4:30 p.m. update:
Do you know why I call this webzine Only In Bridgeport, named for my book of the same name? Because of one-of-a-kind stories.
Yeah baby, the underdog Liberate Libraries Committee fighting the city attorney’s office won a court victory in its quest to have voters decide whether one mil should be appropriated as a tax levy to fund library services. Superior Court Judge David Tobin has scheduled legal parties to meet Thursday morning for a final ruling. The judge first wants to make sure the city clerk’s office certifies the 50 petition signatures required to place the question on the ballot. I checked in with the clerk’s office and the signatures have been certified.
Yeah I know, all kinds of unanswered questions, but if passed by voters the library will enjoy $2 million more than approved by the mayor and City Council.
Mayor Bill Finch announced days ago he wanted voters to decide the issue even though that did not stop him from authorizing his city attorney to fight this in court. But hey, city officials won’t be happy if this passes so let’s see if the mayor and City Council President Tom McCarthy unleash the political attack dogs on election day. My guess is yes. God forbid this crew in City Hall be steamrolled by the little library board.
Lawyers for Liberate Libraries Committee cited an obscure state statute that empowers library supporters to bring a direct referendum to voters. What’s to stop a competing organization/person from doing the same? Could there be dueling referendum questions? Must library supporters go through this excerise every year. This should be some showdown. What happens if it passes? When does the library get its money and how? What happens if it goes down?
Library supporters we’ll need to run a coherent citywide campaign to get this passed. One thing’s for sure this referendum will increase voter participation in what is expected to be a pathetically low turnout for City Council and Board of Education seats.
Statement from Jim O’Donnell, president of the Library Board, who along with OIB friend Sly Salcedo, argued the plaintiff case in court.
Basically we were able to convince Judge David Tobin that, like Santa Claus in A Miracle on 34th Street, the TOWN of Bridgeport does exist and the City of Bridgeport must allow a referendum pursuant to C.G.S. 11-36.
Judge Tobin made a specific finding of fact that the Town of Bridgeport still exists; but even if it did not, the City of Bridgeport assumed and is responsible for all the obligations imposed on Towns as reflected in Article I Section 3 of the City Charter when the Town and City were consolidated in 1889. Both C.G.S. 11-36 and 11-32 were enacted (and other than minor technical revisions) have remained the same since 1881. Because the rights authorizing 50 electors of a town to petition for a library referendum existed in 1889 when the consolidation occurred, the City, whether the Town exists or not, must allow the rights to be exercised.
We have to return to Court Thursday at 10 to learn whether the Court’s preliminary mandamus order requiring the Town Clerk and Registrar to confirm by 5pm (Wednesday) whether at least 50 of the 147 signatures we submitted are “electors” of Bridgeport. If so, Judge Tobin will enter a final Order of Mandamus to compel placement of the question on the November 3, 2009 ballot.
The Governor’s Budget
Whoa! Governor Jodi Rell has offered a compromise budget that calls for increasing the income tax on the wealthiest of Connecticut residents, something legislative Dems have demanded. In doing so Rell is telling her base Republican support I must do this to get a budget passed. This is a tough swallow for Rell. Will she seek reelection? News release from the governor below:
Governor Rell Offers Compromise Budget Alternative
Latest Budget Plan Would End Budget Stalemate;
Governor Calls on Legislature to Approve Budget by September 1
Governor M. Jodi Rell, in an effort to move negotiations forward and have a budget in place by September 1, today presented a compromise budget alternative that provides an immediate tax cut for everyone, requires $520 million in spending cuts and proposes $710 million in new revenue.
“We need a state budget. It is time to move negotiations forward, not inch-by-inch but with great strides toward a meaningful agreement,” Governor Rell said. “If the Democrats show flexibility on the spending side, I will be flexible on the tax side. Therefore, I am offering a true compromise with my fourth budget that should be voted on and signed into law by September 1.”
“This budget maintains my number one priority to cut state spending and shrink the bloated bureaucracy of state government,” the Governor said. “Over the past 20 years, state spending has far outstripped the ability of Connecticut taxpayers to pay for it. My budget’s bottom line makes government more affordable – not just for the next two years but for the next 20 years.”
