From Mayor Finch:
Mayor Bill Finch and his wife, Sonya along with Mary Himes and Cynthia Blumenthal raised their hammers on Tuesday morning to celebrate Habitat for Humanity’s National Women Build Week, May 5-13.
The event is a nationwide initiative of Habitat’s Women Build program. Now in its fifth year, National Women Build Week challenges women to devote at least one day to creating simple, affordable housing in their local communities.
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County (Habitat CFC) has built eight Women Build homes.
The Mayor was also joined by volunteers from General Electric’s corporate women’s network who helped build the new home, located on Whittier Street.
Hey Bill, real carpenters never wear PINK!
Those shirts were given by Habitat for the Women Build Homes program. What would you have worn if you were community-minded enough to have been there working?
I helped build the first eight homes in Bridgeport for Habitat back in the ’80s.
Thank you.
Before it was cool, when you were just a Hershey Kiss Godiva.
Community-minded enough? Like helping Ken Dalling and Jacky Durrell build the Fairfield Gazebo, or Sherman School playground project, or the Fairfield Affordable Housing Task Force? Maybe it was when I was working hard for Habitat all those years, living in Fairfield and being shot at on the Brooks St project. Oh! Godiva, I’ve done more for Bridgeport and Fairfield than you have days on this earth. You’re just another blowhard on OIB, Godiva.
So everyone, Middle Fingers Up for Godiva!!!
Sure Godiva2011, sure; if that’s what you want us to believe.
Mayor Bill Finch has gotten pathetically few City properties over to Habitat in his term. Typical.
Please note the deftness with which these two phonies are holding the hammer and the object that is being hammered. Also note the lack of a nail being hammered.