He Wants A Recount Of The CT Post Price

Dave Osterberg, host of a new site www.allfairfield.com was shocked to learn the price when he picked up the Thanksgiving hard copy of the Connecticut Post. Ah, the price of doing business. How many of you read the hard-copy version? I subscribe on Sunday. I scout most of my news via the Web, but there’s still something about holding paper and ink in hand with a cup of joe on Sunday, even if the Post’s Bridgeport news is thinner than my first sip.

The Post is on a jihad for a recount of the November election ballots. Dave wants a recount on the Thanksgiving price. Here’s what he wrote:

Dateline Nov. 25, 2010. There I am in Five O picking up the CT Post. I have my dollar bill ready to hand over as I pick up the paper from the rack. Whoa I think to myself, did I pick up the New York Times by mistake? Talk about stuffing on Thanksgiving. The paper was loaded with advertising supplements that bulged out of the sides of the paper. At first it was a good feeling holding a paper that felt like there was a ton of reading material to delve into over my cup of coffee when I got home, but realizing at the same time it was all advertisements that made up the weight not the newspaper itself. On my way to the cashier, I happen to glance down and the price on the paper caught my eye. $2.50!!! I stop in my tracks. Look again. Blink blink. Yep still $2.50 I walked up to the counter and the the cashier asks “just the paper?” I nod and he says “that will be $2.50 today.”

Today. There it is. The reason the CT Post thinks it can get away with charging 150% increase over the regular daily price. I got home and after removing the bulk of advertisements, I was left with a shell of of a newspaper (read a normal edition of the CT Post). Well that left me to come to the conclusion that since there was no more “newspaper” that I got, the price increase of 150% was due to the pile of advertisements in the paper. So let me get this straight. The CT Post charges the advertisers money to have their brochures distributed through the newspaper, and then charge the buyers of their paper 150% more for the privilege to receive them? I demand an explanation for this blatant rip off. As I’ve stated in an earlier post on AllFairfield, the CT Post is rapidly losing credibility with me, some due to the times we live in, others due to the way they run the paper. Hey CT Post how about a little FOI on the reason for charging us 150% more? Nothing to be thankful for there!



  1. *** Buying the CT Post on Thanksgiving was like buying a Yellow Pages phone book, all ads for $2.50! Shame to see this paper, a former shell now of what the paper used to be & meant to its readers. You get better local news from the free papers available @ the supermarkets, etc. like the Advocate. *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

  2. Ben, tell the State to come run this place once and for all. There is so much going on and no one seems to care. You’d all rather just “out” each other and one-up each other. There’s a budget deficit no one has addressed yet, incorrect dept budgets still on the website, Finance in disarray, complete embarrassment the last month between ROV and Guess who’s coming to dinner? Bridgeport has become a joke. Do I work here? I’ll never admit to it if I do.


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