The Governor’s fourth budget plan cuts spending by $520 million, eliminates the inheritance tax, provides all families with tax cut by reducing the sales tax from 6 percent to 5.5 percent and exempts small and medium-sized businesses from the temporary 10 percent corporate surcharge proposed in her last budget plan and the Democrats’ last plan.
On the revenue side, this plan calls for increasing the income tax to 6.5 percent on individuals earning $500,000 per year and joint filers earning $1 million or more. The plan would also increase the tax on cigarettes from 2 to 3 dollars.
In exchange, the Governor is requiring that Democrats identify an additional $520 million in spending cuts.
“Due to my steadfast opposition to the Democrats’ tax plans, Connecticut taxpayers have already been spared $1.5 billion in new or higher taxes. Our state would have been devastated by the various Democrats’ budgets that relied on as much as $3.3 billion in new taxes when we began these negotiations.
“Frankly, I would prefer not to offer a budget plan like this. However, I have shown flexibility when it comes to revenue and a willingness to compromise in an effort to end this budget impasse. It is long overdue for Democrats to do the same when it comes to making real, meaningful spending cuts.
“My proposal keeps in mind the needs of Connecticut families, who are struggling in this national recession,” Governor Rell said. “I have often said that when I am at the budget negotiating table, I am negotiating on behalf of our families — and the budget that I have promised to deliver to them is one they will be able to afford. The Democrats must meet me halfway so that we can finish the job we started so many months ago.”
From the Connecticut Post
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport may soon have to unseal thousands of documents generated by lawsuits alleging sexual abuse by priests now that a U.S. Supreme Court judge has denied the diocese’s request to keep them sealed.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on Tuesday denied the Bridgeport diocese’s request to continue a stay on the release of the papers until the full court decides whether to review the case.
But the diocese hasn’t given up in its long fight to keep more than 12,000 pages from 23 lawsuits sealed, releasing a statement that it is “disappointed” by Ginsberg’s ruling but “intends to proceed with its announced determination to ask the full U.S. Supreme Court to review the important constitutional issues that this case presents.”
Diocese spokesman Joseph McAleer declined further comment in an e-mail Tuesday evening.
The documents have been sealed since the diocese settled the lawsuits in 2001 and paid victims more than $30 million. They could provide details on how retired New York Cardinal Edward Egan handled the allegations when he was bishop in Bridgeport.
Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo’s latest addition now on exhibit
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – August 25, 2009 – As part of a national effort to ensure the survival of
certain endangered species, Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo is the new home to Naka (pron. Nuh-‘KAH), a four year old female Amur – or Siberian – tiger that recently arrived from the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York. Naka’s arrival at the Zoo is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Special Survival Plan (SSP). Naka joins the Zoo’s new male tiger, Booskin, which arrived in December 2008.
“We are lucky to add Naka our Zoo family — both for the enjoyment of our visitors, and to help save this precious species,” explained Gregg Dancho, Zoo Director. “The Zoo is proud of its role in Special Survival Plan conservation program. This addition of Naka is a great example of how AZA accredited zoos can work together to help save a species from extinction.”
Naka is ‘petite’ in comparison to her male counterpart, Booskin. Naka weighs in at approximately 275 pounds compared to Booskin’s 400 pound girth. Both may be seen, in adjoining exhibits during the Zoo’s daily hours of operation. These enormous cats have pale yellow-orange fur above that shades to creamy white below. They have a long fur coat (up to 3 inches along the belly) to protect them in temperatures to 50 degrees below zero. All tigers have pale blackish stripes with a distinctive pattern on the face as unique as a fingerprint.
Plans are in place to breed Naka and Booskin in the next year. Female Amurs give birth to 2 to 3 cubs, which may stay with their mom for up to two years. The Amur is a critically endangered subspecies of tiger. Only approximately 44 of these great cats survive in northern Asia and suffer from habitat loss and poaching.
The mission of the AZA SSP Program is to help ensure the survival of selected wildlife species. The program started in 1981 as a cooperative population management and conservation program for selected species in zoos and aquariums in North America.
Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo is open daily from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Adult admission (ages 12 & older) is $11.00, children (ages 3 -11) and senior admission (62 and older) is just $9.00, and children under 3 years old are free. Members of the Connecticut Zoological Society are also admitted free. Parking at the Zoo is free of charge.About Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo:
Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo features 300 animals representing primarily North and South American species. Visitors won’t want to miss our Amur (Siberian) tigers, Andean condor, ocelots, red & maned wolves, Andean (spectacled) bears, and golden lion tamarins. Other highlights include our South American rainforest with free-flight aviary, the prairie dog exhibit with “pop-up” viewing areas, the New England Farmyard with goats, cows, pigs, sheep and other barnyard critters, plus the hoofstock trail featuring bison, pronghorn, deer and more. Visitors can grab a bite at the Peacock Café, eat in the Picnic Grove, and enjoy a ride on our colorful carousel. For more information, visit www.beardsleyzoo.org
Congratulations to the Library Libbers.
I’m going out now and burn my bra, or is it bro, in support of their foundational victory.
A sad day for our country and a very sad day for all working class and the minorities and immigrants in our country today Sen Kennedy stood up for our rights for over 3 decades. He was key on health care education and civil rights. He actually got work done in Washington unlike others. This is a big loss for the working class. I would like to say I thank him for making it better for people of color like me to have a better life in this country and always standing up for our civil rights.
Amongst his brothers and sisters, as Ted Kennedy is welcomed into his transition to eternity will be Mary Jo Kopechne.
Hey donj!
Do you think your brothers and sista’s of color would ever have not served a day in jail if they went over the Pleasure Beach Bridge and didn’t report it for 9 hours?
Teddy was lucky they didn’t have twitter in those days.
He could have told us what he is was doing right then and there. “Gurgle! Gurgle!! Gurgle!!!
yahooy and Up On Bridgeport must be two white people who know nothing about hardship. Kennedy did a hell of a job standing up for people like me and your comments are very hurtful. If you want to put hate comments out go to the CT Post where all the racists are. yahooy is a little coward who hides behind a computer screen and acts tough, you nerd. Ted, you are loved by many I am sending condolences from me and all the rest of PT residents to the friends and family of Ted.
donj, I agree; especially the part about yahooy.
Ted had 9 lives. Once again I must ask the question. If you had done what Ted had done, would you have been done? Ted Kennedy was born on 3rd base. You and I are still trying to get out of the batter’s box. This is called the Politics of Privilege. When’s the next PT reunion? I’m always up for a good fish fry.
Because Senator Kennedy didn’t go to jail it enabled him to try to be the Champion of the Peeps. Kennedy still summered every year at Hyannis Port while we simmer in the Port.
I’m not the Moses of my People, but I’m no racist.
*** Moses of my people, please! You & bottom feeder have the KKK thought but not the heart that’s needed to be a real racist. Besides, when was the last time you ever went to a P/T reunion? Typical undercover website masked, no-balls blogger like the rest. And then you also have the I changed Bpt. but no one remembers what I did, no party politicians blogging their nonsense too! Undercover to unwanted got nothing to do but complain. ***
I donate the Hot Sauce every year. My peeps and I used to feed the masses. I still got my HoJo. I think you are losing your Mojo. Hey, how’s Assaritto treating you guys down at the checkpoint? I hear those $125.00 seasonal passes are going like hotcakes. Thank God for the Senior Passes! Thanks to my main man Mojo!!!
I’m a card-carrying member of the Jefferson Clan. The James Jefferson Clan that lived in PT (bldg 5, apt 205), we got out before Frankie and the boys ruined it. I’m the White Sheep of the Family.
See you at Went Field!
*** You mean George Jefferson the TV sit-com character, ’cause no Jeffersons lived in Bldg #5? ***
Azzaritto and Mojo are checkpoint buds. That’s why Mojo sticks up for the sgt’s racist mother at the Eisenhower Center. Azzaritto is a bad cop who should never have gotten on the force. Mario used his influence when Johnny Fabs was prez of civil service. Otherwise the sgt would be cutting trees with his brother. Who are we selling those $125 passes to? Those Brazilians with the Mass plates with their coolers of booze at the parks? The parks police kept all that under control but the cops on the quads do nothing but talk to the young chickies.
*** Another disgruntled employee & who’s Azzaritto? Also, not one $125. park sticker has been sold & probably won’t @ those prices either; to anybody, Brazilian or not. ***
Fish Fry?
I’ll bring the Tartar Sauce!
Jodi Rell should take a Hike!
