Opponents of Mayor Bill Finch accused Rich DeParle of serving as a November placeholder for the mayor if he does not survive the September 16 Democratic primary. Just days after forming a third party and presumably securing enough signatures for a general election ballot spot, DeParle reversed course and dropped out, leaving the Job Creation party without a candidate. State law, however, allows for a replacement candidate. CT Post scribe Brian Lockhart surmises “that may have been all part of the plan.”
DeParle abruptly dropped out of the mayor’s race Friday just days after entering, leaving his fledgling Job Creation third party without a candidate.
More evidence has surfaced that, despite DeParle’s protestations, his out-of-left field candidacy may have been orchestrated to ensure Mayor Bill Finch a political life line should the incumbent lose the Sept. 16 Democratic primary.
Full story.
Very few in Bridgeport’s political arena have the integrity to win or lose with any respect!
He is a used-car salesmen. They are good BS artists and he is proving it. This guy is a Finch piss boy.
It is iffy the “Jobs Creation” Party will pass muster in the legal system. Mary-Jane Foster is an attorney, Joe Ganim’s family are all attorneys.
It’s official.
DeParle is a political whore.
Tax Bill Finch is his pimp.
Jim Lohr was their first John.
And Finch is a ball-less wonder too afraid to admit what they did.
Cry me a river. It is just a political strategy. Ganim did not get the DTC endorsement and he did, essentially, the same thing. I believe Finch could be endorsed by two parties and listed on two lines. Malloy did that in his last election. If Finch wanted to be sure he would be on the ballot, he could accept the Job Creation party’s endorsement now. I am not an expert on elections but I do not believe accepting another party’s endorsement would exclude him from the primary.
This is all beside the point because it is irrelevant. The DTC endorsement automatically comes with, at least, 30% of the vote. The Dem’s in BPT bullet-vote line one like robots. The primary election is essentially the mayoral election in town. You could be listed on every line against a DTC-endorsed block of wood and still stand a fair chance of losing.
30% is not enough, BOE SPY. Finch’s man-about-town Adam Wood committed a royal fuck-up when he tried to put the kibosh on Denise Merrill’s event at East End Tabernacle. After the story in the Connecticut Post, every African American voter in the city of Bridgeport has to be wondering “How did this man come to be elected in the first place?”
Right? The folks in Trumbull Gardens stopped smoking blunts and drinking Henny, turned off the cartoon network and went out and bought a paper. Those who could read, read the article to all the others. Many who were actually listening at story time wondered ‘who the hell is Selma?’ Ask random people on the street. See how many people think Selma is a character from the Simpsons. The CT Post has a statewide daily circulation of 43,265. Bridgeport alone has a population of 147,216. Then ask how many see this non-issue as the exaggerated political puffery it is.
That’s more than a little condescending and racist, BOE SPY. Do you really think all the people living in Trumbull Gardens (or Greene Homes or P.T. Barnum) spend their days smoking blunts and drinking brandy? It wasn’t the story in the newspaper, it was the people passing out flyers in front of the Holiday Inn last Thursday. Word gets around in the community, FAST.
Bridgeport Kid, help me out with this race thing in politics. Being an American I have a hard time keeping these political issues straight. The Southern states had been threatening to leave the Union since President Andrew Jackson and probably even before that. It took a Republican from a slave state and technically Southern states to initiate a civil war with the South that freed them. It took the death of a Northern Democrat President’s assassination and Southern Democrat president to sign the Voting Rights Act and Medicare. The major issues that seem to be Democratic issues, such as environmental which were established by President Nixon with an executive order. I’m sure there’s more of the ambiguous between Parties. So my question is what makes a Republican or Democrat?
The Real Voter Fraud Is Texas’ ID Law–The New York Times
www .nytimes.com/2015/08/07/opinion/the-real-voter-fraud-is-texas-id-law.html
www .diffen.com/difference/Democrat_vs_Republican
Say 1/2 the black community cares about Denise Merrill’s event. Only 66% of Bridgeport’s population graduated from high school so they are probably not the most informed people on the planet. Bridgeport’s population is 45% white, 31% black and 32% Hispanic. If Finch lost these votes, it does not mean Ganim gained them and it would only be 15% of the BPT population. What informed voter is going to re-elect a felon who stole from them last time?
