From Mayor Bill Finch:
On Friday, Nov. 22, Mayor Bill Finch will join leaders from around the country and the world in remembering the life of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy by asking local churches to ring their bells at 1:15 p.m. (EST), and observe a moment of silence at 1:30 p.m.(EST) (President Kennedy was shot at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.)
“JFK’s dedication to public service is what inspired me to pursue a career in politics and public service,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “His stirring inaugural speech showed us that every man can make a difference and every man must try; that with a collective vision we can achieve great things.”
In observance of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, Mayor Finch invites residents of Bridgeport to share stories of inspiration related to President Kennedy’s famous words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Tell us how President Kennedy’s words inspired you: Did you become more involved in community service? To exercise your right to vote? Or run for public office? Please send your stories of inspiration in an email to website.feedback@bridgeportct.gov. Stories will be posted on the City’s website–www.bridgeportct.gov.
In November 1960, John Fitzgerald Kennedy visited the Park City while running for president. A crowd of 6,000 came to see Senator Kennedy speak at the Bridgeport Train Station on Water Street. Referring to Connecticut’s key role in the upcoming election, Kennedy said, “The nation will have its eyes on Connecticut.” Read more about President Kennedy’s visit on the Bridgeport History Center’s website.
Bridgeport’s Kennedy Stadium, completed in 1964, was the first public edifice named in honor of President Kennedy. In 2011, Mayor Finch renamed the 12,000-seat stadium to honor President Kennedy and his brothers Robert Francis Kennedy and Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy.
Bill Finch, Sir, You are NO John Kennedy … couldn’t resist.
Anyone who knows me knows I can’t stand Finch, but I find your comment today very inappropriate.
Agreed, very much in poor taste.
Love the old-school radio microphones. WNAB stood for We’re Nuts About Bridgeport.
*** Local WICC radio mike right there front & center, getting the scoop for all their listeners, no? *** Also today being Nov. 22, 2013, 50 years after JFK’s death, it still seems like the same mystery today as it was back then! A sad day then and a sad day today as I think and look back at it! *** NO DOUBT, A GOVERNMENT-ASSISTED CONSPIRACY ***