John Iannuzzi, Republican candidate for state representative, shares observations about the aftermath of the storm.
As of Wednesday night the South End is exactly where we were 48 hours ago. In the dark. No electricity, no heat, no phones. I am typing this on my cell phone by candlelight. I have talked to neighbors with no hot water. While many folks evacuated on Sunday, some have returned three days later to find the National Guard “keeping order” at all entrances to the South End from Marina Village to Harbor Yard.
Traffic is being diverted down Iranistan. The brackish water that washed up as far as Rufus Baker Memorial Blvd and Gregory Street, has receded leaving a putrid sludge as leaves and debris still clog drains. Large chunks of roof from the abandoned Warnaco building on Lafayette are strewn around the surrounding streets. Trees and power lines remain down on Myrtle Ave.
My biggest concern is public safety. Apartment buildings that have electric security gates and key pads, are left wide open. Phone books wedged in doors to allow access. The only problem is this allows access to anyone. Not very safe.
I have not seen any utility workers as of yet. There was a Canadian TV crew on the UB campus.
I understand millions of folks in the Northeast are suffering, and our prayers are with them. Bridgeport could use prayers as well. After three days in the dark, with the military barricade, we in the South End are beginning to feel a little cut off.