I’ll bring the Fried Shrimp and cocktail sauce. Sounds like this Fish Fry is going to be a lovely time.
Maybe Yahooy and anna can bring their whine and cheese.
Up On Bridgeport why don’t you bring yahooy along I am pretty sure both of you guys will piss your pants before you even reach the parking lot. Nice acting tough behind a computer screen.
yahooy–I’ll bring the Depends and you bring the Charmin, 4-ply please, with aloe, so when we wipe donj’s ass in the back of Gary Crooks Center parking lot, we won’t get our hands too stinky.
My computer screen deserves an Oscar Meyer Wiener for today’s performance.
*** Give it yours, brother “b”! ***
This blog has become for babies that cry about everything (yahooy and Joel G, the guy nobody cares about). That’s why all the real Democrats hardly post here anymore because of crybabies like Joel and wannabe tough guys like yahooy. This site was much better a year ago without some of these clowns on here. Some people have nothing better to do than cry and try to act tough on a blog it amazes me so much.
Not least Edward Kennedy was a great guy for everyone and he will truly be missed. I had a talk with my grandparents today and they told be how he helped pass civil rights bills and things of that nature. It is a shame what this blog has become it sure reminds me of the CT Post. I think Len invited a lot of those racists from there like Up On Bridgeport. What’s up with the fry joke, is that supposed to be funny or something because it sure was not to me.
“That’s why all the real Democrats hardly post here anymore because of crybabies like Joel and wannabe tough guys like yahooy. This site was much better a year ago without some of these clowns on here. Some people have nothing better to do than cry and try to act tough on a blog it amaze me so much.”
What an idiot! You come here to blog about “crybabies”, and here you are sounding just like one. Real Democrats hardly post here? The only one who fits the description of a “real Democrat” is Bob Walsh and he is a regular poster at OIB. Do you read the Press Releases from Democrats on OIB? I guess you consider them the “fake Democrats”.
A “real Democrat” would not feel threatened by differences of opinions or eclectic views of OIB posters and readers. I wonder why Lennie hasn’t posted any more Pol Pod interviews. Is it because they are afraid of tough questions or that they may slip and reveal their “real” views?
Stop putting on an act! You know that you read OIB every day. You know that you can’t resist reading my postings. Your problem and frustration is you can’t come up with any counterargument in support or against what I state on my postings and the best you can do is call me a “crybaby” while crying like a baby.
Wait! Wait! Stop crying! I’m sorry for making you “cry” again! Here take this candy and get your dirty ass out of here. Tell your mommy to change your dirty diaper and come back when you are emotionally stronger.
I am curious. Are you calling me yeller and a fry baby?
Your grandparents are right about the Kennedy legacy on civil rights. Ask them to give you the answer in black and white terms to the question I originally posed about if someone had driven off the Pleasure Beach Bridge, drunk, someone drowned and you left the scene and called it in 9 hours later, where would you be? I think they would say “incarcerated.” Experience is a tough teacher. First it gives you the test, then it teaches you the lesson.
donj threw out the race card bait and I took it, hook, line and sinker. Sorry if I offended you on the Fish Fry. You should be more offended by the Wanda Cheaters of PT, who buy your votes off every two years with Fish Fry’s and the like.
I really do enjoy a good ol’-fashioned fish fry. Clearly you don’t know my friends the Jeffersons of PT fame.
I’ve got to go because I have bigger fish to fry this evening.
Are you related to “Dice” and “Fly”?
Sly and James!
Yes U Can! Yes U Did!! Yes U Will!!!
I’m not sure how this thread turned into a race issue … Kennedy killed a young woman … period … and got away with it, and as far as I could read that is what was said.
The problem is that we as a people tend to put people on pedestals and often do not realize that they are human beings with failings.
America did that with the Kennedy brothers. John who was our president was a womanizer with few equals. He along with Bobby were responsible for the slaughter at the Bay of Pigs invasion when they pulled the air cover as the fighters were landing on the beach.
John F increased our participation in Vietnam by increasing the number of advisors we sent there.
John F Kennedy came along when the country needed someone like him. He inspired the country. He made the country believe that we could do great things as a country and we did.
Ted Kennedy was a human being not a God. He had his failings and the Kopechne incident was one of them. But in the end when you look at his total body of work he did great things for the poor and the downtrodden.
