Roughly three weeks from a Democratic primary for Mayor, Marilyn Moore has named Gemeem Davis, an officer with the community action group Bridgeport Generation Now, to replace Kennard Ray as campaign manager.
Bridgeport Generation Now has been a critic of Mayor Joe Ganim’s administration while advocating on behalf of Moore, even though it has a policy not to endorse candidates for public office.
It’s not easy stepping in roughly three weeks out to pull together a turnout organization to take out a well-finance incumbent. Moore, who does not trust easily, has brought on a passionate activist who has spent the past few years as a community watchdog.
From the Moore campaign:
State Senator Marilyn Moore has hired Gemeem Davis to manage her campaign to become mayor of Bridgeport. Davis is a Bridgeport grassroots activist, who temporarily stepped down as President of Bridgeport Generation NOW VOTES (BGN Votes) and Vice President and Co-Director of Bridgeport Generation NOW (BGN) to run the campaign.
In recent years, Davis has emerged as a prominent leader in Bridgeport’s grassroots activist community, pressing city government to enable more participation by working class communities (particularly of color). As a leader in BGN and BGN Votes, she’s urged Mayor Ganim, City Council and the police department for more openness and transparency, pushing them to adopt more inclusive policies that return power back to the hands of the people.
State Senator Marilyn Moore, candidate for Mayor of Bridgeport:
“This campaign is for the many, not the few. No one captures that spirit as effectively and potently as Gemeem. She’s at once a movement leader and skilled tactician. In just three short years at BGN, she has helped give voice to Bridgeport’s working and middle class youth and families, mobilizing hundreds who have demanded that city government be more open, transparent and accountable to its residents. When I imagine Bridgeport, I think of a city with endless potential. It’s voices like hers that unleash that potential and are no longer being ignored. I’m proud to have her support.”Gemeem Davis, Campaign Manager, Marilyn for Bridgeport:
“This campaign is building community power by galvanizing our families, friends and neighbors to elect a Mayor that is of us and for us. A lifelong Bridgeport resident, Senator Marilyn Moore knows the struggle of ordinary Bridgeporters because she’s lived it. She’s proven that she is a woman of integrity and has stood with us as we’ve demanded a more equitable and transparent city government. I am proud to support her and lead her “people’s campaign” for a better Bridgeport.”Moore recently qualified for the Democratic Primary against incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, collecting over 3800+ petition signatures–well above the 2,500 necessary to qualify. The petition drive was headed by Kennard Ray, President of Blue Ribbon Strategies, who has stepped down as Moore’s campaign manager after completing his service to the campaign.
As her voting record indicates, Marilyn Moore cares about the few and not the many. As co -chair of the Bond Committee she has consistently granted money to specific constituencies and not the public good. She never adds value in excess of its cost. Here’s what I mean:
Borrowing money is part of American Capitalism but paying it back is what keeps our system going. Marilyn Moore understands how to spend money but has no plans to pay it back!
BGN (Bridgeport Generation Now) is part of the blogroll on my Bridgeport-themed website. That’s transparency!
LE, what does Mayor Ganim care about?
Questions always indicate something you don’t know.
Ganim cares enough to robosign your monthly check. He backstops you!
Care to comment on Ganim2’s latest bonding package which extended by 15 years some of the repayments? The City Council. our local legislature did not dream this up. Ganim2 directed Finance Director Ken Flatto to “do the math” and then tell only part of the story. As someone who knows that borrowed funds must be repaid, why are you so late to this subject relative to Bridgeport? And where were you when the City moved their financially sound Plan B for Fire and Police to MERS though their investments were doing better than the State of CT?? And moving Plan B assets qualified overtime earnings during employment into which would trigger ADDITIONAL retirement income……costing more than $200 Million of bonding for Bridgeport?? Where were your eyes at that moment? Time will tell.
JML, what kind of bond adviser would approve a 15-year payment delay? Municipal bond buyers are among the greediest people on Earth. Only someone looking to match a long term liability-there’s plenty-would show any interest and then the coupon would have to be high. Expensive terms!
Ganim has used bond money to buy pensions before. Abusive bond behavior is chronic. It’s something Mayor Ganim and Marilyn Moore have in common. Even the Governor has shown his disapproval although tolls and bridges without mega debt seems unlikely. (shrug)
LE, Just saying that deferral of principal payments and only paying interest for the next ten years is what Ganim2 brought to the City Council for approval? Was there a public hearing? Any discussion where the public can be heard? Was there a $$$$cost number publicly announced that indicated the net present value of the EXTRA EXPENSES from a Ganim2 rescue in 2019 of a Ganim1 failed idea (but never an apology or remorse to the public taxpayer) from 2000.
For more than 10 years the City has been adding annually amounts set out by actuary consultants in the millions to keep Plan A alive. Why did that not continue? Maybe Ganimtto found the fiscal road to steep, that it would suck up dollars that could be used for Election Year bailouts like school busing? Why was the gradual road kept secret? Time will tell.
Try “Ganimatto” for financial presentations, decisions, and half truths. “Ganimtto” does not provide Ken Flatto with adequate credit for publicizing City financial dealings.
