If You Contribute $50, Ganim Will Invite You To His Party

Seeking to reclaim the job he left in 2003 following his conviction on corruption charges, Joe Ganim will host his first fundraiser Thursday (tonight) in an exploratory stage for mayor that now includes a website with a donation page. And he has an offer for you.

The fundraiser will take place at Vazzano’s Four Seasons in Stratford. Ganim writes on his Facebook page:

“Please consider contributing what you can – $5, $50, $250 or anything in between. It all helps pay the costs associated as I explore candidacy. If you contribute over $50, I will personally call to invite you to my party on Thursday night!”

There’s lotsa political anticipation about the faces that will appear at Ganim’s event and how much he raises out of the box. Mayor Bill Finch has amassed more than $400,000 as he seeks a third four-year term.

Finch’s 2011 Democratic primary opponent Mary-Jane Foster is gearing up to get into the race, perhaps forming a candidate committee next week.

School board member Howard Gardner and perennial candidate Charlie Coviello are also in the race.

In an exploratory stage Ganim can raise up to a $375 personal contribution. For a full-blown candidate committee the max is $1000 in anticipation of a September Democratic primary.



  1. What Ganim did was stupid. It was more stupid to believe he would win his trial. His lawyers knew there was no chance to win but took Joe’s money, but Joe was dumb to pay the money. Then he wasted more money for an appeal that had no chance. I watched the trial and knew Judge Janet did nothing to appeal.

    Joe gives no reason to vote for him. Just one thing to explain how he will be good for this city. To give Joe any money is a very dumb thing to do.

      1. That is a brilliant opinion. Giving dumb people money to be the mayor of Bridgeport is a very smart opinion. Maybe all Joe’s codefendants were innocent but they all pleaded guilty just to tell on their friend Joe. Is ruining the city you live in the purpose to elect the person with the most bribes? Longfellow school was knocked down because it was rodent infested. Will the new building prevent rodents? Are taxes missing on the missing GE plant? Are there any answers?

        1. Steve Miller, Longfellow School was not knocked down due to a rodent infestation. It was originally slated for a renovation, however right before the renovation was about to begin it was discovered the ground was contaminated. Therefore the entire school was demolished so the soil could be remediated.

          1. What was there to contaminate the soil? Did anybody ever get contaminated?

            Nothing is too absurd for Bridgeport politicians and their friends. How to take one of the greatest cities in America and destroy it. Then keep electing the same nitwits again.

            The Ganim/Finch lovers don’t just wreck the city for themselves, they wreck it for everybody.

  2. “Bridgeport residents deserve real solutions for the critical problems we face.”

    Joe’s website is blank. There is no solution for any problem.

    Joe just proved my point. It’s pay to play again.

  3. *** “Off Present Subject” Other Than The Usual Bpt Politics That Only Seems To Recognize The Democratic Party In The Park City! *** Once again America, it’s happened! Ferguson, LA, Cleveland, North Charleston, NY, etc. and now Baltimore. What seems to be another case of Police misconduct in arresting a young black man for what has been said to be suspicious reckless eye contact with the police and running from the police? A knife was later found at the scene “after” the take down that was not seen before or during the chase. The young man seems to be in a lot of pain and can’t walk on his own as police drag him to a P/D paddy wagon where they later stopped en route to pick up another prisoner to put leg irons on, because Gray was yelling too much about being hurt and thrashing about! Leg irons on a prisoner who appears unable to walk? When the shit hits the fan, the average citizen calls the police, a tough hands-on job that calls for its officers to be professional while dealing with people at their worst. A job that calls for maintaining your cool during stressful times! But lately webcams and personal video cameras, etc. across America have been recording bad decisionmaking and overstepping boundaries by people who maybe should not be police officers or who need retraining in dealing with personal stress and the public in general. Summer heat is just around the corner and the climate in American urban cities is very anti-police, right or wrong. I hope the real truth comes out concerning many of these incidents and justice prevails in order to move forward towards real solutions about rogue cops who are not protecting and serving citizens but disrespecting and abusing them instead. If not, the race riots of the past will only seem like spring breaks gone bad compared to what could spark off all over American Urban Cities this summer! *** Say A Prayer Tonight ***

    1. The real truth did come out. The white prosecutors protect the white cops for murdering innocent black people and the media reports lies constantly. Americans are all hypocrites in a brainwashed trance. The crimes are by specific cops, not by a police force. Obama covered up the white prosecutor in Ferguson.

      How does it feel to be in a deep trance repeating stupid lies by the media? Eric Garner was alone. The NYC Tobacco law is civil, not criminal. A few incidental facts that never dawned on all the people in their trance.

  4. Finch is running scared. There’s a daily stream of politicos parading in and out of his office almost every day. Some are being promised favors (raises for family members/girlfriends) for support and others are being threatened with removal from boards/commissions/city council if they fail to support the status quo.
    Talk of the town is not only who will be at the fundraiser tomorrow but who the Finch spies will be. The political event of the year!

  5. city hall smoker, I have received the exact same reports. Finch is meeting with DTC leaders and members and committing to giving them and their family members raises on the taxpayers’ dime.

    I was at a diner two nights ago and I invited one of my neighbors to attend. A gentleman nearby overheard me and asked if he could come too. I said absolutely. I explained the donation and the form and he said he would definitely be there. We will see. I think there is going to be a big turnout!

  6. If letting the UI company burn coal without scrubbers is a good green thing for our kids and seniors, well maybe Mayor Ganim can fix our pollution problem here in Bridgeport, after all Mayor Green-speak only cares about the tax revenue the UI pays.
    Doing a land grab at Seaside Park for the UI Company’s solar vortex needs to be renegotiated as well.
    Building a train station to nowhere, now that’s foresight!

    Shortchanging the BBOE for three years?

    WPCA needs a total revamp so Paul Timpanelli and Bob Scinto can build those castles in the sky for Seymour and Monroe at Bridgeport taxpayers’ expense, that’s something I’m sure Mayor Ganim can fix.
    I’m sure Mayor Ganim can renegotiate a better deal with RCI Marine than a 20-year payback on our tax investment, so some of us would like to see that happen before we die.

    Most taxpayers would like to have a Mayor who knows how to hold the line on taxes, now that’s a large problem, Mayor Ganim was good at that.
    The only thing Bill Finch has done was to raise taxes and pay back his supporters like Sal DiNardo with a future train station at Remington and Manny Moutinho’s lovely $600,000 driveway in flucking Stratford!

    Now Mr. Miller, if that’s not pay to play, then you’re flucking blind or dumb as a bag of rocks, or both!

  7. Steve Miller, I don’t usually respond to haters, but it’s you who are dumb. You’re entitled to your opinion, but stay civil. Joe Ganim will be the next Mayor so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    1. I don’t hate Joe. You weren’t at Joe’s trial every day but I was.

      Bridgeport was one of the greatest cities in America. Now it’s a dump. Bill and Joe ran the city. Did they just have bad luck? Do you hate Bridgeport?

      If I were mayor I’d bring in three industries. New factories with the most efficient equipment would replace empty buildings. Bpt schools would have the best athletes in CT. There would be boxing facilities for kids who want to fight. Crime would disappear. There would be a huge hydroponic greenhouse on the roof of HCC where kids would learn and earn. Every large roof in Bpt would be encouraged to put a greenhouse on their roofs. It would be a huge industry and supply CT, RI, MA, NJ and NY with fresh produce all year.

      I would bring in a hydrogen fuel cell company that would supply pure electric power worldwide with no pollution. People who bought their stock would make more than 1000 times their investment. Only the mayor could negotiate that deal.


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