfully presented, logical argument for why Mary-Jane Foster is the best choice for Mayor of Bridgeport.
Chivalry has most certainly NOT been alive in city politics, and it doesn’t need to be! What we need is honesty, transparency, fair play and intelligent leadership. That’s what will be alive and well if Mary-Jane Foster is elected.
What’s wrong with chivalry? McGregor is gallant and loyal.
Jack will be the best “First Guy” Bridgeport residents will ever know!
Absolutely, Frank! I might call him our “First Gentleman,” though. Has a nicer ring to it. Jack is a top-rate fellow and Mary-Jane and the rest of us Bridgeporters are lucky to have him.
The concept of chivalry deals specifically with how men treat women. Speaking to his wife’s qualifications to be our next Mayor should not be viewed as an act of kindness or gallantry towards his wife since it lessens the importance of his words. Chivalry should not have a place in politics because it is gender-based.
Baloney. So you’re an expert on the concept of chivalry? No, you are lessening the importance of Jack’s words by focusing on my one word.
On the contrary, I stated his words were “a thoughtfully presented, logical argument for why Mary-Jane Foster is the best choice for Mayor of Bridgeport.” That is hardly lessening his words.
I also didn’t claim to be an expert on the concept. Do the research yourself if your want an expert opinion. My personal opinion is the word used was unconsciously sexist.
The one word. Knights were expected to be chivalrous, to protect and defend the weak. I do not believe for one moment you were implying MJF is weak and needs her husband’s strong words of endorsement. For some of us it is somewhat sexist sounding, much like the two men candidates shook hands after the debate and excluded a handshake with MJF. I think you are both right, and make excellent points.
Dude, “political correctness” is an overworked concept that belongs in the pop culture history books along with pet rocks and the wacky wall walker.
In your next life when you come back as a woman, let me know how that statement works for you. This is not a subliminal message.
It’s hard to believe you would put an ignorant statement like that in writing, dude.
Bpt Kid, you cannot be serious, could you?
Semper Pi … and TRUE!
What a great guy! I thought Jack McGregor wrote a beautiful heartfelt letter endorsing his wife. Jack McGregor is a wonderful man and Mary-Jane Foster is a great candidate.
I am not crazy about many of her supporters. I was not crazy about many of her supporters four years ago. I was however, crazy about her! I expect she will continue with George Estrada bringing the University of Bridgeport back to its glory days. I have always believed the University of Bridgeport is a strong economic anchor in the South End and believe the new housing on the waterfront will continue to improve its image. I know love is blind, but Jack McGregor definitely wrote this letter from the heart. Will Sonya Finch write a letter? Ganim’s ex? I am sure each could muster up a few positive comments.
There are none so blind who will not see, Steven Auerbach. Using what you believe to be clever obfuscation to diminish the truth of Jack McGregor’s comments is quite similar to the method Finch attempts to use on the citizens of Bridgeport to mask reality and tout his “accomplishments.” It doesn’t work for either of you.
Sheepthrills, focus on Lennie Grimaldi and his use of the word chivalrous. That bastard!
Sheepthrills, I thought he wrote a beautiful letter. He is loyal, in love and politically astute. He is a Republican so that alone makes his letter subject to scrutiny. 🙂
I am kidding, Sheepthrills.
Don’t try kidding Sheepthrills. I’ve heard she is a grumpy feminist. 🙂
And she takes no prisoners!
Sarcasm is not humor.
Sarcasm is actually hostility disguised as humor. Or, I have heard it described as “depression turned inside out.”
Or, “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”
Steve, what in hell, you don’t like some of her supporters, now isn’t that special.
I love some of her supporters, I tolerate some of her supporters (that is where you fit in, Ron) and I despise a chosen few, as I honestly do not despise anyone. Ron, there is nothing “special” about this at all.
Mrs. F. will!
Sonya Finch is preoccupied with figuring out how to pay the mortgage next year.
Jack is a nice guy and loyal spouse. Mary-Jane is a nice person and a good community liaison for UB.
Mary-Jane’s “plan” would be great for maintaining/improving the government economy of Stamford or Greenwich. Mary-Jane’s plan for Bridgeport, while having worthy elements, doesn’t even begin to propel Bridgeport toward to a point where we could again be described as viable.
Where Jack and Mary-Jane are living in fantasy land is where they say Mary-Jane would:
“Form a true City-State partnership with legislative delegation, City Council, Governor and Lt. Governor”
Delusional–it should be obvious Hartford has no interest in such a partnership. If they did, things would have moved here under the Mayor who Malloy endorsed. They haven’t. All we got was more housing/transit-related development to serve Stamford. (And why didn’t Mary-Jane’s “partners” in Hartford endorse her for Mayor, even after she showcased Dannel at UB’s commencement this year?)
Nice people, but incapable of perceiving and acting to correct the deliberate economic kneecapping of Bridgeport. (If they understand it, they have certainly demonstrated they are unwilling to address it at its source.)
