Gazing out over Ash Creek that divides Bridgeport from Fairfield, surrounded by dozens of Black Rockers on a walking tour of the neighborhood, Governor Dan Malloy beckoned the warm late-September Friday night hopeful of a beer with the locals. Neighborhood resident Elliott Arluck raced into his Fox Street home that abuts the creek, emerging with a bottled frosty for Connecticut’s chief executive and a cheer from neighbors. Malloy toasted the crowd and the city. Little things mean a lot in a campaign. Who’d ya rather have a beer with can matter in a tight race, especially with a governor not known to let his hair down, nor for that matter his wooden Republican opponent Tom Foley.
Malloy spent several hours in active Black Rock, that cool waterfront hamlet, represented by State Rep. Auden Grogins who invited the governor on an evening walking tour of Fairfield Avenue for neighborhood input on $500,000 in state funds supported by Malloy that will brighten the streetscape and facades of the busy business district. In addition, Grogins, who does not have a November opponent, has funds committed for the feasibility of building a pedestrian bridge over Ash Creek for access to the Fairfield Metro train station in close proximity to the neighborhood.
City development director David Kooris was also on hand answering questions about the streetscape process he says will include neighborhood input and a projected project start date next spring.

Malloy is expected to return to the state’s largest city many times in coming weeks in a need of energizing a Democratic voter base to overcome Foley’s presumed suburban advantage. Black Rock features the city’s highest turnout area where voters can be persnickety about elections. It is also the remaining city bastion for Republicans. The neighborhood also has a high percentage of choosy unaffiliated voters.
Malloy did not mail in this visit. He chatted with constituents and popped into shops and eateries to say hello. He even stepped into the neighborhood’s delicious sweet tooth institution Timothy’s on Fairfield Avenue to sample the ice cream as well as marveling the activity of neighborhood pubs, with a touring group of about 100.
According to Grogins (Full disclosure: I am a Grogins campaign strategist.) the Black Rock Business District Development Program will finance private and public improvement projects along state-owned Route 130 and Fairfield Avenue in support of businesses.
At the time of the announcement early this year Malloy stated, “With this funding, we are improving the quality of life for residents in the Black Rock neighborhood while at the same time encouraging business growth and economic development in our largest city This investment also represents our statewide efforts to partner with local stakeholders to help communities around the state meet their full potential as more accessible, more walkable hubs of cultural and economic activity.”
Malloy ended his evening with a beer greeting peeps inside the Tautog Tavern on Fairfield Avenue. Got a feeling he’ll be back for a few more. And who knows, maybe even Foley, too.
Was the brand of the beer Kooris (David) light? It was a good event–well planned and organized by Rep. Auden Grogins. David Kooris demonstrated his level of expertise in his field. I left early to take a look at the Brewster Street historical home due for demolition. The home has had its days–the foundation of the house wasn’t designed to last 400 years. While I hate to see homes like that go down, it’s obvious it would be too expensive to restore and I haven’t been able to contact the owner as I’m interested in the hardwood floors and other materials from the house to use in a remodel I’m planning in Bridgeport. The house is old but the wood and lumber is much older and it should not be torn down with a bulldozer. Do it as gently, with grace and reuse. I then went down Monroe Street where the last murder in Bridgeport took place. There are elements and activities there that must be addressed. It’s bad enough the elements and activities on my section (the other side of the railroad tracks in the 130th, city council and town committee) continue to be ignored or taken lightly by some.
At around 4 a.m. today, there was a huge street fight and a gun battle ensued across from my home and in close proximity to the police cameras. I didn’t hear a sound but my wife did and I’m sure others did too as the police did respond. I stopped calling the police for reasons I won’t discuss, but fear is not one. Life in the other Bridgeport is not as good as the one Malloy was introduced to.
Shout out to Steve Stafstrom for introducing me to the Governor as the organizer of Black Rock Republicans for Malloy later that same evening. Sadly, no one wants to join this group, including me.
I thought Stafstrom was a Democrat, no?
Steve is a Democrat. He and Jen are friends. Actually, that was pretty funny. And Jen, good for you for rolling with it. It frames the class act you really are.
What house is that, Joel?
