Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dan Malloy, joined by Mayor Bill Finch, will share his plans at the Bridgeport Ferry Terminal Tuesday morning for developing state ports “in an effort to grow jobs, increase economic growth and trade flow, and improve transportation infrastructure.”
The city has a choppy relationship with Captain Brian McAllister, president of the Bridgeport and Port Jefferson Steamboat Company, who wants to relocate from downtown to a new terminal across the harbor in the East End. City officials and downtown business interests want the ferry company to stay put.
The city has been operating without a full-time Bridgeport Port Authority director since the departure of Joe Riccio. Chief Administrative Officer Andy Nunn, who has a lot on his plate, has been filling in. The port authority is cash-poor following legal fees associated with ferry company court battles and a separation payout to Riccio.
This is the first time Malloy and Finch will appear together (scheduled for 10 a.m.) for an economic development announcement since the August primary. The mayor had backed Ned Lamont for governor. He now supports Malloy.
Newt’s For Pia

Democratic State Senator Anthony Musto, who represents Trumbull and portions of Bridgeport and Monroe, is being challenged by Republican David Pia, a member of the Trumbull Town Council. So far this has been a gentlemen’s campaign. Musto and Pia actually had lunch a few weeks ago and agreed to play nice. You guys are no fun! But hey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has no trouble arousing passion. The Pia campaign issued this release:
Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, Endorses David Pia for State Senate!
In what is the biggest political endorsement of Connecticut’s election season, former Speaker of the House of Representatives and potentially our next President of the United States of America in 2012, Newt Gingrich, has endorsed David Pia for CT State Senate in District 22, which encompasses all of Trumbull and parts of Bridgeport and Monroe.
“David is a common sense leader and a man of principle and character,” said Gingrich. “He is exactly what Connecticut needs right now.”
Pia explained that he had met the Speaker on two different occasions–once in NYC for a speech and then when he was invited to partake in a business roundtable discussion with Gingrich in Stamford in June.
“This is obviously an incredible honor, Mr. Gingrich very well may be our next President,” Pia said.
The everyday, hard working citizens seem to embrace the opportunity to have, “one of their own,” a “regular guy,” be THEIR VOICE in Hartford,” Pia said. “The many dignitaries who have also endorsed my candidacy, are the whipped cream on the Sundae, Mr. Gingrich … … … is the cherry on top!” Pia said with a smile. Pia went on to say, “In all seriousness, when people tell you they believe in you, and they trust you as their voice, it is very humbling and rewarding, I am eternally grateful for the trust and respect from so many people.”
Discover Conservation

From Lisa Miro, Conservation Director City of Bridgeport
Rain barrel distribution for City of Bridgeport
Hosts: Lisa Miro, Conservation Director for the City of Bridgeport and Donna Curran, Development Director at The Discovery Museum.
Date: September 25th, 2010
Time: Noon-2PM
Place: The Discovery Museum
4450 Park Avenue
Bridgeport, CT
Roll out the barrels! The Mayor’s Conservation Corps, under the direction of Lisa Miro, have retrofitted over 500 rain barrels that are waiting to find homes. Rain barrels are perfect for conserving water and money. A rain barrel can save up to 1,300 gallons of free water during summer months. By capturing free rain water, the resident will save money and help curb storm water runoff. Storm water runoff burdens our sewer systems and is responsible for flooding and closing of beaches during summer months.
The barrels have been donated to the Mayor’s Conservation Corps via Cosmo’s Food Imports of West Haven. “I was conversing with Ted Bresky of Henry Bresky and Sons, Inc., one morning and we began talking about conservation. I noticed a barrel on his premises and inquired about obtaining barrels for retrofits. He was more than happy to connect me to his friend Cosmo. I took the lead and met with Cosmo at his place of business in West Haven. The rain barrels were created by my canvassers.”
Rain barrels are available to all on a ‘first-come first-served basis.’ The first six hundred barrels will be given out free, as part of a pilot program. They are ready to be placed under one’s downspout and start saving!
Please join council-persons of your district and let the savings begin! If you have any questions, you can reach the Conservation Department at 203-394-6981.
*** Hey that Lisa Miro is a bad mama jama! ***
This clean and green crap is killing me. First we are handing out larger recycling bins in an area that does not recycle. Problems already, the trucks are having trouble with these containers; they fall in the hopper when emptied. This can only mean one thin–New Trucks. The other problem is people think these large containers are for trash.
Now we have these large barrels that are going to store captured rain water. We will be doing this when we are told to get rid of standing water as it attracts mosquitoes which in turn have West Nile virus. I guess under the clean and green mantra if we lose a few people but save thousand of gallons of rainwater it’s an even trade-off.
Now let me see would I rather have a clerk in a city office working for the city who can answer my questions or someone with a pretty face who’s hawking rain barrels?
town committee // Sep 20, 2010 at 2:47 pm
Responding to your posting.
It’s really apparent the currently elected Administration is in no way prepared to take care of the economic, social and physical fabric of this City.
When people cannot afford to stay in their homes, when people cannot go out into their communities and neighborhoods with the expectation their streets will be safe from crime and violence, and when people cannot expect their children will get a decent education in our public school system, then “rain barrels” are not the first solution to introduce or implement … Much the same can be said for recycling bins.
No one will deny conservation and environmental protection measures are imperative, but they are not the first order of business for Bridgeport.
Everyone will agree however, that priorities have been ignored by the current Administration … and the City looks the worse for wear because of this.
Time to get people elected who know what voters and citizens need for a decent quality of life experience in Bridgeport.
Well said. Recycling and conservation and being green is wonderful but spending a mil on it while you have an 8 mil deficit puzzles me …, but Suprise! It’s Bridgeport!
Sounds like she has somebody over a barrel!
I hear Lisa is doing great work for the city.
anna you are full of baloney.
I hope she is doing a great job since the mayor had to lay off 10 veteran employees to pay for Lisa and her staff’s salaries!
I have a question for any member of the council. How can you people vote to set up a new department with new employees when there is an $8 million deficit. Oops excuse me I am asking the same people who voted in a budget with that deficit built in.
Do any of you have a shred of humanity or decency?
We are laying off career civil servants to make up this deficit and then we are buying freaking recycling bins that look like garbage cans and putting them in a neighborhood that would not use the smaller bins makes sense to me. We have hired staff to man a freaking conservation corp. Only in this city with this moron and his puppets (council) could this happen.
The city should put the rain barrel inside the new recycling bin, then take them both and stick them where the sun don’t shine.
Was Lisa hired during the hiring freeze? Was her position advertised and was she put through the civil service interview/hiring process? Yes to question #1 and No to question #2. Another political favor. Plain and simple.
City Hall I need to apologize, your info on Rich P was right on the money and my info was outdated.
This administration just does not care about the citizens or the civil servants. They care about their avante-garde bullshit. You know, the let’s discuss this over a glass of wine crowd. I wonder who the conservation director knows?
It’s getting deeper and deeper every day.
When do the taxpayers get full disclosure and when will the BS stop?
Were some of the laid-off employees of last week still working today?
*** OIB bloggers & interested readers should form an active political watchdog party for next year’s local elections. Address city concerns, research & identify facts from fiction & help inform voters regardless of party. Just blogging complaints & waiting on the media, radio or newspapers is a one-way ticket to nowhere! *** What’s left in your wallets? ***