By the way, the City spends more than a quarter million dollars annually for a financial audit that is required by State law. It is the pattern of many municipalities to contract for a set period of years and then change auditors, who have to work within certain general accounting procedures (GAAP) as well as those which change more regularly (GASB) Government Accounting Standards Board. Is it true that Bridgeport’s multi-year contract with Blum Shapiro ended this year and was not put out to bid? Why was that done? Where oversight is structurally weak, where processes around Department of Public Facilities have shown illegal activities, where there is revenue paid to the In Plant Printing Department not showing up in monthly reports since fall 2017 though acknowledged by Finance, these indicators would suggest a change of auditors, but a decision was made? And everyone was told about it? And the reason for Blum Shapiro staying on? Campaign contributions? Time will tell.
LE, Just saying that deferral of principal payments and only paying interest for the next ten years is what Ganim2 brought to the City Council for approval? Was there a public hearing? Any discussion where the public can be heard? Was there a $$$$cost number publicly announced that indicated the net present value of the EXTRA EXPENSES from a Ganim2 rescue in 2019 of a Ganim1 failed idea (but never an apology or remorse to the public taxpayer) from 2000.
For more than 10 years the City has been adding annually amounts set out by actuary consultants in the millions to keep Plan A alive. Why did that not continue? Maybe Ganimatto found the fiscal road to steep, that it would suck up dollars that could be used for Election Year bailouts like school busing? Why was the gradual road kept secret? Time will tell.
Bridgeport’s next mayor will be forced to honor Plan A contracts, too. That’s another reason to think Ganim and Moore are indistinguishable.
Too many people are dependent on a bankrupt Bridgeport.
Somewhat off topic…but since we are “sort of “ talking about Bridgeport’s future I just came across this article today from the New York Times. It paints a negative economic story of the present and future of gambling/casinos in the Northeast United States. I will now formally declare I am against the whole idea of a casino in BPT because will be an economic disaster. We have a mayoral election coming up. Joe Ganim has been politically milking the hope for a casino for 20 years plus. I hope the next mayor will declare the idea of a casino as officially DEAD and we can move on. If the Christoph’s can’t start building on Steelpointe,then it will be necessary to look for a new team of developers.
Nothing new here, Bridgeport has been looking for the one trick pony, a casino, as the goose’s golden egg to solve all of Bridgeport’s problems and the Carnival Barker is Mayor Joe Ganim. Ganim bought into 45’s bullshit back in the early 1990’s when he wanted to one here in Bridgeport.
The casino is a non starter. Ain’t gonna happen. Not in this lifetime. Joe Ganim’s support has been tentative at best, moistly tepid. At this point Ganim is desperate, clutching anything to create a photo op. Today it is the school bus routes. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? It won’t be a casino.
Frank, your camera has a spastic zoom, your lens is forever cloudy and your whole life is off topic. In addition, Bridgeport needs an aura to offset its stigma. I’m trying to focus on that.
Paul. Get your eyes checked by a very good optometrist. I think you are suffering from hyperopia,presbyopia and a major case of cataracts. No wonder you can’t see the menu.
Ms. Davis is against a casino for Bridgeport. Senator Moore or less has also voted against Bridgeport in support of the East Windsor legislation. In fact, Senator Moore had a contingent from East Windsor circulating her signatures in Bridgeport.
As the NYT says the Northeast is over saturated with casinos. But Joe Ganim keeps it alive simply to create the illusion the a casino is coming.
And when and if one passes the legislature then the lawsuits begin.
All Joe wants is to get four more years based on lies about a casino and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass if it stalls development it Bridgeport for another ten years.
OMG.. I came across another newspaper article and OIB’s very own Lennie Grimaldi is part of the analysis. I will try to copy and paste but the CT Post is getting getting difficult. https://www.ctinsider.com/local/ctpost/article/Moore-reluctant-to-talk-during-Bridgeport-14339157.php
Ok..i will be an pain in the ass again. Why are we not talking about LT. Manuel(Manny) Cotto. It looks like City Council President Aidee Nieves has spoken and other CC reps have spoken Thank you.
I must say that it is a interesting change that’s unexplained and it needs to answered soon.
The article said he argued with John gomes and that’s all it takes to get moved. I can’t f&@king wait until Moore wins and kicks all those idiots off their perch!!!! Joe MUST GO!!!! BPT DESERVES MOORE!!!!!
Mr. Gyure I agree with you but some may feel the casino is the save all for the city which it is not. Look at the failures of five casinos on Atlantic City. If five can fail there what would one do in Bridgeport? I have felt there should be a plan”B” on the back burner for Steele Point and the surrounding area. They should capitilize with the water with something that people could enjoy all year round. You have access to the area with 1-95, the train and water. Over the years and not too long ago there have been a lot of things tossed around for Bridgeport most are just empty promises and hot air.
It will be a real loss if that property remains vacant for another decade or two because of bad ideas, but that looks like that’s where it is headed. The city needs permanent jobs not just temporary construction jobs that end when the project is done.
Gemeem is a great choice. What she lacks in skills as a campaign manager, she makes up in enthusiasm and organization.
Great choice Marilyn.
Knock ‘em over Gemeem.
Now can we see some moore for mayor signs, driving to the jerk fest today i saw ganim signs starting to appear. BTW the jerk vest was really good this year thousands came out most packed I’ve seen it.
And it’s going to get a lot Moore interesting in the next 3 weeks and until November.
Both the emperor and empress(Testa,Ganim) will walk around naked.
This was announced two days/48 hours ago. Gemeem Davis is already late to the starting gate.