Mayor Joe Ganim kicked his campaign activities into hyperspace in the extended mayoral election odyssey that he cemented for good in February for another four-year term.
He was all over the place and many wondered if he’d keep up the pace settling back into regular mayoral duties.
His hasn’t wavered.
Gun violence prevention luncheon, Bridgeport Caribe Youth Leaders basketball banquet, playing midnight basketball with kids, visiting a North End Park for Bridgeport Youth Lacrosse, opening of North End Little League, Washington Park childcare rally, visits to faith activities.
The above events were just some of his weekend activities, according to his Facebook page.
Ganim’s making the energizer bunny look like a tortoise.

Retail politicking has always been a Ganim strength and he zoned into the highest gear when the wind was at the back of opponent John Gomes over things his campaign workers did as well in the aftermath of the ballot box storm. Gomes was telling his people he had it in the bag, fire up the gravy train. Well Gomes bag spewed a lot of gas.
What’s motivating Ganim’s energy? A swift kick in the pants. He’s not taking the initial close calls for granted even when the election coda churned a 20-point victory.

Ganim has an opportunity now to stamp a legacy beyond a guy who made un unlikely return to the mayoralty in 2015. A number of development projects, if they come to fruition, will be transformational in key neighborhoods and city as a whole such as Steelpointe Harbor housing, soccer stadium proposal, Nanoramic Laboratories plan for a major lithium battery manufacturing plant, the proposed Fillmore music venue adjacent to the amphitheater building upon the city’s growing music and entertainment destination.
Yes, they are big ifs. But they have a much stronger chance of fruition with an engaged chief executive that inspires city interest and employee relations.
Storm clouds do exist typical of most urban centers: an undermanned police department, flat grand list of taxable properties with revaluation coming next year, education funding, all of which tied to development growth to finance city services.
What happens in the economic development office will be key as the city soon will announce the hiring of a skill-set deputy for the department to help craft an urban agenda enticing new growth.
“Ganim’s making the energizer bunny look like a tortoise.”
Lennie, the story of the tortoise and the hare finished with a sleeping bunny and a slow but steady turtle pace, winning the race, did it not? As someone who has saluted the shelled creature for his self insurance program during my business career, there are risks in life that must be considered, planned for, and acted upon according to one’s beliefs and judgement.
Generally, growth of any type in a City takes time, diverse people around the table planning, and sticking to a plan to gain a desired result. Oversight, through public information resources like the City website make communication easier and show the result of the many minds on the cause over time. Or sometimes seeking a result discovers nothing of value, other than a photo op?
“See something. Say something.” is a subject I have raised to the City Council. It is an appropriate phrase to live by for active citizens willing to report their impressions in the public square. Time will tell.
John Unless you are saying the Port is having a fifth election this cycle, the race is over. https://www.tiktok.com/@bksports1122/video/7114975989536427265?q=When%20Usain%20Bolt%20and%20Andre%20de%20Grasse%20smile&t=1713574474166
Or Lennie, is G2 the tortoise 🙂
Either way dust off your inner racism for a potential Trump presidency. However, Democrat Joe B seems to be a logical choice to have the BLM movement collect dust, no bunny or tortious.
Unless you feel BL now M, because it has been pretty quiet these days, NO?
P.S. Moses that game is not going to play out with a black reverend in your upcoming race. What’s the racist gaming on that, oh yeah, Referring to hin as an Uncle Tom.
Though Rev. Gatson is a D.
Joe’s half-court shots
1. Bill Finch Steelpointe Harbor housing (not Joe’s) ……….So that’s a BRICK!
2. Flat grand list of taxable properties for 8 years? what’s the real surplus or is it discretionary money, another BRICK!
3.The Governor want’s no part of the soccer stadium proposal, so the city taxpayers will eat that BRICK!
4.Education funding, always a BRICK!
After spending $27,700 and several months trying to craft an image to help market Connecticut’s largest municipality, Mayor Joe Ganim’s administration has this week abandoned the project.
And they talk about John Gomes!