Being an effective mayor requires strong relationships with legislative leaders in Hartford, a point hammered home by two members of the city’s legislative delegation in support of the candidacy of Mary-Jane Foster who promised at a Monday afternoon news conference not to raise taxes in her first year if elected mayor, saying “I understand the financial stress and fiscal burden that our taxes have put on our families. These taxes limit economic growth and impede on our city’s progress.”
Easier said than done, considering no city mayor has held the line on taxes the first year in office in more than 40 years.
Foster was joined by State Senator Ed Gomes and State Representative Jack Hennessy to illustrate the value of relationships to bring home state dollars to Bridgeport to keep down taxes. State Senator Marilyn Moore and State House members Steve Stafstrom and Chris Rosario also represent five of the city’s eight-member legislative delegation supporting Foster for mayor. The Foster campaign organized the news conference to contrast Democratic nominee Joe Ganim who touted his tax record as mayor in defeating Mayor Bill Finch in the September primary. The general election is Nov. 3.

Gomes called Foster the “Face of honesty and progress in Bridgeport” adding “It is extremely selfish of some of Mary-Jane’s opponents to be running. They know very well that if there are certain elected officials in office that funding from the state will dry up, and businesses will be running scared from Bridgeport. The fear of mismanagement and poor judgment in City Hall will destroy any progress Bridgeport has seen in the last decade.”
Foster emphasized her resolve in the private sector including her tenure as an executive at the University of Bridgeport that has experienced recent growth as the anchor of the city’s South End as attributes to control spending. She asserted she is the only candidate with a credible plan to grow Bridgeport’s grand list and reduce the tax burden on taxpayers.
“Everywhere I go,” said Foster, “People are desperately afraid about taxes … We cannot rely on our citizens to put forth more money.”
Foster also said if elected she will ask the state to approve another two-year delay in the implementation of the ongoing revaluation of taxable property so that her administration can start the process fresh rather than inheriting it from the Finch administration.
Foster did not mention Ganim by name, but Hennessy was not bashful about bringing up the former mayor’s history.
“It is critical that we choose the right mayor for Bridgeport,” said Hennessy who represents the North End in the State House. “No disrespect to Joe Ganim, but the huge amount of toxic baggage he brings with him can only hurt the city. This election is not about Ganim’s past, it’s about Bridgeport’s future. We need a clean future, not one mired in the past.”
Yes, a tax revaluation will give a rebate. Though not a rebate, but a re-aligning of the tax levels to match the property levels. Torres is the only candidate who is saying it is wrong to balance the budget on the backs of families on the East Side, etc., whose tax rates do not reflect reality at all. Torres. For honest government.
Vote for Mary-Jane Foster. Here’s why:
Mary-Jane Foster has a 50-day plan upon victory while her opponent offers a cigar bar upon receipt of $500.
This just in. Mary-Jane will be re-re-releasing her new 50-day plan again. It will hone in on telling Bill Finch and his staff they can’t sit in the lobby all day. That’s loitering and they have loitered in her campaign for nearly a month already.
But Mary-Jane, Ganim is giving 60-inch flat screen TVs and Air Jordans as well as visitation right to his health club. Chris Taylor is giving away bicycles, laptops and phones. Ganim is promising to honor those pledges. Can you do better than holding the line on taxes? Joe is going to lower taxes and work shoulder to shoulder with every voter in Bridgeport. He is also offering free selfies. To fix the Poli and Majestic theaters as though he never saw them before. Joe Ganim came to office 25 years ago. How many voters are totally oblivious to his past? Vote row G.
By the way, personal note to Joe Ganim. Misery is opening on Broadway. Of course I will be seeing it. I suggest you see it also. You were warned months ago. Your biggest fan is no longer your biggest fan and you saw what Kathy Bates did. In the play it will be live and it won’t be pretty. That could be your fate!
Mayor Joe Ganim will beat Mary-Jane and the Finchettes like a redheaded stepchild, by 2 to 1 on November 3rd.
It’s nice to see Hennessy and Gomes working for the Finch/Foster team. These two guys have been flucked so many times by Finch, now they are the new members of the Finchettes! You can’t make this stuff up! What’s next Mary-Jane, my $600 tax rebate check and a free water taxi ride?
Rest is what is recommended for the patient Auerbach. He has lost touch with reality.
Great press conference.
True Story. I spent the afternoon in Westport and had to stop by my favorite restaurant for lunch. I mention this because I usually run into Ganim supporters whom I have known for years. The place is the Westfair Fish Market. The best New England clam chowder and whole-belly clams.
I mention this because Craig the owner is a Republican who tortures me with Fox News. I have been trying to get him to come to Bridgeport for years. He is very concerned with the election. He feels if Ganim gets in it is over for Bridgeport. He was impressed with Mayor Finch’s economic development. He is a Foster supporter as I just found out. He was shocked at the primary results and his overall opinion of the Bridgeport voters was not at all flattering. His comment was simply Bridgeport has made such great strides. Why? Why? Why? I am hoping for a gorgeous day and a huge voter turnout. I have faith in the voters of this city. I want Westfair Fish Market to open a little joint in Bridgeport.