I am sure that if he were healthy and could have participated in the health care debate we would have been further along in that area than we are now.
Guys, agree to disagree; but the macho stuff is getting to be a bit much.
Bird droppings! Talk about macho!!!
City Council contender faces assault charge
By Keila Torres
Updated: 08/26/2009 05:20:58 PM EDT
BRIDGEPORT — A man running for a seat on the City Council in next month’s primary has been charged with third-degree assault.
Tyreke Bird, who earned a spot on the Democratic primary Sept. 15 by collecting the signatures of 5 percent of the eligible Democrats in the 138th District, was also charged with disorderly conduct in the incident, which took place Saturday in Stratford. Because of the sensitive nature of domestic violence cases, no more information from the file is available from court authorities.
Bird, in a phone interview Wednesday, said that a former friend falsely accused him of assault in an attempt to extort money from him. “I have faith in the legal system. I have faith in my attorney more importantly,” he said, denying the charges.
Bird, who lives in Success Village, said he plans to continue his campaign, but had yet to inform his primary running mate, the Rev. James F. Morton, about the charges filed against him.
Bird also said he feels his chances for victory in the three-way primary against incumbents Richard Paoletto and Robert Curwen and challengers Ann Barney and Andrew Fardy are good because the district constituents have given him “good feedback.”
“I hope they keep their faith in me,” he said.
His lawyer, Thomas Thornberry, said he would “aggressively” defend his client. “The evidence is overwhelming that he was not there,” he said of the alleged incident. He said he also plans to file a lawsuit against the complainant, who Bird contends is making false accusations.
Bird is expected in court Oct. 7.
I must have used an old bottle of Elmer’s on my cut and paste.
Grin, I hope you weren’t sniffing Elmer.
Grin, If Tyreke Bird is convicted, will his name change to Tyreke Jail Bird?
I had fun reading today’s blog but I must say the biggest crybaby is Joel Gonzalez. He cries for everything but that’s not new; his only way to let out his feelings is to cry so I guess it is okay for him to cry. And they say he is the face of the Bridgeport Republican party you have to give me a break for crying out loud he is the biggest clown out there nobody likes him he can’t even get 10% of the vote when he runs he is just mad that no one likes him so let’s all chill out and make him cry, he feels better when he does.
town committee you’re on the money my friend people will always remember the bad more than the good. I am convinced half these users do not live in Bridgeport because from what I hear on the streets of this city is everybody is talking how much they loved Kennedy and I loved him too at least he actually had guts to stand up against the right-wing nuts. So what are the odds of the only people who don’t like someone in the city comes on here when almost the whole city likes him??? The odds are slim.
Joel Gonzalez,
I can feel your pain man, if I were one of the few Republicans in an 85% Democratic town I would cry too. But it’s okay we are all listening to your concerns but guess what we don’t give a flying you-know-what about them. Move away if you don’t like things here or just put a God damn bottle in your mouth and be quiet nobody wants to hear what a right-wing bald-headed nut like you has to say for real!!!
I see mommy changed your dirty diaper. Keep working on your emotional strength.
“Do you know why I call this blog Only In Bridgeport, named for my book of the same name? Because of one-of-a-kind stories.”
It’s your turn, Lennie! One-of-a-kind stories?
That’s bullshit, Lennie! Corruption has been around for centuries. The story of Bridgeport corruption–Caruso’s ears just perked–is the same old story of many U.S. cities across America. Have you heard about “The Windy City”?
One reason I always liked Lennie is because he has a sense of humor and doesn’t consider people with different opinions enemies. I’ve learned a lot from Lennie and I’m sure Lennie learns when he hears a different perspective. Lennie understands this:
“We can agree to disagree; screw those that disagree with such concept.”
It’s about time someone put Joel in his place. And you wonder why people like me and John from Black Rock do not post here any more. From January ’til now this blog has been filled with disgusting weirdos and Joel is the biggest one he has some type of obsession with The Windy City for some reason well what’s new with a weirdo he always has been one. I will post back in November when election day comes you know that is my favorite time of the year. Look forward from hearing from some of my old OIB friends.
I’ll be here waiting for you donj, can’t take it crybaby.
You left out donj, Joel. Or should we just take all 5 names and call it as it is–Sybil.
