It’s not often a state senator can shepherd a bill so quickly that receives legislative approval and signature from the governor. Just two months on the job State Senator Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox joined Governor Ned Lamont for a bill signing advancing $40 million extra in special education for cash-strapped school districts, including $1.8 million to Bridgeport this budget year.
Another $3 million was allocated to stressed nonprofit social service agencies.

Gadkar-Wilcox, a professor of constitutional law at Quinnipiac, represents the city-suburban 22nd District. From her Facebook page:
We met communities where they were, going to every corner of Connecticut. We hosted listening sessions across the state to truly understand the struggles students, families, and teachers face every single day. And we listened, an immediate need for funding is crucial to ensuring the success of every child in Connecticut. I am pleased this legislation passed and is now finally signed into law!
I have come to learn, know, and recognize the differences in children attending public schools initially at a Kindergarten or Pre-K level, and then throughout the primary years where reading, aritmetic, and language skills also encourage curiosity and logical reasoning among the student body in different and varying ways.
The studied differences between one student and another have created “special methods” for reaching students and helping their educational process.
Some are temporary, while others must be maintained during the entire process. Extra expense is certainly involved. Thank you for the rapid understanding of a part of Bridgeport’s need for focused funding on “special education”.
Fairer funding of each public school student from and by the State is also called for. If Bridgeport public schools support the largest youth population attending local public schools in the State, why does the State fail to recognize the inequity of funding municipalities with lower populations annually? Historic unfairness may have had past justifications but is it not time to finally become more fair?
If fiscal administration is distrusted or fails in “open, accountable, transparent or honest values” there must be a better way for the State to discriminate and deliver the funds, so as not to penalize weaker and more vulnerable segments of our population on a regular basis. Will representatives finally stand up and deliver fairer funding and then focus on oversight? Time will tell.
Thank you State Senator Sujata-Gadkar-Wilcox, keep up the good work!
Jimfox, you know I wouldn’t make stuff up.
Here’s what the Democrats don’t want us to know. Originally, Lamont VETOED, the $40 million increase.
The Republicans presented amendments proposing $108 million increase. The Democrats killed the Republican amendments.
You would think that after the Clown Governor VETOED the $40 million increase, the Democratic majority would have met the Republucans in the middle and responded with a $54 million increase and let the Clown know who runs the circus.
Keep in mindvthat this 🤡, let $100 million donation, proposed for education needs, from Raymond Dalio, slip AWAYYYYYY.
By the way Clown, tell whomever at the Connecticut Department of Public Safety, to stay the fuck-off my social media pages. I haven’t nor ever will apply for a job with the State nor there’s any reason for such activity. The activity started after, I revealed here the fact that YOU signed off on the CMERS repeale and amendments to accommodate Bridgeport Police Chief Roderick Porter to the wish of Mayor Joe Ganim. I did more for you than any Democrat in Bridgeport. I even predicted that you were going to be our Governor right here on OIB. Don’t believe me? Have that official at CDPS check the Only in Bridgeport Archive. You sleep with dogs, you catch fleas.
John: If the state were to do right by Bridgeport, they would have to place Bridgeport under state auspices and give a state-appointed governing board a big pile of cash to address our myriad service and infrastructure needs. The amount of money (administered and apportioned prudently/effectively) that would be needed to put Bridgeport on “sound” financial/socioeconomic footing (which would take a period of years) would certainly be well-north of $1 billion — if all of our infrastructure, educational, and socioeconomic needs were to be ameliorated. We know from our socioeconomic stats — poverty rate/income level, educational performance levels, residential property tax rates, et al. — that we are troubled city, way behind the eight-ball in need of leadership, a plan forward, and deep-pockets financial backing…
What to do?! We know that the focus of state government is on Stamford (first and foremost), Hartford (a (second), New Haven (third), and last on the sizeable city list, Bridgeport. We get some chump-change thrown at us at election time for the GOTV for the state offices of the D candidates. The only leverage we have is “the vote” — and we use entirely to our disadvantage…
A conundrum. We need the advocacy of deep pockets and power — but who/where to reach out to is a conundrum. If the political fate of say, Governor Lamont, were to be shown (publicly — via the major media) to lay squarely on Bridgeport’s shoulder’s, we might be able to leverage that for some “real” help and attention for Bridgeport…
Jeff Kohu, order your buddy JML to decide just this increase by total number of special needs kids and at least 180 days of classes per year.
Look to see what the Independent Office of Fiscal Analysis has to say about our budget and financial footing.
Then again, JML has his plate full with the MS-13 Commision.
Correction: …to devide…
John, where did acquire the learnt to know and recognize the differences in children attending public schools initially at a Kindergarten or Pre-K level, and then throughout the primary years where reading, arithmetic, and language skills also encourage curiosity and logical reasoning among the student body in different and varying ways?
I call bullshit, people. 🙂 While it is special, Waht logical states that equal funding equate to equitable education. The lighters are on and a teacher are in the building. From my understanding the Port has a high level of long term subs and and certified teachers. If you get a handle on waht is being produced in the class room, funding not going to improve the current status que. There’s matrices to urban schools students performance that school funding can never equate to wealthy more stable families, and the clarion call
to equate the Historic unfairness without the call to address some of the root cause will be futile, and disingenuous, Some thing Gen Now can comprehend.
PS while your logic seems to be illogical to me are you sure you are not Vulcan? 🙂
It would seem the Earth humanoid species are more like the Romulans, the cousins or the Vulcans. Though perhaps with more compassion/humanity in them. 😇
Part 1 Click count😊
P.S Vulcan John, The blue humanoids are cool though. 🤣
Speaking of logic, as I follow the current condition in the Middle East, The religious cousins, the cousins of the God of Abraham, Israel, Judaism/Yahweh , and Palestinians, Islam/Allah. I can’t for the love of me understand the various parties, be it Europe, American, Arab countries on the reconstruction, rebuilding of what was just decimated, the land of Gaze.
I know Trump wants America to take control. I mean I understand Hamas not have any control like it did before or say in the matter. I can’t even see them existing in either Gaze or the Palestine state. But who owns the land Gaze the countries/states want to rebuilding on do the same parts own the land that is now rubble and any of the buildings cover with insurance and or is the state of Israeli liable for the destruction? Inquiring minds want to know.
Check your books people. If you know you know.
At any rate, I am with Bush. Teh Palestinian State can’t be like Swiss cheese. Besides, Beijing want the cars off the ground. 🙂 JS
P.S Bush, who I choose should be placed on Mount Rushmore. 🙂
My bad, Swiss Cheese, people
Vulcan John, the Blue Humanoid call it a “replication”
The other thing, Fuhgeddaboudit 🤣
Edit, #special ed 🙂
If you can’t get a handle on what is being produced in the class room, no matter the funding it is not going to improve the current status que of the education being produced. There are matrices to urban school students performance that school funding can never equate to to wealthy more stable families, and the clarion call for more equitable funding matrices can be seen as smoke and mirrors to what you describe to as a Historic unfairness of a effective education if you don’t call on the need to address historic root cause of a poor education poor teacher and the quality of education being thought in the class room. while that fight any funding the would seem to equitable will be futile and disingenuous. Some thing Gen Now can comprehend.