Only 37.47 percent of the people in BPT even bother to vote.
So what’s your point?
Well, no one else did it so …
(Straw Man)
I could wile away the hours
Conferrin’ with the flowers
Consultin’ with the rain
And my head I’d be scratchin’
While my thoughts were busy hatchin’
If I only had a brain
I’d unravel any riddle
For any individ’le
In trouble or in pain
With the thoughts you’d be thinkin’
You could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain
(Straw Man)
Oh, I would tell you why
The ocean’s near the shore
I could think of things I never thunk before
And then I’d sit and think some more
I would not be just a nuffin’
My head all full of stuffin’
My heart all full of pain
I would dance and be merry
Life would be a ding-a-derry
If I only had a brain
Legally they can’t nominate Finch. Jobs party will have had to have more than 1% of the vote.
www .cga.ct.gov/2011/pub/chap153.htm
You must mean to qualify as a minor party.
(6) “Minor party” means a political party or organization which is not a major party and whose candidate for the office in question received at the last-preceding regular election for such office, under the designation of that political party or organization, at least one per cent of the whole number of votes cast for all candidates for such office at such election;
If the Job Creation party did not receive 1% of the vote then it is not a party. That would mean them endorsing Finch is no different than you endorsing Finch. Then this entire fuss is moot.
Of course, this entire thread is only speculation in the first place.
BOE, the language you cite regarding a minor party applies to a political entity such as Working Families Party as it relates to having a line on the ballot in future elections. The process DeParle followed is a different animal, according to state elections officials.
Yes, I was just trying to understand Frank’s post and clear up what he was referring to in the link he posted.
Finch is a ball-less blunder. A punk. A playground bully. He got called out. Lied. Got caught. He is scared shitless of losing. But rather than man up and admit it, he gets other people to do his dirty work. A total waste.
I hope DeParle is ready to defend against election fraud charges. He can probably share defense counsel expenses with Wood and Finch.
After the election DeParle will offer a job to Finch: “Hey Bill, how good are you at detailing?” Unless Paul Timpanelli comes through again.
To be honest, I really don’t understand what this is all about. On a practical matter the Town Committee vote was very close, for Finch to do the same as Ganim to petition for the general would seem a rational and prudent act. If he (Finch) loses in the primary and then pops up and says he running under another party or taking the place of someone who did put in a petition for the general is more damaging to him in the general elections. This is illogical from the Finch camp. There’s more to this than my pay grade can understand. This could be a ploy to damage Finch because it lets the other side convey Finch is not sure of his reelection bid, which can have a ripple effect on the voters. Those who are on the fence could turn away from a Finch vote.
Yup, you are correct. You don’t understand what this is all about.
Amen to that. 🙂
And if Finch did what Foster and Ganim did, there would be no fuss. Instead he lies to the public. Gets a Republican and a labor leader to do his dirty work and when he got caught he lied some more.
What’s the difference between Finch and Ganim?
None. They are both habitual liars.
There would be a fuss no matter what and if they can’t find anything they’ll make it up. Come on! Finch is getting flack for building schools and too many parks in the Park City. Think of what you just said. He’s getting a Republican “a Republican” to do his dirty work in Bridgeport. Really. Liars, yes. This is not a lie though, I just can’t see how this would benefit Finch if he were behind this. It is more damaging for him if he didn’t (in your words got caught) and did lose the primary and pop up and say he’s running in the general election thanks to a Republican. He would seem less trustworthy than Ganim, who maintained his innocence for a decade and only apologized right before his run. I’m practically retarded and I’m not that stupid to think that’s not a good idea and if I were that stupid I would have a least asked a Democrat to hold my spot. No way this came from Finch’s camp. This either came from one of the other candidates with the hope of placing Finch in a bad light with Democrats in the primary election, or something above my comprehension like cutting down the trees the other day. I’ll ask you your own question. What’s the difference between Finch and Ganim?
