In a commentary that also appeared in the Hartford Courant Mayor Joe Ganim writes “Barring candidates like me from public campaign financing undermines clean elections and harms the electoral process in Connecticut because it increases the influence of special interests groups and gives a stronger voice to those who are able to give large contributions to candidates for office.”
More than a year ago, the people of Bridgeport gave me a second chance to be their mayor, and I am truly humbled to have this honor. I am committed to helping the residents and businesses of Connecticut’s largest city succeed by balancing the budget, keeping taxes down, promoting public safety and revitalizing the city through economic development.
If I decide to seek a statewide office, I want a fair opportunity to make my case for helping the people of Connecticut by bringing businesses and jobs back, stabilizing state finances and ensuring a secure future for our citizens. In doing so, I would not seek a waiver or exception from the public financing rules, but rather, the same opportunity to participate as every other candidate.
In 2005, Connecticut enacted a public campaign finance system called the Citizens’ Election Program, a reform aimed at limiting the influence of special interests and big donors in state elections. The election program became a national model for clean elections, creating strict fundraising rules, spending limits and public funding grants for candidates for state office. More than 95 percent of all state legislative candidates and all statewide candidates for constitutional offices have used the program. It makes campaigns accessible for thousands of people who can only give in small amounts and now find that their voice matters.
Unfortunately, in 2013 the Generally Assembly changed the rules governing public financing grants for candidates to bar those who, like me, have committed “felonies related to their public office” from applying for clean election funds. I firmly believe that this law conflicts with the purpose of the election program and harms the democratic process.
Barring candidates like me from public campaign financing undermines clean elections and harms the electoral process in Connecticut because it increases the influence of special interests groups and gives a stronger voice to those who are able to give large contributions to candidates for office. One of the most compelling rationales for the election program is to combat corruption–actual and perceived–in public office. Indeed, the election program allows state elected officials to run and govern free of even the appearance of special interest influence. It makes no sense to allow candidates with prior bad acts to run for and potentially be elected to some of the state’s most important public offices, such as governor, and yet be precluded from participating in the anti-corruption mechanism of campaign financing that is the Citizens’ Election Fund.
The 2013 law also unfairly and unconstitutionally distorts the democratic process. Under the First and 14th amendments, government cannot promote preferred political speech of some candidates with public money, while restricting the political speech of others by refusing them access to that same public funding. The election program is so successful that any candidate who does not participate in public financing is at a severe disadvantage.
Instead of letting the voters choose the best candidate for public office, the legislature has taken that choice away by not allowing certain candidates to participate in the clean elections program. Those kept out are forced to engage in endless fundraising–from private donors and special interests. So a candidate is legally permitted to be on the ballot, but cannot access public, clean campaign funds necessary to equally make their case. This does not seem constitutional on its face.
Ultimately, this funding prohibition has nothing to do with protecting the integrity of public funds. It really amounts to further punishment for prior bad acts. If the state has a strong interest in shielding the democratic process from abuse, then what better way to accomplish that goal than compelling as many candidates as possible to opt into public campaign financing–especially those who betrayed the public trust in the past. To paraphrase Justice Louis Brandeis, sunlight is the best disinfectant. We should be encouraging candidates to abide by the strict fundraising, spending and disclosure rules of the election program, not preventing them from participation.
The State Elections Enforcement Commission recently voted to take up my request for a declaratory ruling that I be allowed to participate in the Citizens’ Election Program if I choose to run for statewide office. The commission should rule in favor of my participation and allowing candidates like me the opportunity to receive clean election funding.
I agree with Andy Fardy. Someone take a screenshot of this. 🙂
Are those candidates in receipt of state-awarded public election funding still allowed to accept other (corporate and private) campaign donations?
Great question. This might help. http://www.ct.gov/seec/lib/seec/publications/guidebooks/2014_political_committee_guide_final.pdf
The funds available – would be interesting to discover who is purchasing all this state owned property…
Nearly 200 legislative candidates qualified for funding under Connecticut’s clean-elections program, with the state disclosing that the 2016 election cycle it handed out $8 million in grants for that campaign cycle.
State officials said that public campaign financing awards to candidates for 2014 totaled more than $33 million – a record amount for Connecticut’s taxpayer-funded election system.
In these tough economic times when state jobs are being cut, when services are being cut, when jobs and companies are moving out of the State why in the hell are we still financing election campaigns? What the hell are our State Senator’s and Reps doing?
The last thing on Joe’s mind is being mayor of Bpt at this point.
Joe G’s goal as governor, a casino in Bridgeport for all it’s back room/door benefits including the retirement package. Bet on that…
Is he saying I don’t want to be corrupted by big donor money, but will be if you don’t give me a share of your public financing dollars?
Ganim will do both, The (Bridge Mayor) will seek public election funding. While someone from Joe’s or Mario’s camp will seek contributions from state contractors and corporations.
Just like Rowland and Malloy did, pay the fine and settle the case with SEEc.
He is also not saying that the DTC or another PAC that supports him will not raise money and spend it like mad.
Tax funded elections are a scam on taxpayers and a waste of taxpayers revenue. All elections fundraisers should be held as a public affair with a single set entry ticket price, and all extra contributions should be anonymous by having them get some type of government payment voucher that is given to any election campaign as a contribution.
This way no candidate knows what any individual or group has given to their campaign, and they can’t be beholden to any individual or special interest group.
If you want special interest groups on of the election, tax funded election is not the way to go. Take the individual and special interest group out of the election, not their money, by making the contributions anonymous.
I’m not sure how much things will really will change in our election process, by anonymous contributions, but at least taxpayers revenue wouldn’t be wasted on elections, taxpayer funded election hasn’t and won’t change our election process because it’s just scam for taxpayer revenue.
BAM I am out 🙂
What a joke our mayor has become!
He is saying get me in for the moolah or else I will really take the low road. Not that I am promising not to do so anyway.
And from where is his lawyers being paid? From the city? From his exploratory committee? From a wink and a nod that will miraculously place them on retainer with the city once their work is done.
It is up to you Bridgeport. You can pay him now or pay him later. Or not pay him at all for either the election for the sate or the municipality.
I wish I had something witty to say, but I can’t stop laughing long enough to think of something.
Question – if Ganim (or any candidate) raises $500K for a run at any office, but they only spend $350K, where does the remainder go? Do it get distributed to the party? and if they are unaffiliated, what happens then?
The general rule for the use of excess campaign funds after a federal lawmaker leaves office is that the funds cannot be used for personal expenses. They must be put toward political or charitable uses. CT follows this federal general rule for the most part for campaign dollars.
Thanks Jennifer, so when do you think we hear of the newly established JG2 for the KIDS 501c(3)? LOL – just kidding, thanks for the info
Every time you think that Joe cannot go any lower, he pulls out something like this.
Give it up Joe. Retire. Do something productive with your life. Get out of politics.
“Barring candidates like me from public campaign financing undermines clean elections and harms the electoral process in Connecticut.”
What a joke
Once a crook…
Lennie if there was an award for journalistic blogging sites, you would definitely win; that picture and the caption beneath are priceless. It definitely qualifies for SNL.