Mary Chapar Moran, Historic First Woman Mayor, Passes Away At 90, Last Republican Chief Executive

File image: Mary Moran with husband Stephen.

Mary Chapar Moran, the only woman to occupy Bridgeport’s mayor’s office – elected in 1989 defeating incumbent Democrat Tom Bucci – and the last Republican as well to serve as chief executive, passed away Wednesday morning just weeks shy of her 91st birthday, according to family and friends.

“We shared a mutual respect,” said Bucci in response to the news. “She loved Bridgeport and was its most vocal cheerleader.”

Mayor Joe Ganim added: “I am deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Mayor Mary Moran. Mayor Moran was at the helm of the City of Bridgeport during a very dark financial time in our history, and yet through those difficult years and continuing through her entire life, she always remained a vocal stalwart of support and pride for the Park City. I extend my deepest condolences to Mayor Moran’s family, friends, and the greater Bridgeport community.”

She was a newbie as politics go, 58 years old, a real estate broker by profession who connected right place, right time. The city was in the throes of an economic downturn, companies leaving, tax revenue declining, the crack cocaine epidemic ripping up neighborhoods with record-breaking violent crime and roughly 60 murders a year. By comparison today less than one third of that.

Moran brought an exuberance to the table that connected with blue collar workers. She had a natural gift for conversation, confident and enthusiastic, proud of her Syrian heritage.

In later years she worked closely with former Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst, serving as his tax collector, with whom she shared heritage commonality. Herbst shares his thoughts:

A few weeks ago, when I went to see Mary, I told her that her administration represented a lot of firsts and lasts. She was the first woman ever elected Mayor of Bridgeport and she may very well be the last Republican who will serve in the office. I told Mary that history would judge her stewardship of the Park City well. In 1989, when Mary was elected, she was faced with a serious financial crisis. She pursued the unconventional and controversial path of recommending that the City declare bankruptcy.  he believed firmly that the City needed to get its finances in order before putting any further undue burden on the Bridgeport taxpayer. While Mary knew this might cost her politically, she did what she thought was right and she did it with conviction, integrity, guts and sheer grit. Since that time, many other US cities have successfully pursued and implemented what Mary sought to do in 1990, and in so doing, those cities have successfully restructured their debt and have gotten their fiscal houses in order. Mary later moved to Trumbull and played an integral role in helping me get elected First Selectman of Trumbull in 2009. A picture sits in my office of the big bear hug I received from Mary upon arriving at my victory party on November 3, 2009.

On a personal note, Mary’s parents and my great grandparents came to this country from the same small province in Syria. They came to the United States seeking a better life and a better future for their children and their children’s children. To think about our heritage in that context, I am especially proud to know that Mary and I led two communities that immediately abutted one another. May she rest in peace and may her memory live eternal.

In 1989, community groups were part of the city fabric. One came along called People For Bridgeport’s Future that included a cross section of city interests that got behind her campaign.

The man Bucci defeated in 1985 to win the mayoralty, Republican Lenny Paoletta, returned as the party standard bearer. Moran defeated him in a tight primary. Meanwhile, Bucci survived a large primary field, the challengers splitting the anti vote.

Mary Moran defeated Tom Bucci in 1989 to become Bridgeport’s first female mayor.

Demographically Bridgeport was a much different place, racially and ethnically. Republicans were extremely relevant. In the 20 year period from 1971 to 1991, 10 of those years were occupied by Republican mayors. The Republican registration was roughly 13,000, Democratic registration a little more than twice that. A large bloc of unaffiliated voters, depending on the political tide, tilted Republican. Today Bridgeport Dems outnumber Republicans 10 to 1.

When Bucci’s budget blew up in 1988, he sought state financial support, the legislature saddled him with a Financial Review Board that had final say on the budget. It was a messy time for the city.

Moran defeated Bucci handily in 1991 and a year later dealing with the city’s beleaguered finances, challenged state power by placing the city into federal bankruptcy court in part to provide a fresh start.

The move sent a shockwave across the state, caused Governor Lowell Weicker and Attorney General Richard Blumenthal to move against it and provoked Wall Street to suspend the city’s credit worthiness that handcuffed the city from making municipal improvements.

State leaders argued Bridgeport as a child of the state required authorization to pursue such a decision because it impacted the state’s credit rating. Moran argued it was the only way to provide relief from burdensome union contracts and a heavy debt burden she did not create. In the end a federal bankruptcy judge ruled against the city saying the city was not insolvent. Moran was defeated by Democrat Joe Ganim in November of 1991 that led to historic state support and eventually 10 straight years without a tax increase.

Still, the financial challenges of urban areas across the country continued.

Decades later Moran wrote: “I do not for one moment regret my sincere attempts to breathe new life into this very deserving sleeping giant, Bridgeport. May God continue to bless Bridgeport, its leaders, all those who live and work there, and our great country, the United States of America.”


Jul. 15, 2024

4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Abriola Parkview Funeral Home, 419 White Plains Rd, Trumbull,


One comment

  1. Mary was a very nice person. Many were very fond of her. May she rest in peace.
    It is also shameful that the Bridgeport Republicans ( Mike Garrett and company) have not stepped forward to comment on Mary’s passing. As of now not a word it the Ct Post obits,BRTC Facebook or OIB. What a sorry bunch!


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