Black Rockin, Brewster Street. Soltis had stated the owner lives next door, I knocked (no door bell), no one opened the door. I was inspired to write a song about it and it goes a little like this:
Speedy is knocking on the door
Speedy couldn’t ring the bell
Speedy is knocking on the door
Speedy couldn’t ring the bell
Speedy is knocking on the door
Speedy couldn’t ring the bell
Do Black Rock and Speedy a favor
Let him in …
“According to Grogins (Full disclosure: I am a Grogins campaign strategist.)”
Campaign strategist? That wasn’t really necessary, Lennie. Grogins is a shoo-in. You might as well say you are a Malloy campaign strategist concentrating in the 129th. district–he needs all the help he can get. This move shows Auden Grogins is smart and recognizes a good political strategist when she sees one. Anyone who throws my friend Lennie/OIB a bone is okay in my book (warning: I’m still writing chapters).
Lennie, here come the Trolls: Lennie Grimaldi is biased. Ignore that crap. OIB, never biased always fair. It’s OIB bloggers like Joel “Speedy” Gonzalez they fear. Lennie, I sent you a juicy Facebook message, just do it!
Full Disclosure: Audie is, rightfully, unopposed.
Appears OIB is a participant in the Malloy campaign. Maybe it is time to sign off.
Tom, you are smarter than that. Lennie provided this fact in his disclaimer. You have the right to form your opinion of what may or may not be happening with the contract. Lennie has to survive, too. Did the Republicans try hiring Lennie? Lennnie, you must answer this too and be honest. I sent the Foley camp an e-mail to invite him to Bridgeport, followed up with a phone call to Stamford. I asked if Foley had plans to come to Bridgeport any time soon and was told they can’t say where Foley will be at certain days and times. He’s not the US President. Where are the Republicans in Bridgeport? Too much to ask or suggest they come to this blog? I’ve done Foley more justice than any Republican on this blog. I can provide Foley with a Bridgeport strategy as good or better than Lennie or the one already hired by Foley. Lennie knows Bridgeport and I know Bridgeport. Heck, it’s so easy, mostly what I have to do is suggest Foley does what the Democrats have done so far and what it’s obvious to me they will be doing on election week. I’m on the ballot for State Rep. in the 130th under Peace and Progress (A new party in the making) and have the MMS required. My own money, message, strategy. Operation is on hold as I’m not stupid to spend my money knowing what the Machine is going to do. Absentee ballot movement is slow, but don’t let that fool you. All those I’ve helped and supported are Malloy worshiping. No Gov. candidate on my line. Speedy needs more help than anyone running and I’ve done and said more than Ezequiel Santiago will ever do or has claimed to have done. Had the majority of voters in the 130th been reading OIB alone regularly and go to vote, you’d have the biggest upset in the history of the 130th district. Ezequiel will not dare to give me one let alone four debates. Shit, Lennie has known about my Peace and Progress candidacy for months and there’s been no mention. OIB is one place or throne no one will beat me off. 2016 Democratic Primary for 130th State Representative? I’m in no rush. You get what you elect, how has it been for the last six years with Ezequiel Santiago, not to mention a whole bunch of other Democrats? Tom White, stay the course. Why not Tom White for RTC chair?
Joel Gonzalez, you said, “Lennie knows Bridgeport and I know Bridgeport. Heck, it’s so easy, mostly what I have to do is suggest Foley does what the Democrats have done so far and what it’s obvious to me they will be doing on election week. I’m on the ballot for State Rep. in the 130th.” Joel, there is no way Tom White would do what you suggest in trying to get Foley votes in Bridgeport because he doesn’t believe Foley or any Republican should go into the End Side and the East End to talk to voters in their churches. Tom White sees no value in asking for their vote.
“Joel, there is no way Tom White would do what you suggest in trying to get Foley votes in Bridgeport.”
I didn’t say Tom White had to do a thing–other than get me the contact info. He is not the only Republican I’m reaching out to for the contact. What makes you think a strategy that involves only the East Side and East End of Bridgeport or just this city will have the results necessary to win? Ernie Newton could not win (Dem Primary) in the East End and now he is supporting Malloy. I don’t think small. You know there is very little value there. Their church leaders’ minds are made up and the flock will follow.