She is looking to control spending because for the last eight years spending has been completely out of control. For instance, the Mayor’s Office when Finch started received approximately $550k. In 2014, it budgeted a cool $1m including Adam Wood’s 130K+. Cuts are easy because there is a lot of Finch/Stafstrom fat, let’s see if the “copilot” gives her a free hand with that. Not only will this next mayor be hard-pressed to not increase taxes but they are going to have a real wake-up call when they see how much of the city’s bonding capacity has been encumbered. Finch pillaged, looted and left the cupboard bare for his last stand. It is good he is being replaced because you can’t bullshit this stuff for 12 years straight. Apparently you can’t even do it for eight.
Joe Ganim could have and almost did and people want to vote him in again, and you sir, are talking about Bill Finch? Are you serious? Honestly, you are the typical Bridgeport voter.
He must be talking about Foster, no? I mean you say Finch’s whole team is her team now and somebody just jumped ship in Campaign management. It is getting confusing. Now it seems you are actually running covert ops for Torres, or you wouldn’t say such perfect stuff. Attention Typical Bridgeport voters, Torres for mayor. Avoid the confusion.
Bill Finch has “relocated” mayoral personnel in a variety of locations during his two terms. So while you point out expenses have increased significantly, though official numbers of employees identified with the Office of the Mayor has varied minimally, the truth of the tape is when you look to the Lighthouse budget and see a former “education czar” located there with an income over $100,000. There is so much that requires scrutiny and has not received it. Where are the WATCHDOGS? In the 130th this year it will be Tyisha Toms and John M. Lee, and you can find them at 10F and 10E, for those who care. Time will tell.
OMG, they just broke my heart. My friend Ed Gomes, and my other friend Jack Hennessy, who by the way won on my coattails when first elected as a State Rep, are alluding our State Delegation will face hardship if Joe is elected Mayor. What happened to “to the victor goes the spoils,” a saying my friend Ed loved to use? Do the two of you really think the politicians in Hartford will not take Joe into the fold after he’s elected? I don’t know about the two of you, but the rest of the delegation already assured Joe they will work as a strong bloc when he’s elected. Come on guys, this is me, you can mouth those predictions, but you both know it’s BS. And MJF just criticized Joe for putting off reval when he was Mayor the first time, are we safe to assume she’s a hypocrite? I believe in loyalty to a chosen candidate, commitment, win or lose, but “my two friends” are over the moon on this one. I remember Ed getting feisty as only Ed can when the convention was held for nomination for Mayor. His disdain for Finch was clearly stated, and he said to me he had no problem with Ganim. What happened in a couple of months? In 32 years I have never known Ed Gomes to get sloppy, doesn’t matter to me because I will respect and admire him forever, I’m just confused on this one. BTW, our Congressman stopped in to see Joe today. He was well received by the 30 or so workers and volunteers who were there when he arrived. Hmmm, wonder who our next visitor will be?
You said it Lisa, “to the victor goes the spoils.” Senator Marcy from New York was quoted as saying in 1832, “They (Democrats at the time) see nothing wrong in the rule that to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy.” He was referring to the “spoils system,” needs no explanation. Unfortunately the spoils are the true concerns of the people of Bridgeport in this case. See Joe and Jane run, see the confusion before any election has even occurred.
Oh Lisa, puh-lease. Attacking Ed Gomes the way you did simply because he spoke the truth. I guess you can’t handle the truth, too.
I believe Ed and Jack were referring to the Governor when they spoke of certain elected officials drying up funding to Bridgeport.
In case you and Joe haven’t realized it yet, Malloy has yet to endorse Joe.
But keep telling yourselves the state won’t hold it against Bridgeport if they choose to elect a convicted felon and I am sure you will convince yourself.
And you do owe Ed and Jack an apology.
Bubba, don’t you dare accuse me of attacking Ed Gomes. He’s one of the very few people I know who is beyond reproach both personally and politically. He surprised me this time, I know how much he dislikes politicians who are self-serving. You may have taken my comment wrong, as much as I admire Ed, he too is human and this time I don’t agree with him. If given the opportunity I would have that conversation directly with him, we may not agree, but I doubt he would consider it an attack. You’ve crossed the line on this one, if an apology is warranted, you owe me one.
Lisa, he agreed with us not long ago and will again.
I know that, Hector. He’s a stand-up guy.
“Come on guys, this is me, you can mouth those predictions, but you both know it’s BS.”
This is what you said. If you said that about me, I would assume you are calling me a liar, a bullshitter, naive, however you care to characterize it and you owe me an apology. Absolutely.
Ed hasn’t changed his opinion on Bill or Joe. He is just sticking with his initial opinion on Mary-Jane.
Ed is loyal to a fault, when I was denied the nomination for Registrar my own TC members ganged up on me, oops forgot, you were one of them; led by John Stafstrom, remember. I’m not disparaging Ed, just disagreeing with him on this one. You stay out of my relationship with Ed because I have more history with him than you. When I was betrayed by my then TC, he walked with me in 90-degree weather with a soft cast on his foot. He’s probably the only politician I would die for. So shut up Bubba, you don’t want to get me started!
Ed Gomes is a “convicted felon.” What’s with the slurs? They aren’t playing well in neighborhoods of color.
You are full of shit, pure and simple.
