Have you survived your St. Patrick’s Day hangover? The high holy name day for your web host is today March 19, St. Joseph’s Day, rooted in Sicilian peasants urging the foster father of Jesus to end the famine. In response to hearing their prayers maccu, a thick soup with fava beans as the base emerged, followed by zeppole as dessert, and of course washed down with espresso. It’s why I’m completely warped but still standing after all these years. This is your day (my middle name is Joseph) to urge your leader Mayor Joseph Ganim (San Giuseppe) to hear your prayers for no tax increase come July 1.

Joe promised to hold down taxes on the campaign trail. He promised to beef up police staffing levels. He promised the most transparent administration in history. He promised to be the person you thought he’d be in his first mayoralty. He promised second chances for taxpayers. So rejoice this weekend. Lavish your mayoral leader in St. Joseph’s Day greetings. And remind him what he reminded you over and over on the campaign trail.
My favorite band! Led Zeppole!
That census taker must have offended him with a Black-Handed remark.