Hold on to your wallets. Bill Clinton is scheduled to attend a fundraiser January 12 on behalf of wife Hillary at the reconstructed Black Rock waterfront gem of technology executive Oni Chukwu, 98 Grovers Avenue, according to a support site of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. This property is now considered one of the highest assessed residential properties in Bridgeport with a newly assessed value of $2,805,310. The current annual tax, based on the old $1,259,489 assessment, is $53,147.92. (That’s no typo.) Revaluation of city property is currently underway to kick in for the July 1 budget year when a new mil rate will be set.
Let’s get this straight, Black Rock is in Bridgeport, not Fairfield.
Madeline Dennis, host of the Black Rock Bitches Facebook page, also wrote a piece about the Clinton visit. A $2,700 contribution includes a photo with President Clinton.
Chukwu purchased the property December 20, 2012 for $1,750,000 from an estate formerly owned by Angelo Costa. The house was razed for new construction that triggered a doubling of the assessed value, according to city land records. Five properties were incorporated into the existing main plot of 1.8 acres situated along Black Rock Harbor.
The living area is 3,607 square feet with a total gross square footage 9,858 that includes a 1,570 square foot canopy, 1,852 square foot open porch and 1,915 square foot patio. The property also includes a cottage and an in-ground pool. Anyone wanna take a dip? Who cares if it’s 10 degrees? You can get in a little fresh water/salt water action.

It was a waste of ink writing about this anti-women asshole. He should stay in New York or go back south with all his cousins.
Andy, I thought you were on the guest list.
I was and refused to go. I had eight years of his BS and now I have to listen to his dumb-ass wife.
Those two are the most corrupt, evil, dishonest, hypocritical, phony, lying, immoral human beings to ever walk the face of the earth.
Sorry, I forgot to add “murders.”
So we can take that as a no vote for Hillary Clinton?
Quentin, tell us how you really feel!
You mean except for the fact Clinton left us a, what, $62 billion surplus?
*** I received an invitation of which I sent to Danny-Boy in Hartford in return for a State Commissioners Job in charge of Elections Enforcement to go after all the political BS. *** NICE DREAMS ***
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Bill Clinton. I’d also like to let him know there are a fair number of Black Rockers (myself included) supporting Bernie.
It’s great having dinner at the BRYC, and looking out at the fabulous panoramic view of Long Island Sound, the Black Rock Harbor, the Fayerweather light and this “The Flucking Mausoleum of Halicarnassus!”
It looks more like something out of Star Wars, all lit up so Han Solo can land the Millennium Falcon on the flucking roof!
Next, they’ll want to use our parking lot for the Clinton fundraiser!
I say “good Trump walls make good neighbors!”
I like the cut of your jib, Jimfox!
I understand Monica Lewinsky is tending bar and Gennifer Flowers is parking cars at BRYC on Tuesday. Vincent Foster, James McDougal, and Christopher Stevens can’t make it.
Thanks, Edith.
If your club hosted a fundraiser for Torres, it’s only fair bets are also hedged with Hillary.
He calls it like it is!
It’s great having dinner at the BRYC and seeing the investment Oni Chukwu has made in Bridgeport. 98 Grovers Avenue is only part of the Chukwu estate that, in its entirety and with the improvements, is probably the largest residential addition to the net grand list in the city’s history.
When talented, accomplished people make a commitment like that to Bridgeport, I could care less who’s on their dinner list.
Ditto, Bruce!
I agree with your comments on the personal investment made by Oni Chukwu. And your home is your castle and the dinner invites are yours to offer. How many times do we get a President, past or otherwise, to visit? Notice this time there is no guessing about who is coming to dinner. And perhaps there is a potential for a ‘weekend with Bernie’ in the offing? Time will tell.
Time does tell, JML. You beat me to that punch … line. Good One!
I believe FDR made a visit to that exact location as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Weird.
From Bridgeport Public Library’s History Center:
Thanks, John. Somewhere there is a picture of him sitting on the veranda of the house that stood on that property. Palmquist book maybe? or Only in Bridgeport (can’t remember the author of that one).