Actually, the neighborhoods of color, as you say, can spot BS before it gets within a block away. They are not buying the whole my felony is your felony argument.
Convicted felon is a tired term. I prefer racketeering, bribery, shake down. Claude Balls–great screen name, convicted felon is an overused and misunderstood term. Everyone deserves a second chance, Joe Ganim included. Most convicted felons in Bridgeport were for minor offenses most would consider benign in the scheme of things yet these individuals are paying for their crime forever and stigmatized and have problems finding a job. Joe Ganim’s conviction cost the city millions in lawsuits, betrayed the residents of the city. Lied under oath. Took 10 years to apologize and he is looking to return to the scene of the crime hoping for a $132,000 a year job and make believe what he was convicted of, 16 counts of felony, bribery and racketeering were just minor “mistakes.” Joe is a nice guy. After 11 years in office and seven years in jail, enough already. 🙂
The majority of the people of Bridgeport care about felon re-entry and use extreme caution when invoking the Klan in any way, which is why Finch and Finch/Foster are out of touch and will be out of office in November.
Are you all forgetting the state Dems need Bridgeport to keep Democrats in office? In addition, the Bpt state legislators are elected by the people to represent them in Hartford. If the current legislators do not do their job and “bring home the bacon,” regardless of who is Mayor, they’ll be voted out, and by the very people who vote the next mayor into office. Joe Ganim is running as a Democrat, not an Independent or Republican. Bridgeport is a Democrat city. If Joe Ganim is elected Mayor, he will assume the post of “head of the Democratic party” in Bpt, along with his political godfather, Mario Testa, as his #1 organizer. The State Dems Party will needs Bridgeport–and always will–to fend off Republican takeover. Politicians, they’re all whores. They go with whomever holds the keys to the whorehouse.
So why hasn’t the Governor and Lt. Gov come down to Bridgeport and embraced Joe and endorsed Joe and pledged their full support to Joe?
Because they do not trust Joe. Period.
Response to post: Bob Walsh // Oct 20, 2015 at 2:40 pm
So why hasn’t the Governor and Lt. Gov come down to Bridgeport and embraced Joe and endorsed Joe and pledged their full support to Joe?
Because they do not trust Joe. Period.
You are correct, Bob Walsh. Malloy does not trust Ganim. Hartford and a lot of others do not trust him and do not want to see Joe Ganim back in office. However, if Ganim does get back in, they may not like it or him, but they will have to accept it. There is no need for Malloy to endorse Ganim. If the people of Bpt vote him in, he’s in. Mayor. Plain and simple. Come election time (President and Governor), the State Dems Party will need Bridgeport, as they always do. Therefore, they will have to come to Joe Ganim, and they will, like it or not.
That’s what Ed does, he’s loyal to a fault. I can attest to his loyalty going back to when I was denied the nomination for a second term. Ed walked with me in 90-degree weather with a cast on his ankle because he was appalled my own TC members ganged up on me. Oops, forgot, you were one of them, led by John Stafstrom. So don’t be getting all righteous on me, Ed’s a little out of character on this one, and I think he knows it’s BS. Stay out of my relationship with Ed, I have more history with him than you.
Was great seeing Jim Himes! Did you enjoy seeing him, Lisa? What were you guys saying when he was endorsing Finch?
The next visitor will be the Great Pumpkin.
Lisa, the Ganim crew is always respectful when they have company, other than Carolanne Curry. I always feel welcome. Jim Himes must have been shocked. On July 20, 2015 he gave an amazing endorsement to Mayor Bill Finch who is endorsing Mary-Jane Foster. The headline was Bridgeport is at a crossroads. Jeff Kohut was particularly disrespectful as with all Mayor Finch’s sloppy second endorsements from the unions who all praised Finch. Thank goodness Lennie’s blog serves as a historical document.
Steve, go to bed!
Well, here I am waiting for my first class at 9:30, using my Kindle.
Lisa, it is the truth, no? You are excited about Jim Himes? Every endorsement from every upstanding politician was totally bashed by the entire Ganim team. The Unions, the politicians and now you are getting excited? You are kidding, right? You know what’s a riot? Finch supporters from the town committee with Ganim signs on their lawns, like the constituents do not see them as assholes!
Steve, I was being facetious.
C’mon, Lisa. Governor Malloy, the head of the state Democratic Party, has more or less refused to endorse Ganim, the locally endorsed candidate, for mayor. You and a few others are so confident Joe Ganim will win on November 3rd but all of you are neglecting to consider one unavoidable fact: there are people statewide who are in positions of power and influence in political and business circles who will do whatever is necessary to prevent a crook from regaining public office in Bridgeport. Your personal support of Mr. Ganim does not speak well of your own moral character. He is a crook, convicted of corruption and disbarred because he lied on the witness stand at his own trial and does not have the humility to admit to his crimes. He should have gone to the prison chapel to light a candle in gratitude the U.S. Attorney didn’t prosecute him for perjury. A conviction on that would have added years to his sentence.
You can dress it up any way you want but the fact of business is Joe Ganim is singularly lacking in moral fiber.
Bridgeport Kid,
I have known Lisa Parziale for many years during which time we have disagreed far more often than we have agreed. This year is is no exception. However, your attack on her character is without basis and wholly inappropriate.
