Ganim Implores Utility Regulator To Reject UI Rate Hike

Mayor Joe Ganim on Thursday urged in a letter to Marissa Paslick Gillett, chairman of Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), to reject a rate increase proposed by United Illuminating.

“Dear Chairman Gillett,

I am writing in my capacity as Mayor of the City of Bridgeport to vehemently oppose the recent rate increase proposal from United Illuminating Co, which will impact over 150,000 Bridgeport residents.

The average cost of a monthly UI bill is currently $275, and this proposed increase will add an additional monthly charge of twenty-five to thirty dollars. While some communities in UI’s service area may be able to afford the continuously increasing rates, working families in Bridgeport cannot. The median household income in Bridgeport is $54,400 and many families are spending over fifty percent of their income on housing security. Increasing utility rates by 9% in one year is incredibly burdensome and seemingly in bad faith. Remember, this is only one utility bill, with others also increasing due to infrastructure upgrade demands of their own.

We cannot forget that we are in the midst of a housing crisis which will only get worse until more equitable housing opportunities are built throughout the state. Families are being priced out of their homes due to increased cost of living, which includes overburdensome utilities. This is exacerbated by homes that are in dire need of weatherization and energy efficiency upgrades. Yet residents cannot afford to upgrade their own properties and appliances when the cost of living continues to increase well beyond wages.

United Illuminating is promoting this rate increase as support for infrastructure projects that will be located in and serve disadvantaged communities. While this may be true, this progress must not be paid for on the backs of these very same communities. If everyone is expected to tighten the proverbial purse strings, then that should include the massive profits that United Illuminating Co. and global goliath parent company Avangrid amass annually.

I respectfully request that PURA denies this rate increase proposal by United Illuminating Co.”



  1. How is this even a thing? I mean if the R’s are against the rate increase and the D’s are the champion of the people, Poor, black, minority, people of color, and this letter G2 penned is to a Ned Lamont appointed. The UI and Gas asking to fatten their bottom line on the back of those who they say they represent should be dead on arrival. No?

    What say you Mama Bear, Blackrock Gen Now Callie? I know your LV peruse can handle the increase but who you tend to court can’t, without feeling the pinch.

    Perhaps a deeper question in education the masses, more than AB, voting is who and what are they getting in return for who they are voting for, is a more pressing issue/question than in-person voting. JS

    With your breath of fresh air, taste the movement. 🤣

  2. who and what they are getting in return for vote/voice.

    Does anybody find the irony and disingenuous in Gen Now’s Taste the Movement?

    I mean their slogan is to unrig Port’s elections and end its corrupted practices, that stem from AB abuse to get candidates elected. Yet they investing in a 20000 unsolicited AB mail drive in Port’s election, Holding forums on expanding AB ballots to everyone without any restriction or reasons to able-bodied who can vote in person. JS

    Everything Gen Now participates in is disingenuous and self-serving. Remember that people/average voters JS


  3. Well, I’m sure that the mayor’s imploring UI to quit bending us over will cause them to give us all a big rate decrease and refund — even as he and Governor Ned calculate the portion of UI dividends that need to be included in their quarterly federal tax returns…

  4. And I cited the mayor imploring UI, rather than PURA, above, because they (UI and DEEP-PURA/GA-Gov’s Office are all part of the same incestuous family…). PURA takes it direction from UI, obviously….

  5. The UI could give two Flucks about the rate payers, they never did and never will.
    The cost of Hydrogen Generators should come down in the next five years, then and only then we can tell the UI and Pura to go Fluck themself, right now the UI even controls your Solar Power., if you have it!

  6. Random thought”

    Jeff, speaking of family, considers the least turmoil, human suffering, and carnage taking place in the Middle East between the Arab/Muslim and Israel/Jews. However, I can’t speak on the true natural origins of it and perhaps the deeply internally held views.

    However, in the modern era, they are both part of the same religious family, as well as, Christendom., defendants of the patriarch God of Abraham. right people?

    Between Islam and Judaism, both view God as vengeful, wrathful and who values slavery. By now means Am I saying I am a theologist? Don’t even want to go down that rabbit to what else. I would bet much of that is overlooked by those proclaiming the books. 🙂

    The point is that God would be a push. While they each have their take on worshiping God and laws passed down to them in various forms with claims to be the chosen people and such, seems off.

    God being Pro-slavery, oppression of women, shit, even going Darth Vader, the murder of kids. I don’t know , people.


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