City on-line records show General Electric, owner of the dismantled former munitions factory site on Boston Avenue, pays $284,128 in real estate taxes for the property. GE is current on its taxes.
GE has not owed any personal property taxes associated with the building since 2008. The company since that time has cleared out the hulking 13 interconnected buildings to make way for deconstruction. It’s unclear how the assessment on the property will change as preparation continues for a future development. Superintendent of Schools Paul Vallas says progress continues in efforts to construct a new Harding High School on the GE property.
City and state officials have not yet announced specifics of how and when a title transfer would take place if a new school is built on the site. The state of Connecticut has a funding formula for payments in lieu of taxes for tax exempt structures such as schools and hospitals.
Vallas says the current Harding property could generate economic advantages for the city such as serving as a health and medical sciences academy for its neighbor Bridgeport Hospital and create jobs via expansion opportunities for the hospital.
GE is current on their property taxes. That’s great. Now, are they going to give the property to the city so Harding can be relocated? If so, that’s great too. Probably not. Why should they? It’s a great piece of land. Too bad it’s in Bridgeport. If it were in New Haven, it would be a new Corporate HQ for some big company. Those people know what they are doing. Mario and Timpanelli don’t. WALMART … do you believe it?
I’m not so sure the anchor tenant being considered for Steel Pointe is Walmart, reading the Post’s most recent articles on the story.
The rumor I heard is it is the “Dollar Store,” you know, the place where Timpanelli buys his clothes. Timpanelli is very tight with the owners and he has great corporate connections not only in CT but in the entire United States as can be seen in his leadership of the BRAC and its success.
*** Now now, children, not liking the way Timpanelli runs BRAC and his lack of attracting real substance-type business developments towards Bpt is no reason to speak ill of the man or the way he dresses, no? I may not care for his type of politics, etc. but personally he’s a nice guy, plus I like his oldies group too (go figure)! At the end of the day many of the people criticized on this OIB blog may not meet with everyone’s approval on one thing or another but remember, they’re human and have feelings too! OIB should be a tool for communication, positive expression, ideas and; Q&As, not a venue to attack people on a personal level behind a web handle. So remember, smile more while blogging and try and stick to the subject at hand without banging on the keyboard and referring to people as A-holes, etc. … *** THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS ***
And … is Sal DiNardo going to clean up the brownfield here and at the Remington site? This site is still leeching toxins into the creek.
We have only one shot at getting SteelPointe right. But it is in the hands of Mario Testa and Paul Timpanelli. What could be the absolute turning point for Bridgeport will not be so long as these two do what benefits the chosen few and not the people of Bridgeport, the surrounding community and the state. I hope to God the anchor is not Walmart as LFG implies. They do it right in New Haven. Why can we not have the same thing here? Brain-dead registered voters who will not get out and vote.