Why? Joe Ganim is a crook. It’s common knowledge. I have to question the priorities of anyone who would support him for mayor.
Phil Smith, I think it is commendable you are supporting Lisa Parziale. I am a fan of Lisa myself and everyone on the blog knows Derek Brown and I are not exactly best friends.
However, I do have to agree with him. I think everyone is questioning why anyone would support him when we have outstanding candidates without baggage and a tainted reputation. When a voter knows the price the city may pay for their vote, Ganim’s appeal diminishes.
But Steve, you’re not attacking my character, that’s a big difference from disagreeing.
Thank you Phil, your comment speaks to your intelligence, civility and the way you were raised.
Well sure Steve, a Westport Republican can certainly be supporting Mary-Jane for mayor. Mary-Jane’s husband is a big-time Republican himself. In fact, who ever really said Mary-Jane is actually a Democrat? I mean seriously, went to town hall and filled out a piece of paper that said Democrat on it? I did that too, to vote in Bridgeport primaries years ago. Beside the point. Bill Finch wanted to have a Republican streak this fall, when he and his chief of staff practically begged Rick Torres to back off the ballot and let Finch run as a Republican. They promised Rick whatever he wanted, wink wink. He said, “No, can’t do that.” Mary-Jane’s husband was a bit mad he wasn’t invited to hob-nob with Larry Kudlow. While most of us might yawn over meeting Larry Kudlow, it seemed a big deal for Mary-Jane Foster’s husband. Is everybody truly a Republican in this perfect storm of an election? See Joe and Jane taking Torres’ talking points, as they scramble for meaningful platforms, while simply going around saying they know how to lead. Follow the word “transparency” around in the News 12 debate. Follow it back to the city council transparency resolution passed this fall. You’ll find out whose idea it was. Now Mary-Jane has her website touting some smokescreen about Republicans while her husband is a big one, Bill Finch wants to be one, and she keeps digging an ethical hole if not any other type. What’s next, Lennie is a Republican?
Park City, full disclosure. I was a Republican for a short time last year to vote for David Walker for lieutenant governor and John McKinney for governor in the GOP primary. I am currently unaffiliated.
To my point, Lennie. Thank you.
Of the two Republicans in the race, Rick Torres is the better one. At least he went from Democrat to Republican (being forced to find sane ground), rather than from Republican to Democrat. It’s all in the paperwork, after that it is about the spoils. We say leave some left over for the children and families and residents of Bridgeport, in fact, let them be the ones to benefit for once. And that is a bit of poetry for the moment.
That dog won’t hunt. Look, I said I would vote for Republican Jodi Rell for governor because of her ability to work with Democrats to get bills passed. Well, that’s not Rick Torres.
You really ought to move to New Haven.
Lennie, I’m shocked. If only I had known.
Uh huh.
Thank you, Lennie!
Park City too, I was a Republican for Mary Moran two years. I could never be a Republican again. I could vote for a Republican if they were the best candidate. I thought Finch had done a fantastic job in Bridgeport. I supported Foster four years ago. I think Foster is a great candidate and she is definitely a strong Democrat. Why wouldn’t Jack want to see Larry Kudrow? He is a proud Republican. I am sad about that but that is no shock or surprise. The gentlemen in Westport has never heard of Jack McGregor and has only read about Foster and the endorsement from Finch. He believed Finch has done a great job improving our image.
Does this really matter? NO, Bridgeport is a Democratic city, case closed. Now it’s possible they could win two or three city council seats at the most if they’re lucky. As for David Walker it was the Republican voters who rejected him. As for “transparency” in city business that was John Marshall Lee’s idea long before Rick Torres and everybody knows whether they like him or not we owe “transparency” to JML, thanks John. Now we are to believe thousands of black and Hispanic voters are now going to say let’s vote for a Republican for mayor that we don’t know. No way.
For more than five years I have beaten the drum on three values that are important to all institutions such as governance in the City of Bridgeport. TRANSPARENCY is only one. The other two are OPEN and ACCOUNTABLE governance. Last evening I spoke to all three values. Perhaps Lennie will post the comments as he often does. Tyisha as running mate contributed the concept of HONEST, really a great value. So at one level I would support observing all four values in City governance. OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT and HONEST governance will serve all people, all parties and the City reputation itself, if practiced. Isn’t that what people want? Time will tell.
Park City, you are an excellent purveyor of pure unadulterated bullshit. Let’s start with Jack McGregor, it was no big deal he has known him for years. I can tell you whose idea it was, it was John Marshall Lee’s idea, he has been using that word for years. Rick got it from John.
What is the smoke screen you are talking about? Be specific.