Yea, I know. He can change his handle, but his “style and tone” give him away.
Joel Gonzalez nice try but it’s not working. All I said was you’re a weirdo so why are you crying about that my friend? I never said I do not like you bro, I just do not like your style or tone that is all, no need to get mad at me bro.
Gee, I didn’t know this was a style and tone contest.
I don’t get mad that easily, just ask Mojo. When Mojo put his bad breath in my face and pushed me in front of Danny Roach’s place during Lennie’s OIB party, I didn’t get mad. In fairness, Mojo did apologize like a gentlemen. I would not apologize to anyone for my views and opinions expressed here at OIB. “We can agree to disagree; screw those who disagree with such concept.”
Lennie and donj,
This is the kind of story I find fascinating about Chicago:
www .suntimes.com/news/politics/1737186,fawell-courtretsis-interview-082609.article
You’re another early riser, I see. But as a fellow ‘Seinfeld’ fan, I prefer the ‘man-ssiere” more, instead of the ‘bro’ … it has that more masculine, Frenchy and sexy ring to it … but go ahead: burn your man-ssiere in celebration! You deserve that liberating feeling.
For Library Lover:
Forgive my tardiness in getting back to you on your concerns, but I hope you can understand we were a little busy this past week battling with the City Attorney’s office in court so that we could help our mayor a little bit with his leadership plans: TO LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE.
Point one: Hiring a coach for the Library Director is a good idea to me. It’s well worth the expense … for all that the Library Director has done for the library to date (two years). Exhibit number one: the brilliant idea to put an old, dusty CT statute to test and winning it as a first step to getting more money in a steady and reliable way every year for your beloved librar..IF the general public agrees on election day (with your help?). No library director has submitted that sort of innovative thinking to support the library before. Have you seen the library budget in the past ten to 15 years?
Point Two: Hiring a consultant to advise, re: the referendum … I don’t think a separate consultant was hired to develop the referendum idea … I think this is all part of number one above. Again, I support this effort.
Point three: I admit I have not had the chance to ask the Director about this question directly this past week, but if this is a grievance issue, then I recommend the affected employees should follow the rules and file their grievances accordingly.
Point four: Why can’t Bridgeport buy a book for Yahooy? Where is the money … to buy library materials? I can ask the Director to make the library ‘budget’ info available on the library’s website so that the library budget is open, available and transparent for all, like you, to review … this is a good idea. I support it.
Point five: About layoffs despite city council putting back enough money in the budget to keep the positions? If you know something I don’t, please share the info and enlighten us all … and if you can understand how the City of Bridgeport runs its budget, please share that knowledge with us, too, because as a board member, I cannot and have not been able to follow how city’s money is budgeted and distributed and accounted for the library. This is one of the main reasons for the referendum initiative so that the library has its own “library fund” that the Library Director and Library Board can CONTROL and ACCOUNT FOR (to you and others) … and for my part, I will vote, and I believe other board members agree with me (or rather I agree with the other board members) to make the library budget “open and available” on the library’s website.
Side note about the assistant librarian position: I think if you know how much that position paid (and I think you do) and you know how much the next level of librarians are paid … I think you will agree (but maybe not) that keeping two or three more 2nd/3rd tier librarians for the cost of one assistant librarian would be a relatively good budget move in these tough economic times.
Point six(a): Staff is almost non-existent in some places through no fault of their own … there has been a new personnel organizational structure designed and implemented by the Library Director. I think it’s a great plan. Tell me what’s wrong with it? Where are these “some places” where “staff is almost non-existent”? I toured the main library and all four branches last week, more than twice, and I didn’t see a lack of staff. Tell me about specifics, please. Help me to help you.
Point six(b): Libraries close whenever the director decrees with no regard to the public … this is my personal favorite … this incident you refer to happened once on July 2 of this year … on said date, as lawyers like to say, Scott Hughes, said Library Director, received a phone call from Mayor’s office announcing that said Mayor Finch authorized all department heads to close down their department at their discretion in anticipation of the long holiday weekend, said July 4th, at noontime. Accordingly, said Library Director thought he would take up that offer and give his staff a nice holiday break that was available to all other City employees, at their department head’s discretion. It turns out that this has caused some inconvenience, (some minor, some major) for some library users on the afternoon of July 2 who expected that the library would be open on its usual Thursday schedule … imagine the poor guy who tried to pay his car taxes on the afternoon of July 2 and was locked out of the Tax Assessor’s office and found his car booted on Monday, July 6??? … that would have been quite an inconvenience, but I digress … anyway, I tried to tell Scott not to automatically eliminate the possibility in the future of exercising his discretion in any future offers by the mayor to all early outs, but I don’t want to micro-manage either … so let’s see what happens at Mayor Finch’s next holiday early closing order to all department heads.