Only Joe Ganim has the demonstrated perception of Bridgeport’s Gold-Coast engineered disadvantage and the demonstrated balls and resolve to deal with it. Mayor Finch is the Gold Coast’s boy in Bridgeport, and Mary-Jane is their favorite daughter (except at endorsement time, where they want their previously contracted players to remain in place, for now. Maybe it will be MJ’s turn at the helm for them next election.)
Jeff, just what did Ganim do for Bridgeport? He did NOT keep the taxes stable for 10 years, the Financial Review Board did that. Sure he helped build the arena and didn’t that get him in trouble? He also built the ball park where MJF and Jack supplied the ballplayers. Look, Ganim got us off the hook by selling Beardsley Park to the state. I was the deciding vote that made that happen. If I had voted no, Joe would have had big problems that may have made HIM A ONE-TERMER.
There you have it, folks. Ganim could have been a one-termer and instead with Andy Fardy’s vote, the future of this city went through the black hole devoid of light and oxygen. He got 12 years. Thank you, Andy Fardy!!! 🙂
Steve, where would the city have been at that time without the hundreds of millions Weicker sent here? Weicker could not do it without something tangible in return. You can make fun of what I voted for but what have you really done?
Andy, I have done nothing and apparently your vote gave Ganim the keys to the kingdom. Nice job, Andy!!! 🙂 It is you and you alone who Ganim should thank. Who appointed you to the Parks commission? Who appointed Pat? Not instigating, just curious.
Jeff–explain, if you can, why Bridgeport’s tax base did not grow during your pal Ganim’s 12 years as Mayor, when the country’s economy was soaring at an unprecedented rate of growth?
Andy and Come Back Bridgeport: Do you recall Stamford’s successful efforts to prevent significant development/job creation in Bridgeport? That was, and is the predominant factor causing our economic stagnation. Google SACIA, Chris Bruhl, Bridgeport, Casinos, Stamford, “One Coast, One Future.”
Jeff Kohut, even I am beyond perplexed at your brutal attack on MJF. Mary-Jane Foster did not get those endorsements because Mayor Finch has done amazing things in Bridgeport. Joe Ganim hasn’t received any worthy endorsements that are not seen as political and most laughable.
I will say I am impressed with your passion for Joe. Usually it is difficult to tell you have a pulse. Where was this testosterone when you were running for Mayor? Bottom line, Ganim has all the Foster votes. I am wondering if she is planning on reclaiming them. Joe’s numbers are dropping and any press Foster is getting cannot be good for Ganim. Not good for Ganim at all. Then enter Charlie Coviello, I have noticed Ganim signs being replaced with new and improved Coviello signs. They look nice and not as noisy as six signs per property. One Coviello sign touting his new party line and let’s face it, this is Coviello’s last opportunity to make all his past efforts have an impact. I do not think he is willing to play a little supporting roll and an extra in the bigger than life resurrection of Joe Ganim.
Back to Foster, great letter from Jack. I would not expect anything less. Even if he is a Republican. 🙂
Jesus H. Christ, Steven. Everything perplexes you. Try thinking outside your litter box for a change. Oh, right. You are afflicted with mental myopia.
Not only has Jeff gone over to the dark side with Ganim, he has also performed a flip-flop of his own and is now apparently pro-casino.
Bob: It seems your usual circumspect view of people/things has been derailed during this election. Try not to be so concrete and literal in your interpretation of things. The Chris Bruhl statement of reference, made at a SACIA event, and quoted in the CT Post was “… We can’t let them [Bridgeport] have that kind of [scale] of development, or we’ll lose our affordable [cheap] labor force …” The statement was made during the casino hysteria (I don’t support casinos as a means of redeveloping poor cities, such as Bridgeport), but the statement was made in a general context about the necessity of keeping Bridgeport’s workforce available for Stamford/The Gold Coast. (SACIA–the Stamford Area Business Council–morphed into the Business Council of Fairfield County in recent years (Chris Bruhl is still at the helm). Nothing has changed.
Congressman Jim Himes, and “One Coast, One Future” all speak of Bridgeport as “the regional ‘housing hub’.” Translation–“servants quarters.”
So Bob, once again you are off base in your assessment of things.
How do you and your candidate suggest we undertake the monumental task of rebuilding the Bridgeport tax base so we can make Bridgeport affordable and livable again and have local, living-wage jobs for our people?
Quote from Jack:
– “Recruit an experienced and visionary Director of Economic Development”
This is such a important position, we need someone who lives in this city and understands its needs. We haven’t had an Experienced Director in years and the city is suffering.
Quote from Auerbach:
“Who appointed Pat? Not instigating, just curious.”
Under which administration? I have served as chairwomen on P&Z, ZBA and GBRPA and chaired the current Master Plan under five mayors, lost count!!!
We need a change in Bridgeport and Mary-Jane Foster is the answer.
Vote for the next female mayor of Bridgeport, Mary-Jane Foster.