Mr. Fardy, I am talking about the general fabrication that the Republicans are secretly backing Ganim, as the Post had indicated, when you have a public dialog and feel a bit of the pulse of it, you can see through things that appear on the front page. The Post, as a News Outlet, has not been unbiased. We can be thankful their bias is not for Ganim. As far as being an excellent purveyor of unadulterated bullshit, I appreciate the excellent part and would say since I believe I have been trying to fact-check myself, then I would be only kidding myself first in errors of judgement. I am not any longer fighting with the Foster camp. I think that is a bad ploy, and confusing, with two weeks to election day. For whatever reason you do not think Torres is your choice for mayor, I want to see Torres or Foster, not Ganim. Torres, however, has the best chance of hitting the reset button, getting a clean look at city finances, he is the only candidate who has said he will LOWER taxes, not just hold them high. Cut waste, lower taxes and see why the city is running at a bloated expenditure pace. Also, he has a true passion for the lives of Bridgeport residents, that goes beyond election day. All the best. Torres is receiving support and commitment for votes from people whom I know to have been in the two, now opposing camps that run Bridgeport like a personal checking account. The fact they are standing outside the “spoils system, that transparency, is a buzzword in Bridgeport, is largely due to Torres, his support in the council, and the fact he is a decent man of high integrity. The smokescreen was in picking up on the Republican smear thing on the heels of the Post article.
Yes, John probably began the term. Correct.
Torres is responsible for Ganim and Mary-Jane using it in the televised debate.
Sorry, over-posting. Torres was on the front page having passed the Transparency resolution, ONLY with support of the city council. John Lee started the term, great, elect him to city council and let him have at it.
Does Gomes support the construction of a Walmart at the Seaview Plaze site? Apparently, MJF does.
I don’t think Walmart is interested in a Bridgeport location.
Most of the shoppers at the Stratford Walmart are from Bridgeport.
Attention shoppers, the store will be closing soon. I am more interested in how everybody is a Republican lately. I have never registered as a Republican, full disclosure. Maybe MJF wants some competition on gun pricing between Walmart and Bass-Pro. You see, when Democrats or Republicans don’t get into the same room and compare notes, you can have the Connecticut gun control platform on one hand and zero taxes paid by a gun sales outlet brought to you by the local Democratic Party. This right between Bridgeport and New Haven. I can visualize the guns in the racks of Bass Pro in Bridgeport and Walmart in Stratford. Having grown up part of my life in the North Country where people don’t shoot each other, very very rarely, I know how much firepower that is. I know at least one of those guns is coming to a neighborhood near you. Ironically, it was a seriously dangerous place to live on the Steelpointe site some time ago.
So get it straight on who cares about people and who cares about maintaining political power. I had a really sunny little thought about just buying a fishing lure from the place, when I first heard about the franchise moving in. Then I heard Rick Torres say what about the little quaint tackle and bait shops that supply the watersides of the city? Who are the big bad Republicans? Some people were saying today, better call them and find out if they are around. Transparency is not just a slogan, let’s have a conversation about it. Put Rick Torres in the Mayor’s seat and then kick him out in four years if you like. Ganim, Finch and Foster will still be hanging around. No disrespect to the other candidates who unfortunately don’t get much spin time.
Let’s try it this way, put Mary-Jane Foster in the Mayor’s seat and then kick her out in four years if you like. Ganim, Finch and Torres will still be hanging around.
You are kidding about MJF and Bass Pro. She has had nothing to do with that. So you are from the big sky country? It explains why you are such a good bullshit artist. Nothing right in this post, either.
STEAL POINT was never a “seriously dangerous place to live.” For those who don’t know it was the LARGEST CENSUS TRACT OF MINORITY-OWNED HOMES in the State. I would wager you couldn’t find an old crime that may have happened on Ann St., Hough Ave. or that end of Pembroke St. To build a big-box store or two there is an insult to a Community that had love for Bridgeport, but was forced out for the supposed betterment of the City.
Hector, thanks. Too many hard-working families sadly had to pick up and move, one of my friends moved to Florida but they wanted to stay here.
Okay. No, MJF did not give away the property free of tax for 30 years, but the development team that is hanging around her Finch endorsement did. These things are not election issues with two weeks to go. I am aware people were kicked out of their homes, not in agreement with that either. My point earlier is the guns and ammunition available at Bass Pro or Walmart if it is a Superstore, combined with no payments of taxes, does not seem good. It will be the biggest ammunition spot between Hartford and NYC. But again, will not be election issues and other than this mortally dangerous and disconnected stupidity I could really get ramped up on, Finch and co. was okay with me. I do not go for a previous administration running through a cardboard cutout candidate though. If you want to allow us to move to other topics, I am just trying to clean up here and I am sure I have got some things wrong along the way. No, not big sky country, that would only be a diversion to talk about. Bridgeport over 30 years.
But would she support one in Black Rock? Mr. Balls, be careful what doors you may open.
If she is going to ‘stay the Kooris’ with the Finch/Stafstrom administration then she’ll be supporting flooding Ellsworth Park.
Claude, Bridgeport may have waited too long to court Walmart. They’re looking at reducing their footprint due to the stagnant economy.
Bridgeport has already entered into an agreement with Walmart to open at Seaview Plaza. It was part and parcel of the Bass Pro Shops agreement. It has been held from public scrutiny until now.
And Claude has the balls to announce it here on OIB. You should feel honored, Lennie.
C. Balls in your mouth.
If you had any balls you would use your real name.
Bob, I posted the information on Walmart over a month ago. They are going where Derecktor boat building was.
Well if it has a supermarket and on Seaview Avenue then it is a good thing.
