Mayor Joe Ganim pulls no punches in this editorial shared with several news outlets focused on primary opponent John Gomes’ government history ranging from two firings, nepotism, spying on city employees, creating a toxic work environment for women, personal vendettas, drinking on the job and running for revenge backed by a cadre of malcontents.
From Ganim:
In lieu of the dirty political tactics we typically see at the national level, I have focused my campaign message on the positive things that my administration has done to make life better for Bridgeport residents. But the future of Bridgeport is at stake in this election and it’s critical that the voters understand the truth about their choices when they vote on January 23rd. Mr. Gomes has presented a false narrative about himself and the kind of person that he would be as Mayor. So here is the truth about John Gomes.
The Truth about John Gomes.
John Gomes was hired twice to work for the city of Bridgeport. He was first hired and fired by former-Mayor Bill Finch and then given a second chance by me. We both have acknowledged hiring him was a big mistake. It would be an even bigger mistake if the voters hired him to be our city’s mayor in this upcoming Special election on January 23rd.
People have asked me, “Why did you hire him?” and “Why was he fired?”
In 2009, while John Gomes was a political appointee of then-Mayor Bill Finch, he was arrested after a drunken tantrum when Bridgeport police had to respond to a late-night party that he was hosting at the Cape Verdean Club. The officers were forced to arrest Mr. Gomes and, in response, he touted the position of authority that he held with city government. He verbally threatened the arresting officer’s job, telling him,“ watch what happens to you on Monday,” implying that he would abuse his power of authority to reprimand the officer.
This led to Mr. Gomes’s arrest and subsequent dismissal from the Finch Administration. Notably, Mr. Gomes never apologized for his abuse of power. Instead, he looked to settle the score, launching a revenge mayoral campaign against Mayor Finch that was ultimately unsuccessful.
“Hatchet Man” and Nepotism
After several years had passed and being a true believer in second chances, I hired John Gomes in 2015. It was not long before I was deeply disappointed. Within a matter of months, Gomes earned the moniker “the Hatchet Man” for ruthlessly terminating numerous employees, driven by personal vendettas. In hindsight, Gomes was the wrong person to entrust as the Acting Chief Administrative Officer.
Other abuses of power started to come to light over time, such as Gomes having one of his subordinates drive him around after hours with police lights on and having all of the city hall security cameras displayed on a large screen in his office so that he could spy on employees. And then I learned that he secretly got his daughter hired in the Bridgeport Police Department, among other family and friends, without my knowledge. This nepotism was the straw that broke the camel’s back. As a result, I demoted him and brought in a new Chief Administrative Officer.
While notably upset with my decision to demote him, Gomes remained at city hall. After demotion, Gomes was tasked with projects ranging from homelessness, public safety lighting and blight issues. Unfortunately, Gomes failed miserably at delivering results for the people of Bridgeport.
Soon thereafter, it came to my attention that Gomes had several confrontational incidents with other city employees and was rumored to be doing shots of alcohol in his office during the workday. Due to his inability to be effective coupled with his egregious behavior, I eliminated his position and fired John Gomes.
John Gomes is bad for Bridgeport.
Fast forward to today, John Gomes with his cadre of cronies —many of whom also have a storied past with the city – have once again launched a revenge campaign for mayor. This time, trying to sell Bridgeport voters on a message of “change.” But here’s the reality:
Gomes says that he would end nepotism in city hall, and yet nepotism was a major reason I demoted him.
Gomes says that he would be an effective manager, and yet he has been fired twice for failing in his leadership positions.
Gomes says he would be a Mayor for the people, and yet he abused his power both times he worked for the city and earned a reputation for being someone who created a toxic work environment, especially for women.
Gomes says that he would be an “agent for change,” and yet his plan is to bring back a host of disgruntled former employees to fill important roles in his administration. His entire campaign has been orchestrated by John Ricci who was pushed out of my administration after an FBI investigation into scrap metal sales and recently cost the City hundreds of thousands of dollars due to sexual harassment lawsuits. This is who John Gomes thinks should run city operations.
Even through the pandemic and challenging times, Bridgeport is experiencing a
resurgence. Things are moving in the right direction for our city and its residents and
Bridgeport’s best days are ahead of us. Mayor Finch and I both fired John Gomes. I’m
urging Bridgeport voters on January 23rd not to make the mistake of hiring him again.
The Pot calling the Kettle Black!
No one has clean hands!
True, but with just 9 fingers, I could say I have cleaner hands than all of them.
Sad to hear of the passing of Steven Auerbach. RIP, my favorite Jewish friend.
The vituperative attack on Mr. Gomes, yet no word from Mayor Finch?
Seems to me, Mr. Gomes always carries a large number of votes.
Ganim2 editorial project? Where is any semblance of an outline of the “positive things”?
Picking on opponent character while declaring, ” I have focused my campaign message on the positive things that my administration has done to make life better for Bridgeport residents.”
Are there too few, too slow, or too frequent examples of little planning or vision, incorporated in the activities that Ganim2’s administration, all twenty years of it, is requesting us to consider? Beyond any comments on the vision and planning that went into public corruption?
I have suggested that the incumbent and the challenger enter a series of City Hall meetings, specific to two topics to control wandering, and let the people listen to the clash of visions, reporting of facts, and governance changes necessary for us to enjoy responsive government? There is enough time for such listening before the January 24 Democratic primary and February 27 upcoming elections. Are the candidates afraid to encounter each other publicly? If Ganim seizes the high ground to challenge Gomes to a contest of words on specific City subjects, won’t he have the initiative? The public can understand such a challenge and respond. Could it improve total voting results at the ballot boxes?
Will Gomes respond and join the battle, rather than pen a response that likely will not be read, anymore than Ganim2’s? What are the dates, locations, and times for these “Sounds From Bridgeport”? Time will tell.
This is a sad turn of events when the mayor of a city can not stand on policies, accomplishments, and delivering results. We all know, when a new administration comes in, some people are let go. The mayor makes most of those decisions. John did his dirty work and was discarded. The irony in this rant is he quickly demoted him but when the 2019 election was stolen by absentee ballots, the mayor PROMOTES John to Assistant CAO. He Even created a 2nd Assistant CAO position for Heron Gaston which was always viewed as unnecessary.
So he promotes someone that he is claiming was bad for the city, smh. Just be man enough to state the John was disappointed with your administration and simply decided he could no longer be part of that disappointment. As word went around that he could potentially mount a run against you, you fired him. That’s simple enough to explain, voters can respect and understand that.
Lennie, ask the mayor to elaborate on this!!!!
On July 14th, 2022, this article comes out.
On July 15th, 2022, John Gomes was terminated (Not even 24 hours later)
Is seems to me, based on the facts above, that the mayor is the one with a vindictive streak and his termination had nothing to do with on the job performance.
Is John Perfect, absolutely NOT. Does he bring a new vision and direction for the city, Hell YES! Good luck to both candidates. I stand with John Gomes.
“Just be man enough to state that John was disappointed with your administration and simply decided he could no longer be part of that disappointment. As word went around that he could potentially mount a run against you, you fired him. That’s simple enough to explain, voters can respect and understand that.”
Sure, perhaps but will they buy it? 🤣
Kelvin, you said it, though “John did his dirty work and was discarded”
Then it would appear John’s moral compass didn’t find fault with it. To the point of staying on his 6 figure job until he saw green pastures.
The shirt says it all people, Let’s put some lipstick on this election and see
if that helps. 🙂 R-rated.
Vote Buddy Christ. 🙂
OR Apostle Rufus, logically speaking/choice. 🤣
Pivot “Port” voters. 🤣