Lots Of Questions, So Few Answers In This Bizarre Mayoral Election

In this screwiest of all mayoral election cycles – and we’re not done yet – about three weeks left to the Nov. 7 general election vote. Sample ballot above. See all sample ballots here

Mayor Joe Ganim occupies the Democratic line: David Herz the Republican; John Gomes the Independent with Lamond Daniels running as a petitioning candidate.

Court resumes Tuesday in Gomes’ quest to overturn the Democratic primary result, a trial that likely plays out for another few weeks.

(People ask: Lennie, how will this all shake out? Why you asking me? I finished last in my high school class.)

For argument sake, let’s reminisce about the future, and the mind-numbing what-ifs.

No matter what Superior Court Judge William Clark rules in the primary challenge, the losing side likely appeals to the Connecticut Supreme Court for an expedited hearing.

If Gomes wins the general election, a lot of this stuff goes away – he becomes mayor – unless grounds for additional election shenanigans emerge.

If Ganim wins the general and the judge orders a redo of the primary, now hunker down for potentially months more campaigning. The Ganim camp likely appeals to the Supremes. How long will that take?

Once the dust settles for another primary and Ganim wins cleanly, that’s probably it.

But, what if Gomes wins the redo? Presumably another general election will take place between the two because Ganim will occupy a line on the New Movement Party line. Why doesn’t Ganim have that line on Nov. 7 as previously thought? Because the New Movement Party, according to state election officials, has not met the threshold for a two-line double endorsement. (That’s my way of fanning redundancy for all this confusion)

So Ganim and Gomes, under this scenario, will duke it out for finality in 2024. Fire up the snow plows.

Now, what if Lamond Daniels wins the general election? How does that play into this madness?

What about David Herz? Last we heard, the poor guy was stuck in Israel amid all the bombing.

What a curious state of affairs.






  1. However it shakes out in court, Lamond Daniels has been handed the keys to the city by the Bridgeport Absentee Ballot Stuffing Scandal. Everybody but Daniels is soiled by Absentee Ballot Box excrement…

    Lifelong Bridgeport resident Lamond Daniels: Family man, with a beautiful young family. Long career and university degree in Public Administration. Licensed Clinical Social Worker… FRESH START for scandal-weary, poverty-plagued, crime-plagued Bridgeport and its failed public school system filled with 20,000 at-risk youth… A seasoned Public Administrator-Social Worker/Counselor. Sure sounds like the right person to lead us in fixing our socioeconomic and governance problems!

    Vote Lamond Daniels! Uniquely qualified. Unsoiled by Absentee Debris.

    LAMOND DANIELS on November 7!

  2. Look for you readers out in OIBLand to respond to the word “forthwith” that means “immediately, without hesitation”. What does “forthwith” as a concept have to do with Bridgeport governance? Info to consider……

    CT Post Election Story – an Observation
    “Forthwith” is a word in legal use referencing ‘absentee ballot’ usage. It has been a part of regulations for some time but neither recognized nor enforced locally. One Oxford dictionary definition is “immediately, without delay”. The Superior Court attention to the statute indicates that securing an absentee ballot in June, for example, and returning it in August, does not meet the understanding of “forthwith”. Is it possible that our local balloting events historically, are actually produced and directed locally, untied to our system of laws (that may be unread)?
    “Forthwith” is an older English word, not much in daily usage, but relative to many areas of governance, action is often fervently desired by citizens. “Forthwith” requires knowledge, understanding, and enforcement to be effective. Our court system is raising the word to indicate that the effect of absentee ballots, handled as our local production continues, manipulates election results in an egregious manner. Are there other dynamics at play that need to be reviewed, restated, and/or recast?
    While each day moves us closer to November 7, 2023, Bridgeport’s municipal election, registered citizens with the right and intention to vote their minds to install winning candidates to represent them in all City elected offices, patiently await word from the Court System about what has been discovered as verified facts relating to this election farce, thus far.
    These days we do not live in a Shakespearean play, though daily performances of the actors on stage and seen in the media seem to command public attention above the aspects of tragedy and comedy revealed by this drama itself. Where do we seek and find the morality in and messages of the existing Bridgeport election production? Perhaps we are overdue for serious consideration of a new set of qualified actors? Who are the serious candidates on the ballot who have put their history and integrity on the line for each voter to judge? Who stands for public service 24/7 as opposed to “self-interest”? Will a majority of registered voters, our neighbors who do not regularly cast a ballot, show up this year to use their voice and informed vote to support a candidate? Time will tell.

  3. RT,
    You may at this moment be in thrall to the “th” sound of words like ‘forthwith’, but it’s use is as a modifier of other words, an adverb, for instance, rather than an action verb as used in your latest comment.
    You likely can forgo a privilege, or forswear a previous statement, or forbear insults or other slings and arrows, but I do not see what “forthwithing” means in the context you used, as bait for a possible response.
    On the other hand, you may withhold your responses, once they start flowing, momentarily, as may be seen when you offer three or more responses on a subject in a short period of time. Or you may withstand any critique of your youtube supported slices of the thoughts passing by in your mind. But you seem unable to withdraw from such conversations mostly with yourself that may be more elegant and distinctive were you to assemble them regularly in a coherent pattern.
    You show serious style improvement in my opinion with your entries. Patience and perseverance will do that for a writer. Time will tell.

    1. John, I was under the impression that “forthwith” means, immediately, without hesitation

      I immediately, without hesitation invoke my 5th Amendment privilege. 🙂

      To be or not to be, that is the question. 🙂


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