MJF, holding the taxes in Bridgeport is very hard to do, since better than 30% of the city is TAX EXEMPT!!! That is because of the overwhelming number of POOR!!! The DemocRATS hurt Bridgeport when Stamford tore down much of its affordable housing while sending its POOR to Bridgeport!!! Can anybody remember who shut down the GOOD jobs at Carpenter Tech??? Maybe somebody should ask the MJF supporter ED GOMES!!!
The UI did. Carpenter Steel always said it was the high cost of electricity in their manufacturing process that drove them out of the Northeast.
The UNION man Ed Gomes had a vote on the contract to get MORE money!!! Car Tech–we cannot give it to you. Gomes said we will go on STRIKE!!! Car Tech–if you strike, we close. Gomes said don’t believe them, called strike, three days later Car Tech GONE!!!
You know this, How? You know ED Gomes said that even when he was NOT negotiating this contract? Were you there?
Ed had no vote, get it right.
Bob, Carpenter left because of a strike. While they were walking the picket lines, a high-ranking union member was in a whorehouse on Newfield Ave (it was not Gomes). Carpenter has a larger non-union plant in Reading PA and moved the Bridgeport operations there.
The Walmart deal is already cast in stone by Wood/Kooris.
The East Main Street corridor will be ecstatic! And more jobs! A supermarket, fantastic! Is this supposed to be a negative?
Just like the Stop & Shop on Fairfield Ave???
Well, the Stop & Shop on Madison Avenue was a Joe Ganim Al Lenoci deal that destroyed the simplistic rural flavor of Dewhirst Dairy and the pond that hundreds of youth and young adults enjoyed by Ameridge. I know a district leader who refused to shop there and lives across the street from this vacant property and he has four Ganim signs on his lawn. I think Ganim makes it a requirement of four signs-plus on a lawn. It shows momentum. You cannot compare the travesty of the Ganim/Lenoci scandal to a Walmart in the East End–residents there will be very excited. Bridgeport has been slow to attract big-box retailers. Better late than never. BTW–If there were to be a Walmart it would not be considered to be part of the Steelpointe project. But it will be a destination for many and enhance the other retailers on the site and also make Dolphin’s Cove even more popular.
That’s right, a Walmart would fit right in with the high-end sporting goods store, the Starbucks, the “four star” Hampton Inn and Chipotle.
Bridgeport Kid, I do not believe the Walmart will NOT BE A PART of Steelpointe. Maybe just a hop, skip and a jump.
Yes, the leader would be Dennis. He is a good man at heart who has sided with the DTC for too long, really. He told me long ago to begin at the DTC level, I was not interested. Not that he was offering, just mentioning. I think we can all agree Torres or Foster is the hope of the city and we are fighting a battle to keep out Ganim. We are fighting ourselves, in terms of those best interested in the clean future of Bridgeport. We may not get out of that fight at this point. I do hope one candidate can win. Don’t bother trying to take advantage of the statement by saying Torres should endorse Foster, because we all know it may well be the other way around. Torres received 41% of the general election results against Fabrizi. He is well known and this particular race is Only In Bridgeport.
Mary-Jane Foster got more than the 41% against Bill Finch for mayor.
Park City too, Foster has the Finch votes and support of the business community and elected officials. I would not suggest Torres step out of the race. I fear he will end up on the outside looming in. I hope the city will break for Foster in a few days. I know the momentum is building. Whatever Torres had against Fabrizi is not relevant. That was long ago. Bridgeport is a Democratic city. Democrats and independents will decide this election. If they are not voting for Ganim they are voting for Foster.
Park City too, I know Dennis. He is a very nice guy. I have walked miles with him, when he wasn’t golfing. 🙂 We in the North End are lucky he is involved. We all see politics through different eyes.
And how will you measure this break for Foster? Torres doesn’t loom, he weaves. He spoke about the Dewhirst Dairy on WICC. That is truly the beauty of Bridgeport, its residents of different neighborhoods have deep history and knowledge of what has happened there. Like Ron Mackey and Hector Diaz who made me eat it for saying the Steelpointe area was dangerous. It was homes with families and history. I think that may have begun to change when guns and drugs arrived in the late ’70s. It did for half of my family in the Merril Avenue and Myano Lane “projects” in Stamford back then. We always had a good time, laughter, and I did not know my aunt was poor even though she worked six days a week as a hairdresser. When drugs brought guns, things changed. Peace.
Foster scored her percentage against Finch in a primary, not a general.
Response to post:
Claude Balls // Oct 19, 2015 at 11:54 pm
The Walmart deal is already cast in stone by Wood/Kooris.
If this is true, this is another example (reason) why Finch & Company is going home. Not because of a deal with Walmart. Because of with whom this deal with Walmart was sanctioned. A super Walmart development plan was presented to the City 7 years ago, shortly after Finch got in the first time. The deal was squashed by Finch and Co. The developer was told Seaview Plaza/Old Cartech was not conducive for “big box” retail. Paul Timp actually said to the developer, “good idea, that would work well, as would a CostCo, but it shouldn’t be you.” There is a deep-seated disdain by those in leadership position for Bridgeport people/residents/taxpayers, the true stakeholders, to participate in any meaningful, highly profitable economic development in Bpt. Enough is enough!
Also, a Super Walmart is a gun shop with enough ammo to support a mini-war. You tell me if that would be smart to have. How many hunters are strolling past Seaview Avenue?