PT Barnum would have been proud of the spectacle that was played out in front of Popeye’s the other day.
I know one winner is Rich DeParle and his car dealership. PT would be proud. The greatest show on earth or the greatest story ever told. 🙂
My simple mind came to a conclusion. It was by another candidate. He (Finch) didn’t get way with it and the story was exposed. Now let’s look at the story. First, it a Republican, that doesn’t help Finch in the primary. Second, it is a car salesman, everybody thinks car salesman are always trying to get over on you. Basically saying Bill Finch is a Republican shady car salesman. No, this in a smart negative attack on Finch. Hats off to the candidate who came up with this. 🙂
And whoever it was, somehow tricked the Carpenter’s Union into circulating the petitions for a Republican?
Your theory doesn’t wash. It could only be Finch and it could Only be In Bridgeport.
Of course Maryli will respond with a complete compilation of Joe Ganim’s criminal enterprise.
Bob, I was a carpenter and I was in the Carpenters Union. I remember them supporting Ganim for mayor. There is only one theory I can think of why Finch would do this. It would be to place a candidate who would take votes from Ganim, even though Finch would still petition for the general election in his own name for security. My theory can wash if you take the soap out your eyes. You’re a perfect example, you’re for Ganim, correct, you are beating Finch up on this issue, it worked. This would never help Finch in a general election if he lost the primary. This is all about the primary I think. There’s thing called “Occam’s razor,” the idea the most likely explanation for an event is usually the simplest explanation. Who does it hurt and who does it benefit. This hurts Finch and in no way helps him even if he was so-called “Finch is exposed.” How did I come up with this theory? It doesn’t benefit him now and it wouldn’t benefit him in the general also. Period. The only way Finch would do something like this is beyond my understanding. Kind a like in the movie the Godfather where Michael was being investigated by the Senate. Michael flies Pentangeli’s brother Vincenzo in from Sicily, and Vincenzo accompanies Michael to the hearing at which Frank is scheduled to testify and he swayed Pentangeli to change his testimony. I’m not in Bridgeport Politics. I don’t know who he is or who or what he represents. In the same way as Mario Testa as how or what he represents. If Mario says he’s backing Ganim he sways votes toward Ganim. If he says he’s backing Finch he’d sway votes toward Finch. It’s not personal, it’s politics. I can’t see how this would benefit Finch on the surface. My simple mind says it was a well-played tactic by Ganim to produce a negative attack on Finch. Ifs it sways vote to Ganim, that’s good Ganim. If it sways votes for Finch that’s good for Finch. Bob, I’m only one vote.
Bob, do you think Paul Ganim would take the spot created by Rich DeParle in the general election? Because I still can’t see how this benefits Finch.
The deadline for Finch to petition on in his own name passed.
Read the next web page.
The Carpenters have endorsed Finch.
Is any of this making sense yet?
And I am not supporting either of the thieves or liars.
I am supporting Mary-Jane Foster.
No! I was told there’s no rhyme or reason to the madness. I’ll still stand by my original statement Finch would never benefit from taking the spot created by Rich DeParle. It’s not helping him now and it wouldn’t help him if he takes the spot after the primary. Do you believe now that this tactic/strategy is exposed it is putting Finch in a favorable light? Do you believe after the primary this tactic/strategy would put Finch in a favorable light? Yes the deadline has passed but you’re saying Finch’s calculated strategy would be better for him to not petition in his own name but to use Rich DeParle as a straw man. In my opinion it’s more harmful for him to furtively enter the general election in DeParle’s spot than just submitting 123 signatures. If Bill lost the DTC endorsement do you think he would submit the 2000 signatures for the primary? It’s illogical in my mind. If Finch were really concerned about making sure he was in the general election, sending in a petition with 123 signatures is far better for him than using what people are calling a straw man. I don’t see it working in his favor now and it’s just the thought of him doing it and I don’t think it would benefit him in general either. In your own opinion what do you think would be a better strategy, submit a petition with 123 signatures after a very close DTC endorsement or use a Republican car dealership owner to create a new party and hold a straw man spot for him? Bob, here’s a theory. Not all the people who work for the city are supporting Finch, right? So while the Carpenters Union has endorsed Finch there still could be someone in the Carpenters Union who doesn’t. So is it possible for someone in the Carpenter Union, coupled with others who would benefit from Finch losing the election? My simple mind tells me if a candidate is hurt by it, it came from the other side.
