Lamont, State Education Officials Take Action To Remedy Troubled City Schools

Earlier this week the State Board of Education granted Education Commissioner Charlene Russell-Tucker the authority to intervene in school district operations with the goal of improving student performance and implementing training on behalf of the local school board to improve relations.

On Friday Governor Ned Lamont and Russell-Tucker led a roundtable discussion about what this means, inviting teachers and staff from city schools at the Aquaculture School, 60 St. Stephens Road.

The conversation gave teachers and staff an opportunity to ask questions of the state officials regarding how this decision may impact their schools.

More from CT Post reporter Richard Chumney here

More details in a state education news release:

The Connecticut State Board of Education (SBE) today, acting under the authority granted by Section 10-223e(e)(2) of the Connecticut General Statutes, authorized Education Commissioner Charlene M. Russell-Tucker to address the stability of operations in Bridgeport Public Schools (BPS), improve student performance—with a focus on students receiving special education services—and address other needs in the district as deemed necessary.

These interventions include, but are not limited to, assigning a technical assistance team to work in, and with, the BPS to guide district initiatives and report to the Commissioner; requiring the Bridgeport Board of Education to undergo training designed to improve the Bridgeport board’s operational efficiency and effectiveness; requiring the potential appointment of a district improvement officer selected by the Commissioner for a term of up to one year; and requiring the prior approval by the Commissioner of any proposed permanent superintendent of schools.

The resolution follows a January 9, 2025, presentation to the SBE’s Accountability and Support Committee by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) highlighting the urgent need for intervention and support.

To read the full report and action plan, visit:

“Today’s action by the SBE is a pivotal moment in ensuring each of the 19,591 students in the BPS has the opportunity to succeed in learning, life, and work beyond school,” said Commissioner Russell-Tucker. “By collaborating with the local Board of Education, district leaders, educators, school staff and students, and the broader community, we maximize our ability to ensure that every child has the support they need to reach their full potential.”

Throughout this process, the CSDE will regularly brief the SBE on the progress of BPS in implementing these actions. SBE meetings will also provide an opportunity for parents and families, students, and members of the school community to address the Board through public testimony on this action.



  1. The Bridgeport school system appears set to get lots of “support” from what is tantamount to a state takeover, but there was no mention of $. Isn’t that special?! Typical Lamont, Republicrat approach to “helping” Bridgeport…

    1. Jeff, they just pissed away tens of millions of covid extra funding with no significant benefit to the Ports school system. Clearly it’s just not about dollars. Perhaps how is being spent.

    2. Renember when Governor Ned LaMalloy rejected thi$ opportunity?:

      “Now, hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio and his wife Barbara have announced their foundation will give $100 million to Connecticut schools, and the state has pledged to raise $200 million more over the next few years, specifically to help students at risk of dropping out of high school.Apr 16, 2019”

  2. From above: “the Connecticut State Board of Education (SBE) today, acting under the authority granted by Section 10-223e(e)(2) of the Connecticut General Statutes, authorized Education Commissioner Charlene M. Russell-Tucker:
    1) to address the stability of operations in Bridgeport Public Schools (BPS),
    2) improve student performance—with a focus on students receiving special education services—
    and 3) address other needs in the district as deemed necessary.”
    The first purpose proposed “stability of operations” is so basic that it is important to realize that professional outsiders do not see this as an operating characteristic of the current Bridgeport system. How do they propose to get us on the same page, trained to “best practices” of governance and public service?
    Secondly , trending of outcomes from all sources that students requiring and receiving special services, as well as students in general, should become available to the public with regularity to satisfy expectations that dollars for education are well spent. Finally, is it likely that “other needs” will be discovered or uncovered that require attention? Certainly!! And time will tell.

  3. So, when you’re at a meeting with the Governor of Ct. and you’re trying to explain what it’s like teaching 30 kids in a classroom every day.
    While the Vice Chairman of the BBOE keeps raising his arms and snapping his fingers behind your back to make you shut up, is a little Flucking daunting to say the least.

    1. I like to apologize to Joe Sokol Vis Chairmen of the BBOE I had no idea that ,
      a finger snap is a way to show support , agreement or understanding it can be used in place of applause signal a positive response without disrupting a speaker.

      (A finger snap to you Joe Sokol )

  4. John, I can try to answer some of your concerns/questions, in my humbled opinion

    1, it’s not hard for an outside professional to see how dysfunctional the operational characteristics of Port’s past and current school system.

    For starters
    1, Let’s not forget, and you don’t have to look too far in the past, in Bridgeport’s Board of education’s operational experience, it’s out come on education it has produced, in it’s dysfunction. It wasn’t too long ago when the Port had a 40 million deficit that required Administration job cuts somewhere in around 40. To correct it’s operational characteristics . In that six to seven year inthe not too distant past, to balance its budget correct its ship, we, the “children” have seen five or six Super in acting superintendents leading the ship. Courtesy of Ports elected democratic governance and public servants. That operational elected governance body, has seen an influx of $160 million, an extra funding just to stare the Bridgeport Board of Education ship did I seem abyss. It seems that they took no action to address the ongoing special needs students and the teacher Staffing in general for the students overall. JS

    To be continued, stay tuned. 🤣

    While time will tell how much a soccer stadium/ MLS team will benefit the the Port. It is in the development of Port vision as an entertainment destination. Lamont get on this, throw some of that guard rail money. But let’s not forget Major League Soccer is a place for European soccer to retire too🤣

    The prophet

    To be fair to my Pork Chop bretherins, 🤣

    1. My bad, excuse my grammar in sentence structure. To be fair I did have a port public educational🤣

      Just to see the Bridgeport Board of educational ship steered into the same Abyss.

  5. Your point being Speedy?

    What does it mean and what services specifically applies to helping students at risk of dropping out? More administrative backend hirings that generally don’t have much to do education particularly in the communities where to drop out rate is high.

    I can assure you any hedge fund billionaire we’ll have their hand in the pot, not only the hundred million that they’re putting up but the other 200 million being put up. As to how the funds are dispersed.

    That being said, every student in the Port District dropped out, thanks to covid and with the Port School District only received extra tens of million dollars unable to teach them remotely. They were so far behind the curve to utilize technology to enhance the educational process in the classroom that the student body ended up getting so far behind that they’re still trying to make it up years later.

    I would even bet that port’s school districts are still severely inadequate in the use of technologies that would advance and enhance students educational. As well as, to enhance and ease the teaching process for the teachers to educate Port’s student body process. Js

    With the rise of AI and there’s no way that they cannot construct a educational system that enhances the educational process for the students and burdens the workload for the teachers at a reasonable cost. Js


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