I missed the value of this post. That is a great point. People outside Bridgeport seem to always get the development projects in Bridgeport. Paul Timpanelli, for those who do not know, has been heading the business council a long time. I first saw Bill Finch in person in their offices before he became mayor, he worked there, correct me if needed. I also sense a “deep-seated disdain” for Bridgeporters coming from these places. Of course they talk a good game, as long as they have the contracts to pass around. That is why a good look at all departments and the business council needs to occur. That is why Torres, not Finch’s staff providing the backbone of Foster’s team, will put some light on it. Torres alone is the candidate for opening government to public scrutiny. He most definitely will allow this to happen. That’s not to say good things have not happened, but the sense people are not let in on the process has to go.
That’s more the fault of this state’s (and the region’s) policies than UI’s. Was it UI’s fault for Remington, GE, Bridgeport Machine, et al.?
Why wasn’t this on News 12?
OH MY GOD. So you actually are telling us the Economic Development Plan is to move in two major gun dealers to the East Main St. and Stratford/Seaview Avenue areas of town? Or any part of town? And that was planned? Now I admit, I have no knowledge of the plans for the city, as I didn’t before reading this.
I bet a Kevlar vest store at Steel Point would fit right in.
Yes. Exactly! Maybe you and I should get together and run the city with some other smart people. Let’s play politics with real consequences. Two major anchor stores in the Bridgeport Economic Development Plan are Gun Dealers, to be placed in the single most gun-vulnerable areas in Bridgeport. That should galvanize the vote. I see shiny pictures and smiling faces all around me. I don’t think a GUN store is what Chris Taylor has in mind for his grocery store. Walmart is not reducing its footprint nor the yellow lines drawn around the bodies on the ground. Did anyone ask them not to include the gun aisle in this deal? Or was the development team too busy having fancy lunches with Walmart executives to think to ask?
Actually depends on if it is a Superstore/with guns, or regular/without.
I don’t dislike MJF, but voted for Joe in the primary because I was dead set against another Finch term and Ganim offered the best option to unseat him. Now that Finch is out I’m undecided about who I will vote for. I’m really still waiting for MJF to really demonstrate she’s not a snobby Black Rocker whose only claim to fame is she wrote a check to start the Bluefish. Plus, I mean, being a VP at UB doesn’t qualify her to manage a multi-million dollar municipal budget or be responsible for the 150k+ people living in the city.
I don’t dislike Joe Ganim, but I voted for Bill Finch in the primary and now I am supporting Mary-Jane Foster because I am dead set against another Ganim Administration riddled with corruption, greed and Mario Testa. I felt after 11 years of Ganim the people have had enough. I figured after he destroyed the reputation of the city, the city had enough. I figured it took two administrations to wipe away the black eye given to us by Ganim, the people would have learned. They did not. We have two weeks to educate. Joe Ganim has done an amazing job while enjoying $500 bottles of wine, fancy clothes, home enhancements, cash in his pocket to let the little sycophants of Bridgeport think he was one of them–he isn’t a snob, just a wealthy suburbanite who hasn’t paid a dime in taxes to Bridgeport for 15 years. He will meet and greet anyone but always go home to the comfort of his Easton home. Personally, I do not care. I am supporting Foster for the Future of our city.
Brick, if MJF’s experience doesn’t qualify her to manage a multi-million dollar municipal budget, which candidate’s experience meets those qualifications? Surely you don’t mean the man who was convicted of racketeering, extortion and bribery during his time as mayor? For that matter, which past mayor was actually qualified to manage a multi-million budget before his/her first term in office?
Ganim has experience as a past mayor although he had a flood of federal grant dollars to help balance his budgets. Torres has some experience as a council person, but his small business experience is irrelevant. Plus it’s getting cold outside, but until hell freezes over I’m not voting Republican. The other three candidates are a wasted vote since they have no chance of winning so that’s a non-starter. Then every time I think I might consider MJF, some Black Rocker gets all Finchy on me and starts saying “ohhh, look at Ganim! Oh you think the felon is qualified.” I’m open to voting for MJF, but if the only reply I get to a question about her qualification is at least she isn’t a felon, then I’m going to vote Ganim while watching Martha Stewart reruns.
FYI, all this info is on her website.
In addition to her work for the Bluefish, her many years of volunteer work, her law practice, and her position with UB, she logged nine years on the Center for Family Justice Board of Directors, including two years as president and four years as chair of the Investment Committee. Board of Trustees for Quinnipiac University School of Law for seven years, and is a Director of Hudson Valley Bank, where she serves on the Audit Committee. Not too shabby, I think.
Walmart, Bass, is there a huge trailer park development we haven’t been privy to in the works?
The RV parking in the back of the Walmart is the housing component to Steelpointe.
Hector Diaz, I have to admit you made me laugh! Thank you.
Mary-Jane will “hold the line” on taxes by employing the Ganim method, postponing the revaluation for another ten years.
Tax revaluation should not be delayed. It is only helping those living in Black Rock. The East End is being overcharged. Revaluation would require taxes in the East End go down and taxes in Black Rock go up and Mary-Jane knows that. She is listening to Finch. Seaview condos in the East End on Seaview Ave paid $7,400 in taxes four years ago, after appealing and winning the new tax is $3,600 per year. Can you imagine if every homeowner in the East End sued the city for overpayment and forced the revaluation of their taxes? Please do not be fooled by the delay tactic.