Denis O’Malley
Please do not erase this.
Do you, or your sister-in-law, or your pals, or YOU, or any other relative collect a paycheck from the city of payoffs, aka City of Bridgeport?
In other words, what does Bpt or the state of CT (I forgot that Malloy part) pay you?
Do you get a car free from the state or the city?
How much?
Mayor Finch, you have been completely exposed.
Exposed for what? This entire thread is just speculation and does not seem to follow any logic. If the Job Creation third party did not receive 1% of the vote in the last election, they do not even qualify as a minor party. Even if the story is true, there is nothing wrong with someone doing this. It would just be foolhardy to continue to seek the office of mayor after losing the Democrat line. I mean, if the line were not important, Ganim would not be spending so much time and money trying to get it. Ganim would just save the time, money and effort of the primary run and put his resources into a run for mayor under another party.
That is why this makes no sense. If Ganim, or anyone else, is afraid Finch could win under another party, why would he lose in the primary? The majority of voters are not going to vote for Finch in the primary but they are going to vote for him in the general election? If Finch, or anyone else, could win under another party why isn’t Ganim, or that person, running under that party?
It seems far more likely DeParle would do this to help eliminate the best Democratic candidate (Finch) and have the Republican candidate go up against the second-best guy. Like a non-incumbent with a criminal history.
The problem for people who love liars is they should also love Ganim because a federal judge stated he committed perjury.
So liar lovers have a tough choice.
For everyone else there is Mary-Jane Foster.
Mary-Jane who? Never heard of her. Just to be clear, I don’t love either of them. The choice here is between the one to hate the least.
Not yet. There is more and it will knock everyone in this city on their asses.
On a side note, Joe Ganim lawn signs are popping up all over Thomas Hooker. I haven’t seen a single Bill Finch sign in my neighborhood.
I have only seen four Bill Finch signs around Bridgeport. They were on the lawns of Mayor Finch, his immediate neighbor, Castillo’s home, and a home off Madison Ave. near Testo’s.
I walked seven hours yesterday. Only one person was considering Finch. I spent 15 minutes with this voter and in the end they said I had good arguments why they should vote for Joe. The voter also said they were considering voting for “that woman.” I told them if they couldn’t vote for Joe to consider voting for MJF.
It was a very productive day.
Sounds like a great day. I heard Ganim supporters are telling voters Mary-Jane Foster is supporting Joe Ganim. Can this be true?
Sure, why not? Whatever it takes to get this dumb arse out of office.
How else are you supposed to convince people to vote for a crook–AGAIN?
Steve, stop making things up.
Lawn signs don’t vote, GIRL.
Frank the Cabana Boy, I am not a “GIRL,” I am a woman. Studies have shown only 3% of voters are influenced by lawn signs, however the individual who has a lawn sign on their property is likely committed to that particular candidate.
Every vote I shift away from Mayor Finch helps another candidate. I certainly prefer to have a voter commit to Joe, however if I have no other choice, I do my best to convert them to MJF.
I actually ran into MJF in Nob Hill today. It is never good when different campaigns are knocking the same turf. It aggravates voters.
I saw my first Finch sign in Thomas Hooker today. Oh well, you can’t win them all.
Unless the lawn sign is on public property.
If Finch loses the primary, couldn’t he still run as an independent? Wouldn’t running as an independent be just the same as running as a ‘Jobs Creation’ candidate? So why would Finch, or any one else, bother with this goofy plan? It all seems like a bunch of nonsense.
So they won’t have to get signatures.
That is true. Getting 200 or so signatures would take about an hour.