Gabby Fludd owns the Gumdrop Swap, 1001 Main Street downtown in the historic Arcade, a thrift shop that features all clothing, including maternity, under $25. Gabby is among a new generation of Bridgeporters opening businesses or residing downtown. See her website www.gumdropswap.com. She is trying to rally support for a grant contest to expand her business. Gabby explains how you can help.
I’ve been busy with fundraising and planning for the Eco Kid Bash that just happened last weekend. Now I’m preoccupied with trying to rally support for a grant contest for my business. Chase and LivingSocial are awarding up to 12 $250,000 small-business grants. I’m hoping to move into a larger storefront on Main St which would allow me to better serve my customers. If you were to visit, you would see how full the store is. I’m busting at the seams in my 545 sq ft space! I can’t even display everything I have. Each qualifying business must get a minimum of 250 votes from Facebook users. I have some already but as of today, I still need 108 more votes. You can imagine how a grant this size would impact my business and the community. I will finally be able to hire help and have vowed to hire locally.
Would you be willing to write a story about supporting my small business and include the voting instructions? Here are the voting instructions: Go to www.missionsmallbusiness.com and on lower right click “log-in & support”, then search for “Gumdrop Swap” in the search bar to vote (no need to enter city/state), then click “vote”.
I just voted for Gumdrop Swap. I encourage everyone to do it. It takes all of three minutes. Let’s help Gabby expand in Downtown Bridgeport!
I also voted and wish her luck in reaching her goal. Kudos to her for her venture in downtown Bridgeport.
Voted for Gabby! Love that name!
Anyone named Gab should have a column.
*** I cast my Facebook vote for Gabby, good luck! ***