I have to admit concerned citizen’s argument seems to make sense. Someone opposed to doing the revaluation in 2016 please explain to me how delaying the reval is fair to the majority of Bridgeporters who live in the East End, East Side, South End, etc. I may be John from Black Rock now but for most of my life I was John from the East Side and this issue is troubling to me.
This is Rick’s top issue. He is the only candidate saying the reval needs to be done right away. However, Black Rock, as anyone there knows, simply cannot go any higher without exploding, people pay $12,000 to $40,000, maybe more in taxes a year there. Some of the homes are the same as those on the East Side as far as style and construction.
You really need to lay off the airplane glue, Steven.
Torres in not for raising taxes, he is dedicated to lowering them for everyone. Under the corrupt Democratic Party machine that has been running Bridgeport into the ground for the past 25 years, taxes have gone up and city services have declined, all the while friends of Mario Testa, Joe Ganim and Bill Finch have landed no-show and “ghost” jobs. The public works department was so fucked up a couple winters ago that streets went unplowed for days. Public safety personnel, firefighters and police officers and doctors and nurses had to leave their cars parked on the street and walk to work. Bill Finch was so grateful for the dedication these men and women showed, he had the unmitigated gall to refer to them as “a bunch of yahoos.” If there weren’t so many friends of Mario’s friends on the fucking payroll there would be a surplus.
Take your cockeyed comment and stick it. The city’s finances are totally, unequivocally fucked up. It is not Rick Torres’s fault. He and John Marshall Lee have been trying, with some success, to untangle it all.
Mary-Jane Foster will only delay the revaluation. That’s her idea of “holding the line on taxes.” Joe Ganim will do the same thing. Not repair the problem, just put it off.
Let’s get this straight, as for the city’s finances and bringing it front and center has been John Marshall Lee, Rick Torres is just a Johnnie come lately.
That’s fine, John Lee championed the opening of the books, they are on the same page.
Actually, the saddest snowstorm story for me, was a young 26 or so year old person with asthma, who was told by the blocked-out ambulance to walk to the end of the street through knee-high snow. The young father died in the middle of the road. There are severe consequences to ineptitude.
Nice Steven, Don’t re-val taxes to let the poor suckers on the East Side, North End, East End, etc. have lower taxes, because Black Rockers may pay more. The re-val is citywide, taxes in Black Rock would also go down if property values went down as they have everywhere. Let’s flip yet another fallacy on its head and have you saying Torres is for the rest of the city and not Black Rock. Fact is, he is the only candidate saying he will LOWER taxes, not just hold the line or no new taxes. On top of that, Black Rockers cannot pay more, because the area would become a ghost town, it is at maximum taxes as is everywhere else. Torres, being the Democrat turned moderate Republican would be looking to cut waste and lower taxes. That is what is to be done. I am not fighting Foster anymore. My message to the Foster campaign is, No to Joe, may the chips fall where they may if Ganim does not win that is good. Torres. For lower taxes, cutting of waste, proven transparency, Bridgeport resident quality of life concerns first, foremost and only. A vote for Torres is a vote to put the people of Bridgeport first.
Park City too, may I say you are a fine spokesmen for Torres.
Rick Torres turned moderate Republican, please, give me a break. He is so far to the right he’s about to fall off the cliff.
What would he do in Bridgeport that is too far right, Mr. Mackey?
Mr. Mackey, I went to a city council debate tonight, Rick was talking tax re-evaluation, saying the poor parts of town needed relief. That it was morally wrong to postpone the reval on the backs of these people. The way it works is the tax rate is based on higher property values, that are not current values. Some areas dropped in half. It is openly said on here that Black Rock voters don’t want this for fear their taxes will go up. As far as I think it has gone, their values will be lower as well. But their property has not gone down quite as far so the cut in tax would be less, but still a cut. Now, if you keep the same budget and try to make up for it, it can’t be done in Black Rock if the mil rate is based on property evaluations and their values are lower. So cutting waste and pulling in the budget is the only simple commonsense thing to do. He will make tax lowering, not maintaining, transparency of government budgets and other activities and cutting excess a priority. A large part of his platform is to fully fund schools, so these areas will be better cared for. Not neglected. He was actually so open with regards to other parts of town, I was surprised. But I think open is the clarion call for Bridgeport. So he is a very moderate Republican, with real, honest concern for helping to support the less well-heeled areas of town. Now if we want a less troubling and somewhat less desperate place to live in, we had better address the needs of the poorer people among us. Poorer in money, anyway.
Land use tax, which councilman Torres alone lobbied the city to apply for, will allow a property trained tax assessor office to tax vacant land owned by big business multi million corporations to be taxed at best use developed fair market value. That is how homeowners taxes will be lowered. And selling All city-owned property not in use. And cutting city department budgets.
“Hold the line on taxes” i.e. don’t hire ANOTHER pothole czar. One will suffice.
Gotta keep that pothole czar employed until the gambling debts are paid off, right?
Hey, hate to dredge up an old article, but Torres pledges to reduce taxes, not just hold the line. Is that worthy of a headline on OIB?