Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro visited Bridgeport on Friday for a ribbon-cutting opening an affordable housing project developed by Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust in the East End. From U.S. Senator Chris Murphy:
Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) hosted U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julián Castro for several different events with federal, state, and local leaders around Connecticut. The officials highlighted key federal partnerships in Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport that are expanding opportunity and leveling the playing field for residents across the state.
Murphy, Blumenthal, U.S. Representative Jim Himes (CT-4), and Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim hosted Secretary Castro for his last visit of the day to celebrate the grand opening of Bridgeport’s newly constructed Milestone Apartments complex. The Milestone Apartments complex will offer affordable housing rental units to veterans and other low-income Bridgeport residents.
“I’m so grateful that Secretary Castro accepted my invitation to come to Connecticut so he could see firsthand just how hard we’re working to create life-changing opportunities for our local families,” said Senator Murphy. “In Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport, we’re providing more affordable housing for families, making our communities safer and giving a leg up to those who need it most.”
Senator Blumenthal said, “Today’s visit was about promise–the rich, historic promise of our cities, and the promises that we have made, and must make, to revitalize, restore and reinvigorate our uniquely vibrant urban communities. Secretary Castro came to Connecticut and heard firsthand from community leaders in Hartford, Bridgeport and New Haven about their priorities–universal needs like safe, affordable housing and good local job opportunities. I look forward to continuing to work closely with Secretary Castro to ensure that Connecticut’s communities continue to receive the support and resources they need and deserve.”
Representative Himes said “As someone who has worked extensively on creating affordable housing in my career before Congress, I know how essential housing is to the fabric of this nation and our sense of security and identity. Yet, for many people in Southwest Connecticut, the lack of affordable housing is one of the greatest financial hurdles they face. These new units will help ease this burden on lower income individuals and veterans in Bridgeport, and I will continue working with local leaders, Senators Blumenthal and Murphy, and Secretary Castro to ensure all Connecticut families have an affordable place to call home.”
Mayor Ganim said, “Here in Bridgeport we are committed to partnering with Park City Communities, HUD, the State of CT, and the community to replace outmoded and inhospitable public housing projects with high quality mixed income neighborhoods throughout the city. Housing is an important component of the city’s community building and development strategy. We look forward to building on the strong existing relationship with HUD Hartford, HUD Region 1, DC, and state department of Housing to continue to make smart investments in the future of our city and its residents.”
Golly gee, as my name is John Marshall Lee, and the Federal Agency is HUD. I did not see this announcement on the City web site. Did you?
Maybe the whirlwind CT tour took us by surprise. While everyone is patting backs on new housing, I saw nothing said about MONEY, OPERATIONS, FUNDING LIKE CDGB. Were any folks from the 2600 housing units or other subsidized residents present to provide their comments? Where is the paperwork showing what is ongoing with PARK CITY COMMUNITIES and housing for city residents are truly “smart investments in the future.” So much money spent? So many tax dollars involved at multiple levels? So many smiling elected officials with dark suits, white shirts and power ties? What does that tell you about “smart investments?” What are the three most important issues facing Park City Communities according to their Commissioners? And according to their residents? And to Public Safety personnel who protect the residents? And to the educators in the City who work with their residents? Time will tell.
Good questions, JML. And of course there wasn’t any mention of local, living-wage jobs for all these lucky residents.
And GE leaving the region? Will their vacated spaces be turned into more low-income housing? Or perhaps more charter schools? Or perhaps a super-duper combination of low-income housing, charter schools, and a high-priced supermarket–a la the “Bridgeport model?”
Oh, yeah! It is a complete mystery why Bridgeport is leading the region in its economic nosedive. How could that be happening with our super-effective, super-bright representation in Washington and Hartford and our forward-thinking regional planners?! It’s a mystery.
As long as questions are being asked, is our delegation doing anything to convince Lockheed-Martin-Sikorsky to continue using their South End plant? What? Too busy focusing on government-funded services to burden taxpayers with?
Do you think there was any discussion of Bridgeport’s “troubled” Housing Authority and its crime-infested projects?
Well, well, well, these three clowns, US Senators Murphy, Blumenthal and U.S. Representative Jim Himes found their way to Bridgeport for a photo-op with Mayor Joe Ganim and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro. These three clowns showed total disrespect to the Democratic voters of Bridgeport after Joe Ganim won the Democrat primary for mayor because they refuse to support Ganim after their candidate Bill Finch lost. The fourth clown, Governor Malloy has yet to appear with Bridgeport’s new mayor but you can bet the ranch all four of these clowns will be needing the voters of Bridgeport to keep them in office when election time comes around. Let’s see how much respect and assistance Bridgeport gets from them before the election.
I wonder if the HUD secretary warned Ganim HUD may be taking over the housing authority in two months. Someone needs to call Obama for a declaration because the Bridgeport housing authority is a major disaster zone!