Point six(c): Books removed from (implied: poor people neighborhood–East End) and moved to (implied: super millionaire Black Rock neighborhood) as “bribery to support referendum, maybe?” … Library Lover, you’re really tempting me on this one, but I’m going to take a deep breath right now and say, “Serenity Now!!!” quietly to myself … okay, now to answer this super dumb-ass question … the answer is, simply, that the adult book collection was moved from the East End Branch to the newly refurbished Black Rock branch because the Library Director wanted to gain more floor space at the East End site to install more computers and create a teen space which is, in his judgment, more appropriate and needed in the East End branch. There is plenty of book space/shelf space in the Black Rock branch. Have a look for yourself. It’s that simple and straightforward. There is no “books for votes” bribery scheme here for the referendum. But feel free to call your local FBI special investigations unit and make your suspicions known … but wait! “Books for votes” or “Votes for Books” … there could be an election campaign slogan in there? … maybe “Votes we can believe in”, “Books we can believe in”??? “I believe in Votes”, “I believe in Books”, “I love books” … I digress once again …
Point six(d): demand an elected Library Board … let me refer you directly to my state rep district leader, Mr. Mitch Robles, or my City Council district leader, Mr. Tito Ayala, and my Democratic Town Chair, Mr. Mario Testa, and while you’re at it call the Republicans, too … Mr. Mark Delmonico, the Republican Town Committee chair … please call them and let them know I endorse your idea 100%. As Mayor Finch says: Let the people decide!
You want an elected Library Board? Go ahead, MAKE MY DAY! And I think you already have. Thank you. Love your library.
Mr Salcedo,
Congratulations on your stunning legal victory. During the due process, did anyone identify the source from which the additional mandated funds will come? Phinch has made promises to the police union to reward them for deferred raises by enriching them at another time. He too has no clue if funds will be available to meet that obligation.
We taxpayers cannot be expected to bear burdens imposed by incompetent administrations and By Golly Altruists.
Thanks a lot. I believe in paying bills and providing services with money I have not with voodoo funds that will not be available when the piper comes to be paid.
Your analysis of cost per taxpayer is invalid when utilization is considered. According to your own supporters, only 17% of city residents use the libraries on a regular basis and that number is continually shrinking as the magic of the internet opens more doors to the curious. BTW … I am a member of the 17% who use the library regularly.
Dear OIB,
You served up the latest on the Library ruling, Governor Rell’s budget and increased taxes, Naka the new Siberian tiger at the Bridgeport Zoo (with picture) and Supreme Court Judge Ginsberg’s ruling to deny the Diocese of Bridgeport’s request to continue 12,000 pages covering 23 lawsuits regarding the handling of youth sexual abuse issues by the management men with collars including Bishop Edward Egan.
So what do your patrons discuss? The death of Ted Kennedy, his legislative record will record him as a giant in American history; the library, and new developments in the potential referendum; a lot of personal invective that turns more than one reader off; a reference or two to some issues of the past few days including the potential negative and expensive outcome for the termination of Ralph Jacobs on the grounds of “disloyalty to the City” (when City Attorneys are called on for their opinion or a comment on the law as they know it, why don’t the questioners ask them for the odds of success or failure and the potential cost of failure and let’s keep track of their record); but no one has anything to say about the State budget–perhaps no one is in the $one million per year income club; no comments are proffered for the 4-year-old big cat coming to the Zoo; and no one expressed any thoughts on the 12,000 pages that are coming closer to being revealed. No wonder that newspapers are having a tough time of it these days, Lennie. You give them dragged out State political battles, tax hikes, stories of bad things happening to good young people through abuse of power by trusted religious, and even a warm fuzzy story with picture, and not a word!! Go figure! Only in Bridgeport!