Did you get his autograph?
I will be in DC for PwC. Someone can say hello to President Clinton for me. He appointed me to the position of Comptroller General of the United States and head of the GAO.
That answers a lot of questions.
Well, I love Bill Clinton and Hillary. I do not think middle America is ready for a Jewish Socialist President and I am a Jew. Hillary is the Democrat Party’s best chance. Every Republican out there knows every potential candidate is just ridiculous. Of course this is totally my opinion and I respect all the Bernie Sanders supporters out there. I wish there was just one Republican to distract me. There is not one. I wish everyone well. The Democrats at least have two potential candidates. Obviously, it is clear not all agree and that is a good thing!!
If you enjoy looking at a structure that resembles the Lincoln Memorial or an airport terminal in Lagos while you have dinner, that’s fine. If you were on your boat you would not, because the light pollution and glare makes it impossible to see. As for dinner guests you are quite right, they can have whomever they like. You probably won’t be able to drive anywhere near Grovers on Tuesday and certainly not be able to have dinner at your club, or even walk around it.
Not to worry. It’s January and the club is closed on Tuesday, so no disruption from the fundraiser.
Feel free to write the Chukwu family with your personal critique of the design of their home. My comments were specific to their substantial financial investment in purchasing and improving what had become a derelict property. The choice of what the house would look like was theirs alone to make.
And if the property’s lights create a hazard for nighttime navigation in Black Rock harbor, that’s definitely the domain of the Bridgeport harbor master and the United States Coast Guard.
Sorry, I can’t help with any of the above.
No worries. Thank you.
And thank you for your club’s logistical support of Hillary’s fundraiser! (If that is indeed the case.)
Logistical, mystical, statistical and fiscal, their sound embodies the “ical” suffix just as the word comical does. However when you relate research on the four properties (88, 92, 98 and 100 Grover’s Avenue), values comprising 6.7 acres, the differences in the market values per acre are noticeable. Is waterfront land in Black Rock valued at $1 Million per acre, or not? And if not, why not as in three acres of vacant land valued at about $160,000 per acre?
At the moment I am not in a buying mood, but when I see non-waterfront property in RA zones with lesser value homes occupying a similar acre, the land still shows near $1 Million. What goes on here? Jim Fox, please draw your slide rule and begin analysis, as you have for years. Time will tell.
Much of the property is swamp and not buildable.
I suggest all the people who like Clinton go see the movie Benghazi.
Of course we are all going to see that movie. It will have the same impact as that anti-Obama film. Benghazi, still talking about it as though it happened yesterday.
Steve, tell that to the families of those who were killed there. Killed today doing your job and tomorrow the folks go out to eat.
Andy, Benghazi was terrible. Will certainly make a great movie as Clinton will make a great President. It’s not like bad strategies during times of war that kill thousands of people. Having a job in Benghazi is not exactly like working in the Time-Life building. Shit happens and it did. We move on unless you watch Fox news. A highly rated show that caters to redneck warmongers and racists who give a terrible distorted view of the world. Of course Andy, that is my opinion. BTW, the only Republican I was listening to is gaining in the polls. John Kasich from Ohio. Could get interesting. Benghazi of course has been been regurgitated enough as repealing Obama Care and Gays in the military. Welcome to the 21st century!
Well Steve, you and I are on the same page. I also like John Kasich.
If you’re not spending $2,700 to see Bill, here’s tomorrow night’s Bernie Sanders event–no charge:
And no one will know or care, none of you were there. What a surprise to the crowd who spends their life commenting here.
stevenl, and you are commenting here why?
It is utterly amazing how someone can deflect a discussion about a U.S. Ambassador getting killed and covering it with lies, to a comment about a television network. Steve, you don’t sound like a very worldly person so let me tell you something. It is very unusual for a U.Ss Ambassador, anywhere, to be killed. It is extremely unusual for one to be killed in an embassy. It is not ‘shit happening.’ What’s going on in brother Oni’s house tonight is ‘shit happening.’ Imagine how much good that money could do in a Bridgeport soup kitchen or school.
EB, well stated. Thank you.