Is The $1.3 Million Still There For Success Village? Judge Orders Key Bank Into Court To Turn Over Accounts To Receiver

Superior Court Judge Dale Radcliffe, who appointed a receiver to oversee the heat-and-hot-water tragedy, as well as finances, at the nearly 1000-unit Success Village co-op, has ordered another bank into his courtroom, this time Key Bank to provide attorney Barry Knott access to financial accounts believed to be about $1.3 million as a result of a fire insurance claim.

The accounts were not disclosed by ex Success board president Ty Bird during court testimony to determine if a receiver was necessary.

John Cotter, a Milford-based insurance adjuster, notified Knott of the deposits into Key Bank. Insurance adjusters represent the policy holder. Rich Buturla, the lawyer representing Bridgeport and Stratford in the receivership case, filed a contempt of court motion with Radcliffe for Key Bank to relinquish the accounts to Knott. Buturla also learned about the accounts in a bogus bankruptcy filing dismissed by a federal judge. A hearing is scheduled Thursday afternoon for the bank to turn over the accounts.

The looming question: how much of the money is there? If not, where did it go? Also, why didn’t Bird inform the court of the accounts?

From Attorney Buturla’s court motion.

This thing is getting messier every day. What is clear: Bird thought it better to pay out millions of dollars to lawyers and consultants, according to court testimony, the past few years from previously known bank accounts instead of engaging a plan to modernize an archaic boiler system.

Knott has ordered an audit to determine who received the money and for what purpose.

In addition, during the period, Bird did not pay municipal taxes to Bridgeport and Stratford, nor utility bills, funded by the monthly common charges paid by co-op owners. Under oath he was questioned about cash withdrawals (an amount yet to be disclosed) and stated he made them to pay co-op workers. Why were they paid in cash? Or is that simply a ruse?

All of this has the interest of local, state and federal investigators.




  1. I am not a mathematician but in the last 6 months since the first protest hit the press that started this court sage, the HOA fees have generated close to 3 million. With a revenue stream of 6 million annually, and shit not getting fixed and creditors not getting paid, IDK people.

    On a more Port political note, y’all make me sad sometimes. Here’s a free event for a major holiday everyone celebrates, for the most part, that is for the kids of the Port, and because it doesn’t line up with your political interest, Silence on sharing the event on your social media platform that allows you voice to be heard. Let that sink in people when using that platform and the kids of the Port on Port politics that does align with your political interests. Is it about you or the kids, the Port for that matter?

    I guess, the people, city, and kids are secondary in the political game. right Bob S, Ned L., Do see you as much in this of run election years. JS

    To be fair, Gen Now is the most disingenuous group out of a bunch of y’all. with their “where to be this week.

  2. On a world note, does anybody find this interesting, at the very least?

    Here you have a worldly event on the political stage that was perpetrated on people by a country/people that has museums dedicated to it, and within, not even a passing generation has yet to pass and you have those very people receive arms from that very country to perpetrate there own, whatever you want to call it/view it.

  3. Maybe Birdie tried to feather away a little money to help him fly the coup before the FBI could substitute the moniker “Jail” for Tyreke…. Looks like he will soon become “Jail” Bird — Ty “Jail” Bird… Unless he is soon able to fly the coup!

    But why all of this craziness at Success. It really looks like a much more sinister conspiracy — to cause an abandonment of the whole development — rather than just simple embezzlement.

    Could it be that there are much bigger political/$ players that wanted to get their hands on the property for nefarious purposes (wrt the residents being rendered homeless and otherwise severely financially damaged)?! Looks like a major crime against humanity — thousands of modest-income people — by way of ruthless theft and profiteering by persons in authority and positions of financial advantage….

    There is surely corporate and political corruption — from fairly high levels — involved here. Birdie and company are very, very connected and have operated the Success BOD as an arm of the local/state political machine for many years…. Politicians and developers were set to profit (reap their reward) here.

    The FBI really needs to look at the BOD-political-real estate developer connections in this situation. Something really smells here. (One has to wonder whether some of the missing money/real estate developer money found its way into campaign contributions and politicians’ pockets at the state and local level during the period of operation of the reengage Success BOD — which goes back quite a few years ….) One also has to wonder about how many illegitimate absentee ballots were harvested from Success during past elections — especially the 2023-2024 Ballot Gate rigged election….)

    Go to work, FBI! Cleaning up the Success mess might just be one of the keys to cleaning up Bridgeport and Connecticut state politics….

  4. Who knows Jeff,

    “Could it be that there are much bigger political/$ players that wanted to get their hands on the property for nefarious purposes (wrt the residents being rendered homeless and otherwise severely financially damaged)?! Looks like a major crime against humanity”

    Homelessness might be extreme. At 6 million a year revenue stream, with the homeowner responsible for inside structural damage, that 6 million for generally, taxes, insurance, heat, and common/structural. something up, for it decline.

    Perhaps a better management office to get to work and clean up the Success mess but you are crazy, dreaming if you think the Success mess is going invoke the FB and Port and Connecticut state of politics. #CEP funding the Teat Port’s political machine/corruption/participation. 🙂

    Are they hiring, need a job, people? They did it again.

    shout out to the Italians for taking something that wasn’t theirs and making it their own, like the Spanish Jew to honor their heritage in America # China pasta. I come to the conclusion, Italian heritage is shit high-jack, falling off the back of a truck. Right Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Venus.?

    That being said, in honor of Pasta Day. I depart with the prophet.


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