Former Mayor Joe Ganim appeared Wednesday morning on the Chaz & AJ morning broadcast on radio station WPLR, offering contrition as he moves a step closer to running for the office he vacated in 2003 following his conviction on federal corruption charges.
During the interview Ganim said …
“It took me a while to step up publicly, although privately I’ve had the same discussions with a number of people. Yes, I made mistakes. I broke the law. I breached the trust, and have, as you might know, first of the year had the opportunity within the blessings confines of a church to apologize and ask people to accept that and they have.
“I did break the law and breached the trust and stopped the progress. For that, and for all that we’ve lost collectively, I’m truly sorry. And that goes not just for the people of Bridgeport but anybody else that feels they’ve been affected by this.”
From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:
A penitent, relaxed and good humored Joseph Ganim appeared on the radio Wednesday morning to confirm what anyone who observes Bridgeport politics already knew–he’s been exploring a bid for his old job as mayor of Connecticut’s largest city.
“I’m seriously considering it at this point,” Ganim told the hosts of Chaz & AJ In the Morning, broadcast on 99.1 WPLR, 95.9 The Fox and 102.9 The Whale. “I’m asking people formally and informally for their input if they think I should run.”
Full story here.
What say you? Come and join if you say: RunJoeGanimRun.
www .facebook.com/run.joeganimrun
Joe Ganim,
No. I do not think you should run. I might reconsider my view if you admit your wrongdoing, issue an unqualified apology, make appropriate amends, receive a full pardon from the Governor, and have your law license restored. These things will not happen in 2015, if ever.
Can he or must he reconcile his marriage too? What more do you want Joe Ganim to give up or do? He has paid a dear price like no other elected official. We are not talking about the former Waterbury mayor–he was a Republican, no? I am a convicted felon and you knew that when I supported your campaign. I crossed party lines and recognized your contribution to this country and city when many others attacked you time and time again. Joe Ganim is not only the best mayor I had the pleasure of serving with, he is a fine human being inside. I never cast him out or ever thought of kicking him or anyone when he was down. I will do what I can to pick an old colleague and friend if it means losing my job in the event it fails. David Walker, you are a better man than that and I urge you to allow the better man in you to forgive Joe Ganim. The only thing that pisses me off about what he did is as a result of his conviction, we ended up with John Fabrizi and Bill Finch. The real pillage of the city’s coffers began when these men took over. They are the very same men who pushed and put all the crap Joe Ganim was convicted for on his desk. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Finch. RunJoeGanimRun.
Joel Gonzalez, that was pretty good.
Very good!
Talk is cheap, Joe.
Mr. Ganim may full well deserve a second chance, as everyone does. But seeking the office of Mayor should be out of the question. He violated the public trust, he knows it, and yet remained unapologetic throughout until he saw what he thinks is an opportunity to be re-elected. The man went before a jury and portrayed sheer arrogance at his trial; not a shred of remorse–up until recently. He apologized only to further his own agenda.
Godiva2011, if one or both persons in a marriage commits adultery and the relationship ends in a divorce, neither one of them should ever marry again? Once the adultery is committed the couple must not be allowed to work things out and renew the bond they once shared?
Come on, Joel–there’s not one iota of sense in this comment. Adultery may be immoral, but it’s not illegal, let alone a felony. Apples to oranges. As far as the dissolution of Mr. Ganim’s marriage, that is nobody’s business but his and his wife’s.
Adultery is legal.
Godiva2011, I don’t know who you are and really don’t want to know, but I hope you’re not a city employee on the wrong side of the fence. I hear Joe Ganim will be the next mayor; I hope he doesn’t know who you are. In some situations, silence is golden!!!
Lisa, your comment is golden. Are you threatening Godiva with losing her job? You must believe the people of Bridgeport are just plain stupid.
Godiva, I agree with you and if you work for the City and Ganim were Mayor and fired you then get your lawyer for pure retaliation.
Btw, the conversation at Shebeen Pub in Black Rock was extremely unfavorable for Joseph Ganim and I was just listening! I will say Joseph Ganim should be extremely flattered by his supporters on this blog. Talking about drinking the kool-aid. Joseph really needs to spare himself the humiliation. There will be not one sympathy vote for Ganim. Just remember, the next wave of voters were four years old when Joseph was convicted and I am certain they will be educated incessantly. It will just bring a black cloud over Bridgeport again. Sad, just very very sad. When you think about all the footage from every news station and print of the trial and the failed appeal and the hope of early release because of drug abuse, honestly as the hit song from Frozen states. “Let it Go” let it go.
Just my opinion, although I must say Joe Ganim is not a vindictive man, and certainly not insecure. But then again, I’m sure you are a self-employed person who relies on no one for your livelihood.