I was invited and attended a small gathering of people (50+) in Bridgeport about a week and a half ago. Tom Foley was there to speak and answer some basic questions. If ever I get invited again I will ask to bring some folks with me; Joel, Ron and any others wanting to listen and hear from his own mouth, let me know. I found him interested in our basic concerns education, jobs (he even said “If a job receives State monies the people working that job should be from Bridgeport”). He stayed for the entire event and approached everyone to personally talk about their individual concerns, the food was good, the company better. The people with him did not interrupt or advise him, they did however take note of the people’s present concerns, it was a mostly minority event.
Hector A. Diaz, thanks for the information, I’m glad to hear Foley was here and talking with people of color even though I’m not a Foley voter. Hector, I have a few questions, what event was he at seeing as it was not sponsored by Foley? Could you give a better breakdown of those at the meeting and did he say where these jobs were coming from and are they paying more than the minimum wage?
It was a meet and greet for Tom Foley, being that those there I knew were Democrats (majority in attendance if not all was Democrat). It would not be my place to name them.
Ron, I believe he was talking about any new construction (schools, public buildings etc.) requiring state $$$.
Tom White, call Foley. Let’s talk, I’m for hire, matches and gasoline on hand, ready to set the machine on fire. Democrats don’t want to recognize this talent. In 2008 I switched over to the Republican Party. That same year, the Bpt RTC gave me the endorsement to run in the 130th. I’ll never forget the warm welcome they gave me and the respect I received from many Republicans–it was sincere. I can’t say that about the Democrats when I served that party. The tsunami I knew was going to hit us hard wasn’t going to kill me or the spirit of all of us. The people got what they elected and we feel and see the results today. Let’s see if Lennie is a participant–I’ll know if this post doesn’t make it.
“Democrats don’t want to recognize this talent.”
www .youtube.com/watch?v=qBrFXIq1r8E
Tom, feel free to promote Tom Foley on OIB. I rarely hear from the Foley campaign. If the campaign sends me releases and videos, I will publish them. I gave Foley a lot of play initially when he announced he’d spend more time in Bridgeport. I will publish their material, but I don’t hear from them. In fact, if you want to write an essay detailing why Foley would be better for Bridgeport than Malloy, I will publish it as the lead story.
Did you get my Facebook message? Lennie and his OIB crew have to eat, too. OIB will never be getting an Obama bailout. OIB advertising, political consulting work for Lennie, and lots of OIB webzine visits and postings is what will keep this juicy clam from getting baked. Click on the advertising links once in a while, folks. Consider doing business with those advertising here. Lennie can’t survive on plain pasta alone. Once in a while it’s nice to have clams with the pasta.
Good point, Lennie. I can’t speak for Foley. His people must get their message out.
I have seen what the Democrat party has done. A few competent people among the many bound together by an ideology that has done more harm than good. It started with the ‘Great Society.’ Has Bridgeport benefited? Same circus, different clowns.
You can’t speak or you won’t speak for Foley? His people? What you mean by that? He’s not your horse? If his people can’t get my phone messages to Foley, they won’t get Foley’s message(s) to the targeted voters I have in mind.
I sure as heck will not be voting for Malloy at Black Rock come Nov!!! Voted for him four years ago and he has done nothing but raise taxes and try to take away our second amendment rights!
Paging John Gomes of The Red Rooster.
Not too long ago, you posted a comment here announcing Tom Foley was visiting Bridgeport and coming to The Red Rooster. What happened? Did he really come? I didn’t hear anything after that. Did the machine or Andres Ayala & Company ask you to abort the plan? Was the Rooster talking out of the side of its beak? A bigger contract for election time order for food come in from the Democratic Machine & Company? Talk to me here or call me like you did the last time and I answered your question. Does anyone else know what happened? If I see Foley I will ask him. Trust, but confirm.
here you go, Joel.
www .ctpost.com/default/article/Foley-searches-for-redemption-in-a-unlikely-5679257.php
Thanks for the lifeline!
Joel, he was here about a week and a half ago. If I hear he is coming down again, I’ll keep you posted.
Malloley–undecided voter caught between Malloy and Foley.