In a letter to the editor State Rep. Jack Hennessy writes “Here’s a perfect example of why we need HB 5724 that would prohibit city employees from serving on the City Council.”
The neighbors and I have been fighting a never ending battle with Mario Testa, the powerful chairman of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee over a zoning issue that keeps being brought before the Bridgeport Planning and Zoning Commission. He wants to change the zoning of his restaurant, Testo’s Restaurant, from Residential R-A, with a waiver which has been that way for the last 80 years to protect the residential neighborhood from further development. A change to a commercial zone, OR-G removes that protection. Testa’s property would triple in value while our properties would decrease in value.
The neighbors and I do not want the property’s zone changed because, as it currently is, we are protected from having the property become further commercialized in the future. Except for Testo’s Restaurant, the neighborhood is residential and we want it to stay that way.
Ever since Testa moved in, each year he tries to change the zone each year we have to fight.
The point is: Where are our City council members? Why are they not involved and helping us? Could it be because it’s Mario Testa?
Of the four city council members representing this neighborhood, two work for the city and one’s husband, according to a series of investigative articles written about corruption in Bridgeport back in 2007 by Bill Cummings, had a no-bid contract to do the automotive body work for Bridgeport police cruisers.
Except for Michele Lyons, who, at least is responsible enough to show up at the zoning meetings and put in a good word for us, the rest of the city council members do nothing for us. Year after year we fight this fight. Where is City council president, Tom McCarthy, who represents this district?
City Council members and municipal land use board commissioners carry the water for the Bridgeport machine. Bill 5724 would go a long way in addressing this and many other conflict of interest issues in our City.
Jack Hennessy
State Representative, 126th District, Bridgeport
Holy cow, Batman.
Bridgeport proves above and beyond evil does not die.
The property has been zoned residential only with a variance for use as an in-home business since Bridgeport first had Zoning. This is the address Mario uses to register to vote. He obviously wants it all–his home address/business and a zone change so he can–what? Sell? This neighborhood fought to stop the development of a Stop and Shop, they lost–and guess what, they were right! It is now an abandoned property.
Marty McCarthy is the reason we were able to know how to navigate the start of the Massage parlor bill. Auden Grogins and Sue Brannelly made us aware a state law was needed for this to be effective. Sue Brannelly worked to have the state law also be a city ordinance. The legal massage therapists are forever grateful for the Bridgeport work–something they could not accomplish before.
When Black Rock needs our elected officials, they respond. Sue, Marty and Steve Stafstrom do not have city jobs and they have always helped citizens fight for what is right.
Jack Hennessy has never been the endorsed DTC candidate. Auden Grogins was not the endorsed DTC candidate when she first ran for State rep.
Where are the other Jack Hennessys and Auden Groginses in this City?
Jennifer, please take your meds, you’re hallucinating again. Marty “Lap Dance” McCarthy did everything to drag the massage parlor ordinance down.
And Steve Stafstrom is a conflict in waiting, after all he works for Pullman & Comley LLC which works for this City and deposits checks on a monthly basis.
Susan Brannelly, the co-chair of Budget and Appropriations will hand Black Rock the largest tax bill in the history of Bridgeport.
Jennifer, please get some help!
www .ctpost.com/local/article/Bridgeport-City-Council-approves-strip-bar-3910736.php
Jim, Marty was the first call we made when we wanted to organize and close the massage parlors. He is the person who walked us through the process and who the players were. He voted no on the nuisance ordinance, we were very shocked. Perhaps he thought we were not going to be successful from the start. Sue called the meeting last weekend for discussion on the budget and issues, I agree if she votes for one more tax increase I doubt she will be reelected. Stafstrom has been very generous with his time and I too have a real interest in how to improve city finances. I too have concerns about the conflict of interest. They are at least talking to us and open to community engagement. I will keep my eyes open to how they vote on the issues and vote accordingly next election, and work hard to make the voters aware of their records.
Jim, there are bigger problems in this city than massage parlors.
Spare me, you don’t know what you are talking about as usual. Yes Auden didn’t have the DTC endorsement, however they did not back Bob Keeley at all and they were all telling people to vote for Auden … so spare me the baloney about the massage parlors. Kids are being shot in poor neighborhoods and you and your kaffee klatch buds want to have the cops closing down massage parlors that have been here probably before many of the kaffee klatchers inflicted their presence on this community.
BRG: And exactly what type of person do you think massage parlors attract into a community? Eagle Scouts?
BRG loves massage parlors. It’s his regular kaffee klatch.
Kool-Aid is best served in the summer, Jennifer B.
Thanks Fluck–I shall keep that in mind!
Mary-Jane Foster had a mailing warning the neighborhood about this during her primary with Finch. I may have instigated this but it was part of her platform to keep the integrity of the North End neighborhood intact. I wouldn’t be surprised if she joined Jack Hennessy on this issue. Not surprised at all.
I would also mention Michelle Lyons has listened to her constituents and made it clear where she stood on the zoning issue. I am surprised and disappointed AmyMarie Paniccia has been invisible to the constituents regarding this issue. If I am wrong please correct me immediately.
Lyons did submit a letter to ZBA to oppose the master plan change, but she did not rally her voters to attend or write letters. I walked the area collecting signatures for Jack–Lyons did not. I walked the protest line with Jack, Lyons did not. Mary-Jane did not submit a letter to fight the Master Plan change. I did and spoke at the hearing. Jack is working to pass an important bill and he needs this kind of support for the ZBA–show up Tuesday night, bring your like-minded friends to show Jack we support him!
Well maybe Jack needs to contact Mary-Jane Foster and Michelle Lyons. Michelle’s constituents may have not been contacted but they do vote and what about AmyMarie Paniccia?
This really is an opportunity for Mary-Jane Foster unless she is out of politics. I know there was information passed out to the North End since I am the one who did it. It is also the reason for a nasty little confrontation between myself and Mario Testa the day of the primary. Now if the people in the vicinity want this zone change and sit home on their asses while the sky falls, then I say let the cards fall where they may. I walked the area and handed out brochures that spoke specifically about the zone change and wouldn’t you know how it all is coming to fruition. The North End isn’t as organized or as passionate as Black Rock that is for sure. Personally, I am a New Yorker and I would love to see luxury highrises all over Bridgeport. But these are my neighbors and friends and I see what the dorms at Sacred Heart have done to the lovely North End neighborhoods overpowering the homes and changing the residential/suburban feel of north Park Ave.
The Democratic Machine in Bridgeport is a modern-day Tammany Hall. It exists as a means to benefit its members, relatives and friends and is the instigator of much of Bridgeport’s conflicts and political corruption. Things will not improve significantly in Bridgeport until this machine is dismantled like Tammany Hall was in NY many decades ago. Bad things will continue to happen unless enough good people rise up to challenge the status quo and change things. We need people in public office who have the ability and integrity to do the right thing for all the people of Bridgeport and who can generate real results that will create a better future in Bridgeport.